Monday, October 20, 2014

In the Doldrums

This Fall I'm still changing gears with the season and the return from traveling, and so I'm in the doldrums a little. My Dad used to use that word quite a bit when we were out on the sailboat with little to no wind and were drifting without direction. Sailors used to use the word to describe the region around the equator in the Atlantic where winds were light and unpredictable, and I think it warmed my Dad's heart to use it and feel connected to those ancient mariners, and so it does the same for me when I use it and think of my Dad. But back to this Fall, I often take stock of where I'm at and where I'm headed - not because I measure my worth with what I've accomplished, but because I like to be engaged in life and moving with passion. I'm always curious at how we respond to challenges and how we psych ourselves up for the days ahead. I like to say that sometImes you have to manufacture the joy to have a good outlook, but honestly, just looking out the window or taking stock in all we have is good enough. The time we spend here on earth is so full of possibility for discovery and exciting diversions that we should never be in the doldrums for long. Just think on those things, and the wind of life will soon fill your sails and send you on your way. And now I'm cheered and moving myself. 

Highlights from My Last Blog

The fundraiser at the Valley Community Church in Colorado City a couple of weeks ago was amazing! There were such nice folks with such good hearts for doing good for the community and also for listening to my music.  I had a blast, and I met some wonderful people. 

What's Happening This Week?

Friday 7-10 I return back to Magpies in Pueblo. I always look forward to returning to Magpies and seeing all my good friends who come on to enjoy an evening of food and camaraderie with me. I was doing theme nights last Spring, but I think I'll just let this first time back be freeform. Of course it is close to Halloween, so I may have to do a couple spooky tunes. ;-)

So that's it for this week. Please come out if you're in the area. ..

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Getting Back in Gear

We’re back home from the road (more about that in last week’s highlights), and it puts me in that mode of getting back in gear or into the flow of daily life again after a disconnection.  I always do this with some anticipation and also a little dread.  There is always some excitement to seeing what’s next on the to-do list, but there is also a little angst over the pain of meshing the gears with the mill again.  I find as I get older that my brain doesn’t do this as swiftly and as easily as it used to.  I still delight at trying new things and forcing a little reorganization of mental pathways, but it also confuses me a little sometimes as I grasp at the threads that hold it all together.  I guess it’s kind of like swinging on a trapeze and grabbing across the space for that next rope swinging toward me, except that there are multiple ropes swinging at different times representing all the ways I can go.  But it’s exciting, and it’s what life is about, so here I go!

Last Week’s Highlights

We had a fantastic time in Prescott, AZ, again at the Sharlot Hall Folk Festival.  The people who organize, put this on, and participate in this annual event are top-notch, and it makes for a very meaningful and inspiring weekend.  I got to play a concert on Saturday for a nice group of folks in the Theater as well as host that stage for other performers, and then that evening I got together with Terry Berrrett, Tim Zamiski, Sandra McLemore, and Greg LaCosse at El Gato Azul restaurant for an impromptu jam on the patio. Sunday I gave two workshops - one on acoustic guitar styles with Eric Ramsey and Terry Berrett, and one by myself on songwriting.  Eric is a really talented songwriter and singer, and has a very dynamic playing style - check out this music -  Terry is one of the organizers at the festival, and a heck of a nice guy, and he’s no slouch on the guitar either.  He blew me away with his renditions of a few blues and Irish tunes.  The surprise of the day was being asked to fill-in for a couple performers who couldn’t make it at the end of the day on the Showcase Stage where I did some cowboy tunes.  It was all very enjoyable, and the people were so gracious and friendly.  If you’re ever near Prescott on the first weekend of October, check it out!  I hope to post some pictures soon.

What’s happening this week?

Friday night at 7:30 at the Valley Community Church in Colorado City, CO, I’ll be playing for the Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser sponsored by the Valley Community Church Benevolence Ministry to fund their food pantry.  It looks to be a great community event that should do a lot of good for a lot of folks. The church is at 4253 Mercantile St. in Colorado City.  Tickets are $8.00. Call 719-252-4459 for tickets or information.  The dinner starts at 6:00, and the local Sweet Adeline’s will be playing before me at 7:00.  Come on out if you can!

That’s it for this week.  I’ll be starting back at Magpies in a couple weeks, so mark your calendar for the 24th if you’re looking forward to that.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for a fundraiser
Where:  Valley Community Church, 4253 Mercantile St., Colorado City, CO.  719-252-4459
When:  Friday, October 10, 7:30-8:15 - dinner starts at 6:00.