Monday, September 25, 2017

What Is Music and Creative Output?

One of the weirdest parts of doing music for a living is dealing with copyright issues. Anytime a song is performed in public or recorded for sale someone must be paid a royalty for it. It used to be fairly simple, but now it is more complicated with digital music and streaming as well as copyrights running much longer than they used to (80 instead of 18 years currently.) I have nothing against people being paid for their work, but it does go against what many musicians feel about what music really is. Many of us feel that the music comes through us from somewhere else - from the muse or the wind or the universe. It does take time and sometimes considerable effort to capture it, so we can see being paid for that, but we know the song and inspiration doesn’t come from within us. There is magic and mystery afoot that we are privileged to be a part of. I have a utopian idea of what it would be like to not deal with money and pay, but in our society that’s not how it works, and we must value music enough to pay for it so that musicians can live and thrive. (This sounds like a plea for funding - it’s not.) Of course I could just write all my own music so that I don’t have copyright worries with other people’s music, but I would even need to collect for performing my own music - technically. Pretty crazy, huh? Contrast this with someone like a comedian. They don’t have defined pieces of comedy usually like a musician has a song, so there aren’t the same copyright issues and royalties to be paid. Anyway, it’s a slice of my life that surprises some. A magical song has chains tied to it that seem contrary to the very spirit of music. Weird, huh?

What have I been up to?

I didn’t have any public gigs last week, but the week before I had a lot of fun.

Wednesday playing for the Medal of Honor recipients at El Pueblo Museum was just a treat!  The folks were so vibrant, alive, and appreciative.

Friday at PDubs was a fine crowd with new and old friends.  It was a super night.

Saturday at the reunion I got to play so many old favorites with my friends.  It was special.

Sunday playing for the folks from the college was also a very special event.  I got to meet the president of CSU-Pueblo and several other folks I haven’t seen in years.

What am I up to this week?

Friday I’m playing for a big Samboree RV event.  I love playing for these folks and have played for this group several times.  One of the things I’m thinking of doing in my later years is to travel in an RV and play for different RV parks.  I think it would be a great way to see the country while still doing a little music in a semi-retired state.

Saturday 6-9  I’m back at the Bull Moose in Guffey.  I really enjoy the folks of Guffey, and my performance back in July which was the first one I’d had there in a few years was a blast.  I expect this one will be just as fun again!  Com on out if you’re up that way.

Sunday 7-8ish MDT is my first-Sunday monthly online concert from my living room.  I get to play for friends all over the country at these concerts, and I really look forward to checking in with so many and getting to play from my home sanctuary.  Please login if you can so you can make comments during the show or send me a Facebook message or text.  Hope to see you then!

That’s it for this week.  Hope you are enjoying the fall.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Bull Moose, Guffey.  719-689-4199
When:  Saturday, September 30, 1-4 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, October 1, 7-8ish pm MDT

Monday, September 11, 2017

Caring in Tragedy

I'm watching the coverage of the hurricane in Florida and remembrances of 9/11 and thinking about life. We’ve had so much contention of late, and I’m hoping we can pull together over tragedies like we’re dealing with instead of continuing the ill will. We seem to bond together when we have a common cause or enemy. I’ve said before how I believe we are all connected and how we need each other in this life. When we go through tragedy we somehow realize this deep down. We are all an essential part of this life, and when we realize this we treat each other with kindness and caring. This love and caring is powerful, and I believe it is the way forward. It seems to be the “better angels of our nature” as Lincoln put it. Let's seize the moment and share it. 

What have I been up to?

Monday with the Atomic Fireballs at the Royal Gorge Bridge was a blast! It’s amazing how much fun can be had with a group of good players.

Wednesday at Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo was great fun too if a little hectic with the extra tent-space and altered setup. It was great to see so many folks I know and cherish. 

My private parties were also quite enjoyable - in beautiful places with really good folks. I’m blessed to know them. 

What’s up this week?

Wednesday evening I’m playing for one of the Medal of Honor celebrations going on this month in Pueblo. It’s great that the community is honoring these brave folks, and I’m proud to be part of it. 

Friday 6-9 I’m back at PDub Brewing Company in Pueblo West. I enjoy these folks so much, and it’s great to see people in Pueblo West that I used to play for in the days of the Pueblo West Inn. Come on out for a tasty brew, a sandwich, and some music if you can. 

Saturday I plan to play a few tunes at an Philmont reunion at some good friends' house in Colorado Springs. It’s so great to see old friends and reminisce!

Sunday afternoon I’m playing a private party that’s part of the annual Whisker 
Ball fundraiser. I donate performances to several organizations like this, and you’d be surprised how many times the good folks bid on my offering and then never set up for me to play for an event for them. That’s fine, but I’m happy to finally be able to make good on my donation. 

That’s it for this week. My mind will be on the tragedies around our world this week, and I’m hoping our caring can bring us together. 

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: singing and playing
Where: PDub Brewing Company Taproom, 181 S Purcell Blvd, Pueblo West, 719-647-8864
When: Friday, Se ptember 15, 6-9 pm

Monday, September 4, 2017

Changing Gears

The summer is over, and it’s time to change gears. I’m always a little reticent at this time of year and a little uneasy when things slow down. It’s as if it’ll never come back to the busy time ever again. Of course I know better than that, but I still feel it. And to be honest I don’t have a lot planned this winter. I’ve been running so hard that I haven’t really stopped to think ahead too much. I have a few things scheduled, but there are some changes and opportunities coming. To start with I won’t be back at Magpies as much. We’re talking about cutting back to first Fridays instead of first and third Fridays, and we haven’t figured when we can start, so you’ll have to stay tuned. I will be staying at PDubs in Pueblo West on the third Friday of each month as I’ve been doing through the summer. I may pick something else up locally, and I’m still thinking of playing in the Springs. I have the Chuck Pyle tribute concert coming up at the beginning of October, and there are several private parties. Of course I’ll be continuing my first-Sunday online concerts, and you can take a look at my calendar on my website to see what else I have coming up. I may start writing another album too. I’m starting to feel the urge. So that’s a little of the changes coming up for me. Stay tuned!

What have I been up to?

Saturday playing with the Atomic Fireballs at the Royal Gorge Bridge was a heck of a lot of fun. We played for 8 hours, but it flew by like it was only 4.

Sunday's online concert was great fun too. I did some new songs that surprised some folks, I heard. I like doing that.

What’s up this week?

Monday I’m back at the Royal Gorge Bridge with the Atomic Fireballs 12:30-4:30. I’m sure it’s going to be another fun afternoon.

Wednesday 10:30-1:00 I’m playing at the annual Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo which is always very enjoyable. They hope to draw 1000 people this year, and we will have a huge tent set up to complement the pavilion. It’s a free day for seniors with pizza and salad provided and my music and then bingo in addition to lots of special animals with the docents and the whole rest of the zoo which is always just great.

Tuesday and Friday I have private parties for some great folks which I’m really looking forward to.

That’s it for this week. I hope you have a good Labor Day and a great start to your September.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch and the Atomic Fireballs
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just off the bridge
When: Monday, Sept 4, 12:30 am-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing at the Senior Safari - FREE to all senior citizens 65+
Where:  Pueblo Zoo
When:  Wednesday, September 6, 10:30-1:00 (event runs 10:00-2:00)