Monday, September 30, 2019


I’ve been wanting to write about love for years, and I think I’m in the right frame of mind tonight to do it. What really is love? Is it just a feeling between two people? I believe it’s much more. It is a feeling, but it’s also a force that permeates everything from religion to music to all the world. We often hear that God is  love. Does it go around the other way as well? Maybe love is God. Maybe the drive for good and peaceful existence and respect is love and God at the same time. What if the force that keeps the stars in place and our hearts beating that science and religion explains is love? Somewhere down deep I feel that everything is really quite simple, and when we truly understand it will all become clear. In my quietest moments enjoying a sunrise or caressing our cat Tuzi I feel this simple truth that is all encompassing. Love is all there is - just love.


What have I been up to?

Last Thursday I played a reception at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center that was a lot of fun. It was the closing of their exhibit of hyper-realistic paintings of cars and motorcycles, so I did a bunch of car and motorcycle songs. Very cool.

The weekend I took off to close mountain cabins for the winter. It was great to get a couple more days in the mountains with family before the snow flies.


What am I up to this week?

Friday 6-9 I’m back at Bistoro for our first-Friday monthly outing of good food, good friends, and good music. I always look forward to this! Make reservations now if you’d like to be a part of it - 719-696-9672.

Saturday 7-9 I’m playing the last tribute concert to the late, great Chuck Pyle at Swallow Hill in Denver.  It has been a thrill and an honor to celebrate my old friend for these last three annual tributes, and I’m sure this show will be especially wonderful. Chuck’s music had a rare touch that I’d love for you to hear. Tickets are still available.

Sunday 7-9 after La Veta Oktoberfest I’m playing a really cool concert at the La Veta Mercantile with Gordon Close and Richard Blanchard and their duo “Close N Counter” which promises to be really special. Gordon and Richard play very cool instrumental guitar arrangements of songs in the tradition of Chet Atkins and other great fingerstyle guitarists. I’ll be doing some of my standards and folk songs for my part of the concert, they’ll do their thing, and then we’ll come together for several compelling collaborations to wrap up the show. I’d love to have you there if you’re up for a beautiful night of music. 719-742-3387

Sunday I won’t be doing my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert since I’m doing the concert in La Veta. I’ll be doing that on the second Sunday of October on the 13th from 7-8ish MDT, and it’ll be on Facebook at


That’s it for this week. I’m still mulling over what love really is. I know it sounds a little wacky, but I do believe it’s the force that permeates our lives and moves the universe.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When:  Friday, October 4, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch and a host of great players
What:  playing the final tribute concert to Chuck Pyle
Where:  Swallow Hill, 71 E. Yale Ave., Denver, CO
When:  Saturday, October 5, 7:00 pm

Who:  Tom Munch and Close N Counter
What:  playing a concert
Where:  La Veta Mercantile (The Merc), 300 South Main Street, La Veta 719-742-3387
When:  Sunday, October 6, 7-9 pm

Monday, September 23, 2019


I’m still watching and reflecting on the PBS documentary about country music, and a recurring theme among stars is their self-destructive habits. So many of them have trouble handling the stress of the road or the complications of stardom, and for some it leads to alcohol or drugs or bad behavior. It’s a problem that plagues most societies. I sometimes feel a little self-destructive myself. Exhaustion or self pity or conflict can turn into a desire to throw it all away with bad behavior or indulgence. This seems to come from forgetting why I’m here or allowing myself to be separated from my spiritual senses. It’s part of the reason I try to build in wonder in my life - in beauty, in nature, in music, in friendships. All these things help me to keep self-destruction in check. It’s another facet of the love versus fear conundrum I often mention. Fear drives destruction, and loves drive peace and purpose. This life sure gets complicated when, in truth, it is so simple. What do you think?


What have I been up to?

Wednesday was great fun at the Pueblo Zoo playing for Senior Discovery Days. It wasn’t the big blowout that the previous Senior Safari had become, but it was a great group of folks.

Friday was the concert for the Good Sam’s folks, and the theme was “Pioneer Spirit,” so I did a bunch of old pioneer songs which was so much fun.

Saturday was a Philmont reunion where I had such a good time seeing old friends, sharing Oktoberfest food and beer, and singing a few songs.


What am I up to this week?

I just have one public gig on Thursday when I play for the Sangre De Cristo Arts Center from 5:30 to 7:30 for the final celebration of their Luster Exhibition. This exhibition features spectacular artwork on cars and motorcycles. It’s pretty cool. Come on out.

The weekend I’ll be back to the mountains to close up our family cabins for the year.


That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy the beautiful Fall season.




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for the final celebration of the Luster Exhibition BY INVITATION ONLY
Where:  Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center, 210 N Santa Fe, Pueblo 719-543-0130
When:  Thursday, September 26, 5:30-7:30 pm

Monday, September 16, 2019

Country Music

I watched Part 1 of the Ken Burns documentary on country music Sunday night, and I was surprised at my reaction. The premise of the first episode was this - that country music came out of the confluence of black and white music and culture as well as the mixing of three instruments from Europe and Africa: violin (fiddle), banjo, and guitar. It was very interesting and well done. There was a lot of fine detail, and there were stories about many musicians that were fascinating. But many of the early country musicians defied classification, and that’s what I really took from the show. They may have been the musicians that modern country musicians deem as the founders of the genre, but they were playing what I would call folk, cowboy, blues, and jazz music. That made me think of the music I play. I have always called my music “southwest folk jazz,” but it’s really a combination of all of the music that has influenced me. I play all of those styles and more. It’s what speaks to me and lets me express what I hold inside. Of course, my music is heavily influenced by the capabilities and voice of the guitar, but the guitar is so full-voiced and versatile that the sky really is the limit. I’m a product of this rich heritage just like country music. I highly recommend the documentary so far. It’s airing on PBS for the next two weeks.


What have I been up to?

Last Thursday was a fun party for a chili cook-off with old friends that was great fun.

Friday was a private party for friends in La Veta that went by way too fast. Part of the audience was even a couple does and their fawns!

The weekend was a couple beautiful days in the mountains where I got some unbelievable sunrise pictures that I posted on Facebook.


What’s up this week!

This week I have more private events.

Friday is a concert for the Good Sams group. I’ve played for these folks all over Colorado, and I always love their warmth and enthusiasm.

Saturday is a Philmont reunion in Colorado Springs that is always a good time.


That’s it for this week. Again I have a lot of public gigs coming up if you’re out and about. October 4th is Bistoro in Pueblo. October 5th is the Chuck Pyle tribute concert in Denver. October 6th is the concert at the Merc with Close N Counter in La Veta. October 12th is the Harvest Festival at Littleton Museum in Denver. October 13th is Cuchara Chapel and my online concert on Facebook. October 19th is the Windsor Hotel in Del Norte. October 26th is the concert at Wildwood Sounds in Del Norte. Whew! Very full schedule coming up, but I’m sure there’s always room for more.




No details this week. My gigs are both private.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Knowing When

I’m switching gears as I transition from one season to the next, and this always put me a little at sea. I’m not the kind of guy who ever plans too far in the future. I have always thought that people and situations come into your life for a reason, and so I have figured it was good to have some flexibility. But knowing when to wrap something up and when to seek change needs to be part of that flexibility as well. Sometimes I can visualize what I want next, but this time I think I just need to meditate and let things simmer. I’ve been reading a lot about following our inner-guidance system. I haven’t quite learned how to do that well, but I’ll let you know what I figure out. Life is certainly interesting and engaging, and I cherish every moment. Thank you for coming along for the ride!


What have I been up to?

Monday was the last day of the season at the Royal Gorge Bridge, and it was a doozy. I shared the stage and swapped songs with Daniel Market, doing mostly folk tunes and originals. It was a blast!

Thursday was the season-closing party at the Yellow Pine, and it was wonderful. There were lots of good folks dancing, eating, drinking, and sharing friendship. It was a night to remember.

Friday was a busy night at Bistoro with new and old friends enjoying the vibe. It was a very nice night.

Sunday was the first service of the winter season at Cuchara Chapel, and we talked about change and did a little tribute to my friend Oleta who passed 3 weeks go. I love these Cuchara folks, and they love me right back.


What am I up to this week?

Thursday is a fall chili cook-off at one of my nursing facilities, and it will be great fun because I get to play with my old friends Dennis Heid and Rich Clark.

Friday is a family party for good friends in La Veta that will most likely turn into an old-fashioned sing-along or maybe even a hootenanny. I can’t wait!

On the weekend I hope to get to the mountains for a little R&R.


Down the Road

I have several things coming up I want to mention. I’m going to have to move my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert next month because I’m playing a special concert at the La Veta Mercantile from 7-9 on Sunday, October 6th. I’m uniting with the duo Close N Counter for an evening of instrumental and vocal music that should be really interesting and fun. Gordon Close and Richard Blanchard of Close N Counter play instrumental guitar versions of a lot of classic guitar tunes and old favorites. They played a concert at the Merc in the summer of 2018 that folks really enjoyed, and when they asked me if I’d like to do a show with them I said “Yes!” We plan to split the first set with me doing more of jazz and folk songs I do, and then we’ll get together after intermission to share some cool arrangements of both of our songs. You can get tickets from the La Veta Mercantile or on their Facebook page shortly.

As a result of having the Close N Counter show on the first Sunday of October I’m going to move my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert to the second Sunday of October. We’ll be doing this as a Facebook Live event also since Concert Window has closed down. I’ll probably do a test this month to make sure Facebook will work well for these shows.

That first weekend of October on Saturday the 5th I’ll also be playing at Swallow Hill Daniels Hall in Denver for the Chuck Pyle Tribute Concert once again. I have really enjoyed being a part of these shows the past three years since Chuck's passing in 2015, and I highly recommend them if you’re in the Denver area. Chuck’s music is really special, and the performers come together at this show to really put on a whiz-bang concert in his honor.

Then I’m back in Littleton that next Saturday the 12th to play the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival from 11:30-1:30. I have loved playing at the museum the past couple Christmas seasons, and this should be great fun as well. Come on out if you’re in the area.

On the 19th of October I’m trekking over to Del Norte to play at the Windsor Hotel from 6-9 on their beautiful patio. The Windsor is a classic hotel with beautiful amenities, and it would make a wonderful weekend getaway for anyone.

Lastly the 26th of October 7-9 I’m playing a concert with my friend Daniel Market in Del Norte at Wildwood Sounds. This is a top-notch concert venue where I’ve wanted to play for many years.


I’d better close. This is one of the longest updates I’ve put out in years. If you made it all the way to the end I thank you. Be good to each other, and let me know your thoughts on how you know when to make changes.

Best always,



No details this week. My gigs are both private.

Monday, September 2, 2019


I’m checking in with myself this morning, and normally I feel a burning ball of light and enthusiasm at my core, but this morning this is an overwhelming dullness and heaviness. I’m not sure what I can attribute this to. Yes, I’m still a little tired from probably not getting great sleep, and yes, I am facing a very hot day of work outside which is always draining. But there’s something more. Maybe I’m psychically picking up on the combined worries about the hurricane bearing down on friends in Florida. Maybe I’m feeling the end of the summer season. As I write I can feel it beginning to change as I try to figure it out, and it seems to be waning. Yes, now it’s mostly gone. I think we all feel these things sometimes. My ever-present peace of knowing that everything will be okay buoys me up, but letting myself feel the waves of life passing under and over me is okay too. This life is always changing, and although I am an old soul at my essence, I love to feel the swirl of life around me that I can interact with. I am here to feel these things and write about them and express them in ways that others can also feel. It’s a privilege and a joy! Pretty heavy introspection, but what else would you expect from me. 😃 Have a great Labor Day!


What have I been up to?

Last Monday and Friday were beautiful days playing at the Royal Gorge Bridge. Monday Dennis Mills and I played, and Friday we were joined by Daniel Market. We were also joined by the bighorn sheep herd that grazed by us most of the day. We were swapping tunes and having a generally great time.

Sunday was my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert, and I played a mixture of originals, tribute songs to my friend Oleta, and some hippy love songs that feel right more and more each day.

Fun week!


What am I up to this week?

Monday 12:30-4:30 is the last music day of the season at the Royal Gorge Bridge. Daniel Market is joining me again to swap some tunes, and I think Dennis Mills will back us up on bass again. It should be a fun Labor Day although it’s supposed to be pretty hot. Come on out if you’re up for an afternoon of music and beautiful sights.

Thursday 6:30-8:30 I’m playing the last hurrah of the season at the Yellow Pine as we do our A&W (Appetizers and Wine) Party. It’s a free event where you bring-your-own beverage with an appetizer to share in the historic barn. I’m really looking forward to it! Come on up to the mountains if you’re looking for a relaxing evening of friends and music.

Friday 6-9 I’m back at Bistoro for our First-Friday dinner and music evening in Pueblo. This is always a special night of good food and drink, good friends, and my music in the sweet atmosphere that Bistoro puts down. Call 719-696-9672 for reservations. It fills up fast.

Sunday 10:30-11:30 I’m starting the non-summer season at the Cuchara Chapel. I lead the music and do special songs once a month for the chapel services with my good friend Eileen Ramsey speaking at this cute little mountain chapel. It’s an opportunity to express my spirituality, and I’ve been writing songs for these services that will be included on my upcoming Love album. I’d love to have you there if you’re looking for a beautiful spot to have a little inspiration. I’ll be doing another song in tribute to my friend Oleta who lived nearby in La Veta.


That’s it for this week. I’m still feeling a little groggy and apprehensive about the hurricane and the hot day ahead, but I know it will all work out. Be good to each other, and I hope to see you down the road - maybe this week!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch and Daniel Market
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge Bridge on the big stage
When: Monday, September 2, 12:30-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the A&W Party
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, September 5, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When:  Friday, September 6, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for chapel service
Where:  Cuchara Chapel, 16400 CO Hwy 12, Cuchara, CO
When:  Sunday, September 8, 10:30 am