Monday, December 28, 2020


When I was walking this morning with Beau before the sunrise I was overwhelmed once again by a feeling of oneness with the earth and sky and everything in it. This happens to me quite often. It’s one of the reasons I like to get up early and walk when everything is quiet and peaceful. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again - I think we really are one with everything down at the quantum level, and this includes our consciousness. This is something that feels very concrete to me and not woo-woo in any way. It’s something I’ve felt over and over since I was a small child. It’s why I wasn’t afraid when I was in a house being struck by a tornado when I was a teenager. It’s why I didn’t panic when I couldn’t open my eyes for a day when I was deep in the woods and had to be guided down to a doctor who could administer anesthesia and antibiotics to my damaged eyes. It’s why I have felt comfort even when loved ones died. It’s why I feel peaceful whenever I find chaos all around me. I just feel an overwhelming oneness in a way that lets me know that when bad things happen I am ultimately okay no matter where I end up - even if it’s in death. I know it may sound crazy to you, but it’s what I’ve always felt deep in my bones. Do you ever feel this way?


What have I been up to?

Thursday playing for the Christmas-Eve Cuchara Chapel service was a lot of fun. I had several folks from some of our weekly concerts join in as well.

Saturday my show for Philmont folks was great too. It’s such a wonderful thing to get together with old friends whom you have shared meaningful experiences with. Many reunions are like this. 

Sunday my online show was an amazing experience! The energy was electric, and everyone felt warmth and friendship with the music and camaraderie. These Sunday-night events are taking on a life of their own. I played several different small guitars that don’t see much use, and each one spoke it’s little voice of truth to boost the evening. 


What am I up to this week?

I’ll be recording some shows for my senior facilities this week for January. I think I’ve finally settled into a new reality since I can’t see any of these folks in person - even outdoors now. I haven’t made any contacts with the national facilities yet, but I’d still like to do that as well if any of them can use my services. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature party music for New Year’s Eve. I’ll even break out the electric guitars to do some old rock and country tunes. It should be quite a night. I’d love to have you if you’d like a celebratory evening in the safety of your own home with my music. 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time is my favorites and requests show. I haven’t looked at all the requests that came in from last night’s show, but we’ve been having some really great suggestions lately. As always I’d love to have you in my audience. We have such an accepting and genuine group of folks, and there’s always something special that happens on these evenings. 


That’s it for this week. I hope that you can send out 2020 with a bang and welcome in 2021 with anticipation and hopefulness. I sure plan to. 

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of party songs for New Year’s Eve

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 31, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, January 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Solstice and Christmas

 There is something mystical about today, the winter solstice. Many cultures planned big doings and religious events around this day. You can find all kinds of buildings and art dedicated to understanding the alignment of the sun and moon and planets. It’s no coincidence that Christmas is near the solstice. There is just something in the air and the land and the cosmos and how we relate to it. I can feel it in my bones. I tend to be more tuned into these things, and I appreciate the significance that ancient folks placed on this day. They had wisdom that we have forgotten over the years as we insulate ourselves more from the changes of the seasons and the days. I’m not going to get all woo-woo on you today, but I wanted to encourage you to tune in to what the earth is going through on this day of the changeover. Someday we will all understand how these physical forces affect us and are part of us. And that’s one of the reasons I feel Christmas in my very being. It’s tied into me in ways I don’t quite understand. I hope the spirit of rebirth and ancient wisdom pervades you and buoys your spirit into a wonderful solstice and Christmas Day this week!


What have I been up to?

I recorded a few shows for my senior facilities last week, and I’ll do a few more this week. It’s a different procedure imagining what your audience will be thinking and doing when they listen to your music. I kind of have to put myself in a certain zone to make it work. I have to check in more often with the folks after-the-fact as well to make sure it’s being received in the way I’m putting it out. 

My Thursday show doing Christmas tunes was a blast and very well-received. I had a bigger than usual group, and I did a few new-to-me Christmas songs as well.

My Sunday show was fun too with a few Christmas songs left over from Thursday and also some wonderful new tunes and old favorites. I was honored to have some wonderful musicians tune in and comment including Bill Hearne and Steve Garry.


What am I up to this week?

I won’t be doing a regular live show this Thursday on Christmas Eve on Facebook and my website, but I will be doing some of the music for a virtual Zoom chapel service for Cuchara Chapel at 5:00 mountain time that you’re welcome to come and watch. Also performing will be Eldaa Royer and Peggy Hoobler. Being that it’s on Zoom you have to register on Zoom to get the link to watch. Here’s the link to register - It’s a totally no-commitment show, and you won’t get any additional emails or contact after the show. There’ll be lots of music and a wonderful Christmas story read my British friend Mark Worgan. It’s worth it just to hear his wonderful baritone voice. Hope to see you there!

Saturday 7-9 mountain time I’m doing a winter show for my Philmont friends online that promises to be a fine time as well. It’s on a group on Facebook I created just for doing these concerts, and if you’re Philmont alumni or friends you are most welcome to join in. It’s called Tom Munch Philmont Songs Concert Group, and the link is

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be doing my regular online show of favorites and requests. This last week was so enjoyable that I don’t know if we can top it, but I’m willing to try. Come on out, and throw me some requests in a reply to this email if you’d like to hear something special. 


Looking forward

I’m doing a New Year’s Eve party of sorts with an online show on New Year’s Eve of party songs and favorites. It’ll be at the regular time - 7-8:30 mountain time, and I’d love to have you if you’re looking for a wonderful and safe evening of friendship and music.


That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoy this week of festivities and this day of solstice. This life can be a challenge, but the ride is well worth it!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing for a Christmas Eve chapel service on Zoom with other talented performers


When:  Thursday, December 24, 5-6 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert for Philmont friends and alumni


When:  Saturday, December 26, 7-9 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 14, 2020


 I was feeling some angst this morning as I was rushing around doing my morning routine, and as always that made me want to explore it and write about it. I hope you'll indulge me yet again. I don't know how you are when you feel pressure whether it's self-imposed or external, but I think we all have felt the increase in pulse and the nervousness that stress puts into our bodies and brains. As different body-produced chemicals flow through our veins and brains they create all kinds of feelings and responses. I usually can separate myself from them, but there is no doubt that they are very powerful. It's easy to see how others can use these against us too. That's part of the reason I have always worked for myself. My wife always took jobs where she worked for others, and I know that is the norm for most people, but I found it very stressful when I had a boss who pushed me even though I sometimes needed it. So how do you deal with angst? I usually try to put myself on a higher plane ñ realizing that most stressful things are not that important in the big picture, and that I am part of something bigger than the anxious responses of my body and brain. I won't get all woo-woo on you, but I will say that I believe we shouldn't take things too seriously. We are here to love and to be joyful aside from the learning we are always doing for some purpose that we can't fully understand yet. I have dedicated myself to music and spreading goodwill, and I think having a mindset like that of helping others no matter what your job is will help to deal with angst. That's a very small thing, but I hope it helps.


What have I been up to?

Last week I only did pre-recorded shows for my senior facilities other than one online show. They are almost all on lockdown with their residents confined to their rooms. That is really hard on folks, so I'm trying to make shows that can be watched by individuals in their rooms on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone. I hope it's making a difference to them. We do what we can.

My Thursday online show was the first of two shows of Christmas and seasonal songs. It was so much fun! I love this music although I honestly am having difficulty getting in the Christmas spirit this year with COVID. The songs mean so much to me, and I am delivering them with all the sincerity I can, but the stirring in my soul is not happening as much this year. It's just hard not being with people in person for hugs and sharing Christmas cheer. I am trying though.

My Sunday online show was more mellow and thoughtful - partly because of the requests that had been made, and partly because of my choice in what requests I played. We did some upbeat and crazy stuff too, but I reveled in the quiet and beautiful songs more than I usually do.


What am I up to this week?

I only have one online show for my seniors on Tuesday, and hopefully I can connect with some of my other facilities on lockdown and record some shows for them to use as they see fit. I haven't given up on the national facilities either, although I haven't done enough on that front yet. 

I am contemplating expanding my YouTube channel to do more videos featuring songs and tips. I have a feeling I won't be doing more than my online shows well into next summer since I am fairly healthy and probably will be in the last wave of vaccinations. Let me know if this is something you'd seek out and watch. I'd have to make time for this and improve some of my video equipment to do this ñ as well as doing some learning about better video production. 

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature Christmas and season songs again. There are so many wonderful songs we didn't get to last week, and I honestly miss being able to perform them. I will probably record and add some Christmas songs to my public domain YouTube channel. Did you know I have a channel with over 130 songs public domain posted? Check it out - 

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature favorites and requests as always. I always say how much I look forward to these shows, and it's true. I spend a lot of time working on songs for these shows for days and weeks sometimes, and I love getting to share them with a little bit of encouragement and fun to folks who appreciate it. Come on by sometime. You're always welcome!


What's on the horizon?

I won't be doing a Thursday show on Christmas Eve since that is family time, although I will be singing at a service for Cuchara Chapel that evening at 5:00 mountain time. It's a non-denominational Christian Zoom service with a lot of music and stories that you are welcome to watch. Being that it's on Zoom you have to register to get the meeting number and password. Here's the link ñ It's a one-off show so you won't get any more than the confirmation email from Zoom of the registration and a reminder email from Zoom the day of the service. 

I will be doing a New Year's Eve show since that falls on a Thursday, and I think it would be a lot of fun! That'll be the same time as our usual Thursday shows ñ 7-8:30 on my Facebook page and my website - and 


That's it for this week. We're plugging away trying to be safe and waiting for the vaccine. It has taken pretty good patience, and the worst is yet to come as we get into the dead of winter. Keep spreading the love and joy, folks, and don't let the angst grab you. There is too much to live for.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas and season songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 17, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain

Monday, December 7, 2020

Christmas in COVID

 I'm contemplating Christmas this year. We're staying isolated through the holidays because of the virus, and without all the activities and interaction of the holidays it's more difficult to put myself in the spirit. I'd normally be doing loads of Christmas music at all my senior facilities and concerts ñ telling stories and letting the holiday spirit flow through me. I'm sort of put in mind what it must have been like for folks in previous centuries like pioneers and settlers who made Christmas at home with simple decorations and their own traditions of music, food and gifts. The hardest part is to let go of the worry that lingers with the virus and unrest so that the spirit can truly engulf you. I'm reminded that folks in similar circumstances have cherished Christmas in hard times ñ sometimes even more than not-so-hard times. It is a time of reflection on what is good in life as the days shorten ñ family, health, and love. Those are things we always value, but holidays bring them out even stronger. And Christmas brings a more spiritual and sacred aspect somehow even to those who are not religious. The story of the child and new birth couched in love and forgiveness can speak to us all of hope and reconciliation. I say it every year: let the spirit of this season permeate you and surround you in thoughts of love and generosity. We always have love to give. You just have to tap it and let it flow.


What have I been up to?

Last week I only had a couple senior facilities online again. It has been warm, but with the increased cases no one is wanting to have any music in person even at a distance, and that is a good idea. I'm still reaching out to my facilities with clever ways to provide music and encouragement to their residents.

My Thursday show doing train songs was quite fun! There are so many songs about trains, and so many of them really capture the romance and reality of being around and on trains. We had a lively group of friends come out and enjoy the camaraderie and songs.

My Sunday show was filled with new music to me, and I think the folks are always entertained and curious how I'll interpret a song in one genre or another. I love all kinds of music. It is so much fun to plug into a song and the emotions of the story and how it is received and what memories it brings about. Music is a thrilling thing all around.


What am I up to this week?

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the first of two shows of Christmas music. I'll do one the next Thursday as well and then take off the Thursday that is Christmas Eve. I won't do a particular type of theme for this Christmas show, but I'll take some requests if folks have them. I have enough traditional and new Christmas music to fill probably eight shows, so we'll have some wonderful nights of music. Come on out and get in the spirit!

Sunday night 7-8:30 I'll do favorites and requests again. I keep writing how much fun these shows are for both me and the listeners, but you really have to experience it to believe it. There is such genuine interaction and love between folks that it is truly a blessing to be involved in. I'm so fortunate to have the friends and supporters I have. I have a bunch of great songs I'm already working on.

Again I'll remind you that I'll be doing a New Year's Eve show on the last Thursday of the month from 7-8:30 mountain time. That should be a fun online party, and you won't have to stay up 'til midnight to attend it!


That's it for this week.  I hope you are doing well and are staying safe. I know that a few people in my group have caught COVID and are doing okay with it. We have also had folks with losses from the virus and other things in the last few weeks, and my heart goes out to them as I feel the pain of loss myself. The holidays can be a rough time on all of us, but a little love and cheer goes a long way. I'll keep giving it, and I hope you will too.




Details this week: 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, December 10, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain