Monday, October 14, 2024


I was looking at my schedule this week, and I started to feel a little overwhelmed. I never thought I’d be this busy again when everything slowed down during the pandemic. I figured that there were some things that would never really happen again. Many of my musician friends got back to work as fast as they could, but I held back because I had liked more time at home. I love to play, and I know I will never completely stop, but something inside me changed as those months wore on in 2020. Though I played online and recorded and played over the Internet for as many of my senior facilities as I could, I just never thought I’d be back with a vengeance to those early times of playing several nights a week. But now I’m suddenly very lucky with requests from all corners to have me play at several venues and many events. It’s a blessing to be sure, but I’m finding that I lack the drive I once had for some of the tunes, and I’m not sure why. Some of it is because I can’t hit the notes I used to reach with my voice and pick the fingerings I used to flow through on the guitar. There are moments when I break through the limitations and have a blast, but I have to work harder to find these. I realize too that I have to make more time for joy and relaxation so that I have the balance that keeps the enthusiasm up. I’ll find my way like always, but it’s worth reflecting for a moment and taking stock. I know we all go through these thoughts, and voicing them lets us share the realization and move forward. I’m just turning the stone over to see different facets.


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities last week, and I enjoyed them all. One of them has a lot of Covid cases now and I’m really hoping they can get through this infection without much pain and suffering. It’s tough watching them go through it.

My Wednesday online show was doing the music of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen, and it was great sharing his music and remembering his life. He wrote some really good songs.

Saturday I played at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival, and it was so much fun seeing all the kids and parents in the pumpkin patch playing and picking out pumpkins and listening to my music. I love playing this event.

Saturday evening I played a 1969-1972 high school reunion for Pueblo Central High, and it was fun doing a lot of the tunes I have recently played for some of my online 1970s shows. They really had a good time.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and I had a great group of friends come out to support me and each other and enjoy some special tunes. I love this group.


What am I up to this week?

I have 11 senior facilities this week, and I know they will all be loads of fun. I’m doing mostly Halloween songs now, and it’s a goofy, spooky time.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be what I call “never done” songs - songs I haven’t ever played for these online shows. This is always a good time playing songs that people don’t know that I have learned and performed. Come on out if you’d like to hear some real gems!

Friday 6-9 I’m playing instrumental tunes at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant again. I have really been enjoying these nights, and I do different songs every time. Come on out if you’d like to hear some first-class noodling!

Saturday night 7-9 I’m playing an online show for Philmont alumni as I do 3 times a year. This is a chance to reminisce with good friends I worked with or who shared the same experiences I did when I was in high school and college at Philmont. Come on out if you’re a Philmont alum!

Sunday 11-2 I’m playing instrumental tunes at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant for brunch. This is such a great venue with very beautiful views. It’s open to the public, and I really recommend calling ahead for a reservation if you’d like to come out!


That’s it for another week. It’s great to be so busy. I just need to take time to breathe occasionally. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of “Never Done” songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, October 16, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Restaurant. 888-994-3156
When:  Friday, October 18, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Philmont songs
Where: and
When:  Saturday, October 19, 7-9 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Restaurant. 888-994-3156
When:  Sunday, October 20, 11 am - 2 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, October 20, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, October 7, 2024


I’m doing a tribute to Kris Kristofferson Wednesday online, and that has me thinking of all the tributes I’ve done and all the musicians who have contributed so much to the lives we all live. I’m always amazed at how a song can affect a person’s life and outlook, and when I think that a song started as just an idea in a songwriter’s head I’m even more amazed. Some songs are contrived to sell, and some songs are a labor of love that has to be expressed. Either way when we hear them they have an impact on us in an almost unexplainable way. And the people who choose to go into music will do it for all kinds of reasons - fame, fortune, love, or just because they are internally compelled to. The ones who are able to make a lifetime career are the ones I usually do tributes to. I respect the effort and resilience they have to keep going even when the business isn’t great for them and they only see the smiles on their audience’s faces. And unfortunately some of the tributes I’ve done have been in remembrance as some musicians have passed. I believe in keeping their music alive even if that music seems irrelevant. A lot of understanding can come from the heart that someone put into a song - even if that song is 20 or 200 years old. So I’ll pay tribute to Kris Kristofferson on Wednesday and many who played with him and celebrated him.


What have I been up to?

I had 7 senior facilities last week, and it was fun starting to play Halloween songs or them. I love these folks.

My Wednesday online show was doing songs about wildlife, and it was creative and fun. I love doing shows where there is some leeway for some surprises. I think the audience really liked it too.

Friday I was at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant in Colorado Springs, and I had a good group of folks to play for. I played the guitar that I have tuned down to a lower pitch, and it makes the instrumental songs I play there have a really interesting quality to them. Several people noticed and gave me compliments. 

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and there were some good ones. We always have a Zoom call before the show, and these are really fun too. You’re always welcome to join in.


What am I up to this week?

I have 9 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to all of them. It’s always an interesting dynamic. They all know that I love and respect them, and that makes it all worthwhile.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the music of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen as I wrote above. Kris was a wonderful songwriter with a touch of heart that belied his gruff persona. So many of his songs speak right to me, and I will do a few songs from the Highwaymen as well to round out the show. Come on out!

Saturday 11-1 I’m playing at the Littleton Museum outside in the pumpkin patch for their Harvest Festival. This is a really fun event that I’ve played for several years now. I’ll be in the tent by the pumpkin patch where families will be picking out their Halloween pumpkins and going for a wagon ride. It’s really cool and a good time. Come on out if you’re in the Denver area!

Saturday evening I’m playing a high school reunion in Pueblo that should be great fun too with all the songs I know from 1967 to 1972. I was made for these kinds of parties.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I know it will be a good night with good requests and great friends. I never have a bad time at these shows. Tune in if you can!


That’s it for this week. The Fall is really coming on now. Jen, Beau and I went for a drive to see the leaves changing in the mountains of southern Colorado last Saturday, and it was beautiful. I can’t say enough how much I love this time of year even as my morning walks with Beau get chillier. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, October 9, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival
Where:  Littleton Museum, 6028 S Gallup St, Littleton, CO, 303-795-3950
When:  Saturday, October 12, 11 am -1 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, October 13, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, September 30, 2024


 My show this Wednesday online will be about wildlife, so I thought I’d share with you a couple reflections on my interaction with wildlife. I’ve spent a lot of time in the outdoors ever since I was a kid hiking in the mountains and generally being outside as much as I can. As little kids we would see bears by the side of the road and deer on hikes. I was too little to remember seeing the grizzlies we saw at Yellowstone. We didn’t see many elk, and we never saw mountain lions although we once heard one scream outside our cabin at 3:00 am. I was one of those kids who watched National Geographic and Mutual of Omaha’s shows on TV always, and there was no lack of fascination with all the details about all the animals I saw. When I worked at Philmont in high school and college I saw a lot of bears - even close up before they tired of us and started to bluff charge. They also had buffaloes (bison) and lots of deer and elk. Over the following years I’ve interacted with skunks and raccoons, badgers and wild horses, and all kinds of other wild animals including birds of prey and lots of reptiles. One of my favorite things in recent years has been reading about the wolves of Yellowstone. And you know that I see coyotes and deer frequently on my sunrise walks with our dog Beau. I revere these wild animals and respect them in the lives they lead. So we’re privileged to still see wildlife often in our lives, and I want to celebrate them.


What have I been up to?

I had 10 senior facilities last week, and they were all marvelous. Only one had Covid masking, so maybe this Fall won’t be so bad as we had thought. I love these folks.

My Wednesday online show was doing the songs of Michael Martin Murphey, and it was so fun revisiting my favorite songs of his. He was such a big part of my early guitar playing and singing. I had a really great audience too with many more folks than I expected.

Saturday at the Rocks Lounge at Garden of the Gods Club was really sweet too. I played outside to a really nice bunch of folks who were so appreciative and engaging. I can’t wait to play there again.

Sunday’s Celebration of Life for Kathy Drozda was very sweet too with warm remembrances and special tunes that she loved. We will miss you, Kathy.

My Sunday online show was very spontaneous with a huge variety of favorites and requests. These Sunday nights never fail to rise and shine.


What am I up to this week?

I have just 7 senior facilities this week since it’s the first week of the month where I never book as many shows. I love these folks, and it’ll be exciting to start doing Halloween songs.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs about wildlife as I wrote above. This will be a lot of fun singing clever songs and telling exciting stories about wildlife and the many meetings everyone has had with them. Come on out if you’re free.

Friday 6-9 I should be at the Grand View Restaurant at Garden of the Gods Club. I haven’t had a confirmation yet. The view is to-die-for at this venue with the Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak in full view. It’s open to the public, so you don’t have to be a member to join, but I really recommend a reservation since it’s usually a long wait if you can get in. 888-994-3156. I think you can sit at the bar if you just want to come in for some music. Come on out! 

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and it’s always an adventure and a pleasure seeing all the friendly faces and playing great tunes. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. It has been a beautiful Fall this year, and we’re hoping to get out to do some leaf-peeping this weekend. I love this time of year! I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Fall songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, October 2, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing

Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Restaurant. 888-994-3156

When:  Friday, October 4, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, October 6, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, September 23, 2024


 My Wednesday online show this week is doing the songs of Michael Martin Murphey, and that has me thinking about my beginnings when I really started to play and sing in the early 1970s because Michael’s songs were some of the first ones I learned. I took lessons on piano as a little kid like so many other kids did and then played clarinet in the elementary school band again like so many other kids did, but I never really felt the music inside me in a way that was engaging and inspiring. At about age 12 I “borrowed” my sister Jane’s ukulele (I still have it - as she often reminds me) and I learned to play it with the Mel Bay book that came with it. I soon started trying to learn songs off records and the radio, and I bought sheet music to a few tunes. Michael Murphey’s “Wildfire” and “Carolina in the Pines” were some of just a handful of sheets I ordered and learned. We had songbooks too, but I soon found that the intricate guitar riffs and melodies weren’t represented in the sheet music or books, so I learned them by experimentation and noodling. Michael and John Denver’s music were some of the main songs I was learning to pick out on the ukulele. The ukulele led me to the baritone ukulele which is tuned like the top 4 strings of a guitar, and by age 15 I had graduated to an acoustic guitar. So you see that Michael made a big impact on me. I had all his albums into the mid-1980s, and even got to run sound for him at a concert at Philmont Scout Ranch in 1983 where we used my PA system that I was using for gigs around northern New Mexico. I’ve since run into Michael many times in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. His music has always expressed some of the things I love in this life. Did his music have an impact on you back in the day too?


What have I been up to?

I had 13 senior facilities last week, and several were wearing masks with Covid outbreaks. That didn’t slow us down though. I did learn that one of my long-time folks at the vets home passed. He will surely be missed.

My Wednesday online show was Fall songs with a couple harvest moon songs thrown in since it was the full harvest moon that night. It was a blast! I love this group.

Friday I was booked at the Grand View Restaurant at the Garden of the Gods Club, but they had a private party booked in that room so they had me play across the street at the golf course at Kissing Camels Grille and Bar to nice group of folks including a music friend who snuck into the members-only venue. It was fun.

Saturday morning I played 1840s and 1850s songs in historic costume the Mercado at El Pueblo Museum in Pueblo during the Chile Festival. That was something I haven’t done in a long time. It was great to see some of the museum folks I haven’t seen since I was musical director for the Song of Pueblo.

Saturday evening I got to see more friends at a Philmont reunion in Colorado Springs where we sang a few songs together and reminisced. That was great!

Sunday I played the Grand View Restaurant at Garden of the God Club for brunch, and that went really well. It’s actually a lot of fun to play instrumental songs and sometimes make up melodic guitar arrangements on the spot of songs I usually sing.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and there were some fun requests and off-the-wall favorites I played to a great group of friends and fans. I love my Munch Bunch.


What am I up to this week?

I have 10 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to every one of them. Hopefully there won’t be more illness striking these places as we get into the cold and flu (and Covid) season.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the songs of Michael Martin Murphey as I wrote above. I love these songs, and I really haven’t done very many of them for several years, so it’ll be great to share them with my online community again.

Saturday 6-9 I’m playing at the Rocks Lounge at the Garden of the Gods Club. This is a members-only venue. I finally get to sing at this venue instead of just doing instrumental music. Singing is really my forte, so it’ll be nice to sing for this gig.

Sunday I’m playing for a celebration of life for my friend Kathy Drozda who was also the sister of my friend Carol Rickman. Their husbands and many friends will also be there to celebrate Kathy, and I’ll be singing a bunch of songs that she loved. Kathy is very missed.

Sunday my online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. I continue to be amazed at the caring and enthusiasm that this group brings to me, my  music, and each other each week. This is such a joy!


That’s it for this week. The Fall is really coming on strong. It was only 41 degrees when I walked Beau this morning. It will warm back up for a few weeks, but I definitely feel the shift in the seasons. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Fall songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, September 25, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing

Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Rocks Lounge. 888-994-3156

When:  Saturday, September 28, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, September 29, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, September 16, 2024


Fall officially starts this week, and it feels like it’s right on time. I’m ready for it. I often say that Fall is my favorite season of the year. I think that’s true although I definitely have had some very memorable times in other seasons. Life is so full of high points. Fall is the season where I feel most at home though with things slowing down a bit, the temperatures cooling off some, and contemplation the most prevalent in my life. Who doesn’t love the changing of the leaves and the quality of Fall light? It does always arrive with a bit of melancholy though that I can’t deny. I often lament that the songs of Fall are sadder, and they are. I tend to shy away from these sadder songs when I play a show full of Fall songs because I see the effect on my audience. I don’t mind them myself, but I find that people don’t like that old cathartic group experience that the Greeks so embraced with their tragic plays. But sometimes I wish that we would reflect on all aspects of our lives with gratitude and contentment. There is so much beauty in the Fall of the year just like there is beauty in the Fall of life. There is wisdom and understanding gained from the newness of Spring and the craziness of summer. I really love this and cherish this. I see the same grace and stateliness in a beautifully-colored tree as I see in the softly-chiseled lines of a friend’s face in their 60s. It’s all part of a life well-lived on this wonderful planet. So celebrate Fall with me.


What have I been up to?

I had 7 seniors facilities that I failed to write about last week. They all went so well even though at least a couple had Covid outbreaks that caused all the staff to wear masks. I don’t mind singing in a mask even though some singers don’t like them. It took a little while to get used to, but I find that the mask actually helps my throat since it holds in moisture, and the mask doesn’t come off my nose if I tuck it under my glasses. It’s worth it for these folks anyway.

Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo on Wednesday was a blast, and I got to play for so many folks that I see at my facilities as well as many friends. I even got to walk around the zoo a bit afterwards to see the animals! Big thanks to the zoo folks and sponsors and everyone who came out.

My Wednesday online show was British Invasion songs again, and we had a blast reminiscing about the ‘60s and all the songs we loved. I have such a great group of folks who tune in to these shows.

Friday at the Pueblo Riverwalk was great fun too. It was a little warm, but it cooled off pretty quickly and became a perfect evening. I had a nice crowd of old friends and new folks with families, and my voice and fingers cooperated and brought the songs out sweetly.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and it was special just like always. I get such a good group of folks who share themselves and their requests.


What am I up to this week?

I have 13 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to all of them. The relationships I have with these folks is something I treasure.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs of Fall as I wrote of above. I’ll try to stay away from the more melancholy songs. There are some really cool songs including a couple new ones that have been requested. Send me your request as well, and then tune in and we’ll celebrate Fall together!

Friday night 6-9 I’m back at the Grand View Restaurant at the Garden of the Gods Club in Colorado Springs. This is an instrumental guitar evening, and I’m getting accustomed to playing instrumentals for these gigs. I think I wrote before that I started these gigs by just playing instrumental songs I knew, but now I play any song that I know and can make an arrangement of on the fly. It’s so much fun, and part of the fun is watching the audience recognize the song and react in the moment. Come on out for an upscale dinner if you’re in the area.

Saturday 10-12 I’m playing in period costume at El Pueblo Museum for their annual Mercado celebration that is always held during the Chile Festival in Pueblo. I’ll be in my old mountain man leggings and moccasins with my 1870s guitar playing tunes from the founding decade of Pueblo. I haven’t done this in a few years, and I’m really looking forward to it! Come on out and visit the Chile Festival that morning.

Saturday evening I have a Philmont reunion in Colorado Springs that I’m looking forward to as well. These are some good folks, and we’ll have a fine time.

Sunday 11-2 I’m at the Grand View Restaurant again at the Garden of the Gods Club to play instrumental songs for brunch. The views of Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak are to-die-for at this venue, and I’d love to have you in the audience if you’d like an upscale brunch in a beautiful place.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests once again, and I know it’ll be a fine time with my stellar online audience. We’ll play any Fall songs we didn’t get to play on Wednesday plus whatever other songs folks want to hear. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. My schedule still hasn’t slowed down since summer, and I’m loving the variety of places I’m getting to play and the faces I’m getting to see. I hope you are well and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Fall songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, September 18, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing

Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Room. 888-994-3156

When:  Friday, September 20, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing in costume

Where:  El Pueblo Museum, 301 North Union, Pueblo

When:  Saturday, September 21, 10 am - 12 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing

Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Room. 888-994-3156

When:  Sunday, September 22, 11 am - 2 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, September 22, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, September 9, 2024

Senior Safari

I’m playing at the Pueblo Zoo Wednesday for Senior Safari which I have been playing for since 2001, and I thought I’d tell you a little bit about it. Senior Safari is part of a free week at the zoo for seniors, and the highlight is Wednesday when they have volunteers bring animals to show, me to play and sing, local vendors bring donuts and pizza, and the zoo puts on bingo. It’s all sponsored by different healthcare facilities and services in the community with the zoo. The highlight for me is that the majority of facilities I play for bring out their folks, and it turns into a big party of all my favorite people including many senior friends from the community. It’s a grand confluence that is so much fun! I often write about how much these folks mean to me, and I always say that I get as much from the folks as I give. It’s so true. Plugging into a community that needs and appreciates what music does for them is the most a musician can ask for. That is purpose with a capital “P”. I hope you have that kind of connection in your life too. 


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities last week although one was cancelled because they have been bought out by a new company that doesn’t put entertainment in their budget. Hopefully we can work something out. I feel badly for the folks there.

My Wednesday online show was doing songs for the British Invasion of the 1960s, and it was so much fun that we’ll do more British Invasion songs this week. It was just a very dynamic time of music in America and the world.

The end-of-season party Thursday at the Yellow Pine was cancelled due to the cold and rain that swept into the Cuchara valley that day. It would have only been 41 degrees in the old barn, and I think we all would have been miserable. I’ll miss seeing those folks for the winter, but next summer will be all that much sweeter.

Friday night I played instrumental songs at the Grand View Restaurant at the Garden of the Gods Club in Colorado Springs, and it went very well. This time out I played instrumental versions of songs I usually sing instead of trying to just do songs that are known instrumentals. It was a lot of fun creating arrangements on the fly, and I got so many compliments.

Sunday I played for a church picnic that was a lot of fun before I played for Grandparents Day at one of my senior facilities. They both went very well.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and I got some great requests as well as doing some favorites for the Fall. I’ll do a Fall show in a couple weeks.


What am I up to this week?

Wednesday 10:30-1 I’m playing the Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo in the Mandari Pavilion as I wrote above. This is always a blast, and it’s part of the free week at the zoo for all seniors. If that’s you then come on out!

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs from the British Invasion again. I have a least 150 songs on my list for this event, so there are a bunch more great songs we can do. Come on out and relive those songs and memories .

Friday I’m playing at the Pueblo Riverwalk at the east end near the fountain on what they call the Gateway Plaza Stage. I always like playing at the Riverwalk, and it’s a great place to do live music. Come on out!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and it’s usually the most rewarding evening of music and friendship I have. You’re always welcome!


That’s it for this week. I have several fun things coming up this Fall, so checkout my calendar on my website or stay tuned here. I hope you are hearty and happy.




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and signing for Senior Safari
Where:  Pueblo Zoo Mandari Pavilion
When:  Wednesday, September 11, 10:30-1 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of British Invasion songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, September 11, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing at the Pueblo Riverwalk
Where:  Dodge Gateway Plaza Stage (east end of Riverwalk)
When:  Friday, September 13, 6-7:30 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, September 15, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, September 2, 2024

British Invasion

I’m thinking today of the British Invasion of the 1960s in the music business. Britain had gone through so much during World War II, and the kids of that generation were really struggling to find a way to express the angst and troubles they experienced. Somehow they found American blues music mixed in with all the other genres of music they were exposed to as well as what was called skiffle music in Britain. They mixed this together and came up with their own music as well as blues covers. When they began to record this music and released it in the USA it was a hit. American kids were looking for something different that continued the passion of the rock ’n’ roll of the 1950s, and the long-haired driving music coming out of Britain fit the bill perfectly. The Beatles appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show in early 1964 after their first releases went number 1, and that opened the floodgates for Peter and Gordon, The Animals, The Kinks, The Zombies, The Dave Clark Five, The Rolling Stones, and so many more. I heard this in our house mixed with folk music, Motown, and everything else that my brother and sisters played, and I was smitten too. The creativity of the new music as well as the covers of blues tunes and American music that the British bands re-introduced to American kids was powerful, and it spoke to the 1960s like nothing else could. I hope you were swept away by it too or have since gone back to immerse yourself in this wonderful music.


What have I been up to?

I had 10 senior facilities last week, and they all went so well. You know that I get as much from them as the folks get. They are always so welcoming and genuine.

My Wednesday online show was songs about friends and friendship, and it was a very sweet time with some great songs. The audience was really into it as well.

The funeral I played on Saturday was very nice and meaningful too with several friends that I didn’t know I had in common with the lovely woman who had passed. It’s amazing how funerals bring friends together. RIP, Millie.

My concert at the La Veta Pines RV Park on Saturday night was such a good time. It was a perfect evening, and everything came together to make a night I’ll remember for a long time. I had a large and very enthusiastic crowd. Big thanks to Greg and Lisa and everyone who came.

My Sunday online show was full of great requests and friends. I’m always amazed at how these Sunday nights come together with everyone supporting each other and my music.


What am I up to this week?

I have 9 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to every one of them including one that is a fair for the residents and one that is an afternoon for Grandparents Day. These should be a lot of fun.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs from the British Invasion that I wrote about above. There are so many great songs, so I’m betting we’ll probably do next Wednesday with the same theme. Come on out!

Thursday I’ll play the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch in Cuchara 6:30-8 for the end-of-season “Appetizers and Alcohol” or “Charcuterie and Cabernet” party in the old barn. This is a free event where you bring an appetizer to share and whatever beverage you’d like to drink. It’s always a great time, and if you missed coming to the barbecues this summer this is the last chance to enjoy the Yellow Pine with my music for the season. Come on out!

Friday night I may be playing instrumental music 6-9 at the Garden of the Gods Club in Colorado Springs in the Grand View Restaurant. We are still trying to finalize the schedule as I write this. I’m closing cabins with my family on Saturday, so I’m not sure this will work out timing-wise with an early Saturday morning in New Mexico.

Sunday I’m playing for a church picnic at the zoo before I play for Grandparents Day, so that should be a lot of fun.

Sunday evening my online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests was always, and I’m looking forward to it! It’s always a good time with good folks. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. It will be a busy one. I hope you’re having a good Labor Day, and that you’re well and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of British Invasion songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, September 4, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing & singing at the end-of-season party

Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528

When:  Thursday, September 5, 6:30-8:00 pm

POSSIBLE GIG - message me to confirm if you want to come

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing

Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Room. 888-994-3156

When:  Friday, September 6, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, September 8, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, August 26, 2024


I just left my 45th high school reunion, and it was the first high school reunion I have attended. There was a lot of reminiscing, and of course I remembered a lot of things I have long forgotten. It was great to reconnect with so many people. The most cherished conversations were with those I grew up with from kindergarten all the way through high school. Between all of us talking we remembered so many deep memories. It was pretty special, and I’m surprised how strong those shared memories are and how much they affect us to this day. One of the highlights was hearing a friend sing a song she wrote for our class that became our class song. She was the person I wrote about last week who I was in a band with. We did get to play some songs together too, and that was great! Of course I have been to other reunions for groups I have been part of, but there was a sweetness and innocence to this one that went all the way back to those early days when none of us had an inkling of what the world was about. I’ve never reconnected with those times in this way before. I’ll cherish this reunion especially for that. I also had a great time reminiscing about a trip I took with a choir and concert band that did a European tour based from our high school and schools from Kansas during my junior summer that several of us went on. That was very cool as well. Such a good time! I hope you’ve been able to make connections at a reunion like this. It was very worthwhile!


What have I been up to?

I had 10 senior facilities last week, and they were all wonderful. One was requiring masks with a Covid outbreak, so again we’re reminded that this virus is with us for the long term. No one was extremely ill thankfully. 

My Wednesday online show was doing songs about fairs, and there were so many great songs to sing about this event that is always so much fun. I think the audience enjoyed them as much as I did. 

My Sunday online show was wonderful too. I say it often, but having a musical community that is supportive of me and each other is so gratifying. 


What am I up to this week?

I have 10 senior facilities this week, and I know I will enjoy sharing music and humor with all of them. Music touches folks in such a meaningful way. 

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs about friends and friendship to go along with my reunion experience over last weekend. There are so many fantastic songs about this theme. Come on out!

Saturday I have a funeral for one of my senior facility folks who made it to 100 just before she passed. She was a very sweet and generous person, and I am honored to get to sing for her service. 

Saturday night 7-9 I’m playing a concert at La Veta Pines RV Park in La Veta, Colorado. They have a very nice outdoor stage, and I have played many memorable shows there. I’d love to have you there if you’re anywhere in southern Colorado on Saturday. Bring a jacket and a chair. 

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and you know how much I love doing this show. It’s always a great time, and I’d love to have you there if you can!


That’s it for this week. I have such a warm glow from the reunion, and I hope you have a wonderful week. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of friend songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, August 28, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an outdoor concert - BYO chair and jacket
Where:  La Veta Pines RV Park 226 W. Grand Avenue, La Veta. 719-742-3252
When:  Saturday, August 31, 7-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, September 1, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, August 19, 2024


The state fair is about to start here in Colorado, and that has me thinking about all the fairs I’ve been to and played at over the years and the excitement that always surrounds them. I think the first time I went to a fair was either a state fair as a kid or a community fair near our neighborhood. There was such a buzz about the fun we would have and the things we would see. At the state fair there were the animals and the music and the food in addition to the produce and the arts and crafts and farm implements. It was just fun to walk around the grounds and see all the people and feel the energy. It seems that some fairs had rides that I remember thrilling to or getting a bit queasy during. Of course there was food there that would make you queasy if you ate too much of it. Some fairs were simple events with local crafts and food and maybe a dunk tank. It was just fun to be outdoors enjoying the enthusiasm all around me. I’ve even enjoyed reading in some of my fiction books about fairs with their bright costumes and interesting novelties. There is just something magical and sometimes even mysterious about a fair and all the people and things you see. And when I have gotten to play at them as a musician on a stage or as part of a band for a dance I have been able to be a part of creating the magic as well. Solo I have played a set or two in many situations where I got to rise to the occasion and ride the wave of joy that the fair creates. As part of a band I got to create the dance rhythms that drove folks to exhaustion and bliss with their partner on the dance floor. I have so many good memories. Briefly one of my favorites was at the Kiowa County Fair in Eads, Colorado, where as our band started to play there was no one in the big dance building. The organizer said to not worry that everyone would come in when they heard the music start. They were right - as we started to play a thundering herd of folks from across the road in the parking lot ran onto the dance floor and began to dance their hearts out. Turns out there was no drinking allowed in the fairgrounds, but they could drink in the parking lot. At every break they would exit to the parking lot and then come back when they heard us start again. It was a wild night. I have so many stories like that, but I’ll close for now. Come on out on Wednesday when I play songs that remind me of this energy and the fun I’ve had at so many fairs.


What have I been up to?

I forgot to write about my senior facilities in last week’s blog. I had 10 facilities, and I loved playing at every one. I say it all the time, but it is an honor and a privilege to play for these folks.

Tuesday evening I played for a women’s group in Cuchara, Colorado, called Cuchara Hermosa that was an evening of appetizers and music on the deck of the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch. It was a wonderful evening. Unfortunately the wind picked up before we were done so we finished a little early, but I know everyone had a splendid time.

My Wednesday online show was garden songs, and there were some good ones about so many topics around gardens. You can watch the replay if you’re so inclined on my Facebook page or my website online concert page 

Friday night I played a dance with my good friend Dennis Mills at the Cuchara Community Center that was just too much fun. I was full of beans for some reason, and I put so much energy out that I thought I would burst. It was so much fun!

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and it turned out to be a very fine time as always. I don’t know how these nights can continuously become more special. There are so many great moments with so much friendship.


What am I up to the week?

I have 10 senior facilities this week, and I know there will be many sweet moments at these shows. I love playing for these folks.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs about the fair as I wrote above. This show will have some great diversity and excitement as we explore all that is the fair. Come on out!

This weekend is my 45th high school reunion, and even though I’ve paid for a reunion before I’ve never been to one. I’m so looking forward to it! I know there will be several folks I’ll spend time with - one is a friend I even played in a band with, and we plan to play at least a couple songs together. I’ll tell you how it went next week.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I’ll be getting back to town just in time to play for it so you know I’ll have some good energy and stories to share. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. I hope you’ve been able to go to a fair this year or have some good memories of fairs you’ve been to in days gone by. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of fair songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, August 21, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, August 25, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, August 12, 2024


It’s the time of year when gardens are really producing their bounty, and although Jen and I don’t have a garden this year, we have been eating fresh produce every chance we get. There is something wonderful about a juicy apple picked off the tree, a tangy berry pulled off the bush, or a rich tomato plucked off the plant. You can actually taste the earth and sun and even the love and care that went into growing it. And if you grew it yourself you appreciate it even more. It plugs you into the earth in a way that makes you understand how connected we are to the earth. It helps you see how a small seed can make a healthy plant or a giant tree. Gardens are just that special. So this week I’ll do songs about everything garden - from songs about gardens to songs about produce to philosophical gardens. It’ll be a blast!


What have I been up to?

I had 8 senior facilities last week, and they were all enjoyable.  It is so much to pick a theme and take folks on a little musical ride or do a special request that makes someone’s day. 

My Wednesday online show was the music of Fleetwood Mac and the Doobie Brothers. There were some great tunes, and it was so much fun finding arrangements that I could do for each song and bringing the essence of each song to the audience. Everyone seemed to enjoy it so much.

Thursday was the final barbecue of the season at the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, and it was a full house. I will surely miss the old barn and the great folks up there all winter long.

Sunday I played the brunch at the Garden of the Gods Club in Colorado Springs. I played just instrumentals as they requested which is a challenge for me, but there were some surprises and some winks and nods from the guests that let me know I was connecting with them even without my singing.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and it was another spontaneous show of tunes since I was so busy this weekend that I didn’t have time to prepare favorites for my regulars. It’s always a good time.


What am I up to this week?

Tuesday evening 6-8 I’m playing for the Cuchara Hermosa group in Cuchara, Colorado, for a deck party that they are inviting locals to. It’s a bring-your-own appetizer and beverage to the main house at the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch. It’s one of the prettiest places in the whole valley, and if you’re in the area they encourage you to come.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be garden songs as I wrote above. I know there will be a wide variety of songs, and I think it’ll turn into a really fun night. Tune in if you can!

Friday night 7-10 I’ll be playing a dance with my friend Dennis Mills on bass and vocals at the Cuchara Community Center in Cuchara, Colorado. It’s a free dance with donations to the community recreation program accepted, and it’s always a hoot! Dennis and I really bring the energy, and everyone dances and has a great time. Come on out if you’re in the area!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I expect it will be a rousing time. The group of folks who come out to listen online are so supportive of me and each other, and it is just a fine community. You’re always welcome to join in!


That’s it for this week. The season is winding up with a bang, and I’m enjoying it so much. I hope you’re well and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing for the Cuchara Hermosa folks and locals
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch main house deck, Cuchara
When:  Tuesday, August 13, 6-8 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of garden songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, August 14, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing a dance with Dennis Mills
Where:  Cuchara Community Center (just south of the main street next to the chapel)
When:  Friday, August 16, 7-10 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, August 18, 7-8:45 pm mountain time