Monday, August 27, 2018

Common Bonds

I’m putting together a show for this Saturday with Ken Saydak, a renowned piano player and singer living in La Veta who has played all over the world. Ken and I are from different musical backgrounds, or so it would seem, but I find that as we are putting our show together we have so much in common. We both are striving toward the good stuff - the songs that say something meaningful in a genuine way with interesting musical changes and harmonies. We both have a sincere love of good music and good writing. It will be a fine show, I can tell, and I’m looking forward to it.  And it makes me realize that finding things in common with new and old friends is happening more and more every day. It’s easy to bond over common experiences, common backgrounds, common loves even though some people I meet are from different cultures and different parts of the globe. I have always believed that somewhere in our makeup of cosmic dust and energy we are all connected and that science will someday find this in a profound way. It’s gratifying when I see it in my everyday experience in such tangible ways. There is so much more going on than we see, and when we stop long enough to feel it the world is a wondrous place.

What have I been up to?

Monday and Tuesday at the Royal Gorge Bridge were very enjoyable days. Monday was a perfect day with kind people from all over the place. Tuesday was a bit of a mixup. I was not booked to be there, but somehow I still had taken the day off from my other gigs and had the Gorge on my calendar. So I showed up to find someone else on the stage setting up, and then I called the stage coordinator who said I must be supposed to perform on the other side of the bridge on the visitor deck. So I ran over and set up there and had some really kind folks listening as we endured through some spitting rain. A couple hours into the gig I got an email that I wasn’t scheduled to play but that they were happy I was there and would pay me anyway. It’s then that I checked the contract in the cloud and saw that indeed the day was not on the schedule. What can I say? I’m an idiot sometimes. It all worked out for the good, and I met some great folks.

Thursday was the Yellow Pine Barbecue, and it ended up being the last one of the season as we can’t get food from the barbecue folks in Alamosa after last week. We had a stellar group of folks out for the night, and it was a fitting end to a memorable summer with the fire and all the angst and joy that was felt up and down the Cuchara valley. I am so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community up there.

Saturday was the FARmm to Table Fun Run and Dinner at the Abbey Winery in Cañon City, and what a super group of folks were there. I played for the runners and the diners while they ran and enjoyed a beautiful evening with just a couple drops of rain on the gorgeous lawn by the winery. I had some fine friends come from Pueblo West and Castle Rock to be part of the evening.

What’s up this week?

Monday and Tuesday 12:30-4:30 I’m at the Royal Gorge Bridge for the final week of the season for me, and I’m truly looking forward to these two days. I forget how much I enjoy the views, the mountain air, and the new faces from all over the world at the Gorge. Come join me if you can.

Thursday will not be the Yellow Pine Barbecue. As I said above, we can’t get food for this week, so last week will end up being the grand finale. It’s sad to wrap up the season, but we will do a last hurrah for the summer the last Thursday of September at the Yellow Pine for the locals with BYOB and BYOA (appetizer) that will be a great party.

Saturday 7-9 is the concert with the Ken Saydak at the La Veta Mercantile in La Veta. As I wrote above this show is really coming together nicely to be a grand experience, and I’d love to have you all there. We will do some of the stuff you know each of us for,  but we are both putting our own spin on each other’s music and doing some unique music together as well. It’s going to surprise even us! I can’t wait to have you hear it.

Sunday I won’t be doing my First-Sunday Online Concert because I’m playing a wedding reception that evening that I scheduled many, many months ago, but never fear, the online concert will occur the following night on Labor Day at the same time and place - 7:00 MDT at

That’s it for this week. The last week of summer is always a little bittersweet, but I have so many fun things planned, and I can’t wait to find more things in common with folks even today at the Gorge. Have a great week, folks!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just east of the bridge
When: Monday, and Tuesday Aug 7 and 28, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch and Ken Saydak
What:  playing and singing a concert
Where:  La Veta Mercantile (The Merc), 300 South Main Street, La Veta 719-742-3387
When:  Saturday, Sept 1, 7-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Monday, Sept 3, 7-8:15ish pm MDT

Monday, August 20, 2018


I’m thinking this morning about the games we play in life. At this stage of my life  I’m finding that I don’t want to play games anymore. When I was younger I was all about clever interactions with people and ways I could get my way through sometimes almost deviant manipulation. I know that sounds sinister, but I definitely went through a time where I functioned like that. And at some point I gave it up. It could have been an epiphany of wisdom, or it might have been just laziness since it’s so much work to keep juggling all the balls in the air of different lies and stories. Either way, I find that it’s so much more worthwhile to just give people yourself without all the baggage. I remember a conference I went to a decade ago where I met many people I knew online and had chatted with often. Meeting people in person after knowing them online is an experience where all the conceptions you’ve had about a person gets realized in the flesh. Some people are exactly who you thought they were, and some are totally different.  I remember in the aftermath that one of the folks said that I was exactly “What You See Is What You Get.” (WYSIWYG) I think that’s a great way to live. I don’t know why we ever develop all the layers of complexity in our relationships that we do, but try just being who you are - naked and unafraid - and see where it gets you. At least it’s a more peaceful way to live - and more honest.

What have I been up to?

Monday at the Royal Gorge Bridge was a wonderful day. Jen traveled with me, and I had some really nice folks sit down and listen and interact with me. I even did almost a whole set of Beatles music with folks singing along and cheering.

Thursday at the Yellow Pine Barbecue was a packed house with such enthusiastic friends and beautiful people. It was a treat!

Saturday the rain stopped just in time for a sweet concert at Deerprint
Wine in La Veta. I had so many friends and familiar faces come out. I did a bunch o favorites and even some 60's tunes and a little Aretha Franklin to pay tribute to her. RIP, Aretha.

What’s up this week?

Monday and Tuesday 12:30-4:30 I’m back at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the south side stage. The summer is winding down up there, but I’m still having really good crowds of kind folks and music lovers. I’d love to have you up there if you’re looking for a fun day outdoors.

Thursday 6:30-8:30 I’m at the Yellow Pine once again for the barbecue if we get enough reservations. Last week was such a packed house that I imagine we’ll have a bunch of folks who want to have some tasty barbecue and my music in the old barn at least one more time before the end of summer. It’s such a great tradition. Please call by Tuesday if you’d like to come - 719-742-3528.

Saturday 5ish to 7:30 I’m playing a new event for me. Fremont Adventure Recreation is having a Farm-to-Table 5-mile fun run and dinner at the Winery at Holy Cross Abbey to showcase growers and culinary artists in Cañon City. It’s $30 for the run with dinner and wine pairings or $25 for youth or no wine. I don’t know how close it is to being sold out, so I you'd like to come I’d suggest checking it out ASAP. There’s more info on their website and on their Facebook page It sounds like a great time! Join me if it sounds like fun to you too!

That’s it for this week. I hope your summer has been good.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just east of the bridge
When: Monday, and Tuesday Aug 20 and 21, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, Aug 23, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing for the FARmmm to Table Fun Run and Dinner
Where:  the Winery at Holy Cross Abbey, Cañon City
When:  Saturday, Aug 25, 5:15-7:30

Monday, August 13, 2018


I played yesterday for a couple chapel services in Cuchara where the topic of the sermon was oneness. One of the examples of oneness that was used was an aspen grove. An aspen grove is many trees that all share the same root system, so in reality they are really all one tree. This is very cool, but it goes even deeper than this example of oneness. The trees actually share a system of fungi with all the other trees and plants of the forest that make them all connected and part of each other. You can listen to a great show about this here on the show, Radiolab -
And it brings about another idea that I have written about before - our connectedness to each other and the world around us. We are connected through the air we breathe, the water we drink, the thoughts we share, and the energy we put out into the universe. And in turn we are connected to the earth below us and the universe all around us through  our very molecules and structure. On every level I can think of, from spirituality to quantum physics to everyday interactions, we are connected to each other in ways that affect everything we do. Give a listen to the show above when you have time (it's fun), and let your mind be opened to the enormity of our connectedness.

What have I been up to?

Monday and Tuesday at the Royal Gorge Bridge were beautiful days with really nice folks coming out for a day of beautiful views.

Thursday at the Yellow Pine barbecue was an evening with a huge family reunion of folks that were really enjoyable. They even got up and sang a medley of family-favorite hymns that wowed us.

Sunday playing for chapel services in Cuchara was a very rewarding time of friendship and memories. I sang an old hymn tha my grandpa taught me called "Murmur." There's a video on YouTube of it here -

What am I up to this week?

Monday I'm at the Royal Gorge Bridge 12:30-4:30 again for what should be a beautiful day. I really enjoy these gorgeous (pun intended) days. Come on up if you can.

Thursday is the Yellow Pine Barbecue 6:30-8:30. This may be the last barbecue of the season if we don't get enough reservations for the next two Thursdays - the 23rd and 30th. If you'd like to come this week make sure you make a reservation by Tuesday so they can order enough food, and if you'd like to come the next two Thursdays please call and make a reservation ASAP - 719-742-3528.

Saturday 6:00-8:00 is a fun concert at Deerprint Wine in La Veta. This is a lovely venue in La Veta, and I've never gotten to play on the outdoor stage before, so I'm really looking forward to it. Tickets can be purchased at I'd love to have you there if you're up for an evening of music and wine under the shadow of the Spanish Peaks. There's more info on their website - and on their Facebook page - and event page -

That's it for this week. I'm working on a fun concert on September 1 with a Ken Saydak at the Merc in La Veta, and I have a couple other fun things coming up. I still need to book some fall and winter gigs in Pueblo and Colorado Springs. Stay tuned for those. And my latest album about Love is coming together in my head although I don't have any finished songs yet. My inner hippy is speaking. ;-)

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just east of the bridge
When: Monday, Aug 13, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, Aug 16, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Deerprint Wine & Bistro, 106 E. Francisco, La Veta, 719-650-2079
When:  Saturday, August 18, 6-8ish pm

Monday, August 6, 2018

Feeling the Earth

When I walk Beau in the morning I get an intimate feeling for the earth around me. It is something I’ve felt throughout my life when I am in nature. As I walk I feel the hum of energy through my feet from the dirt and the grass as my foot flexes with the undulations on the ground. There is a knowing deep inside me that I am one with the earth and the stars. It’s where I came from and where I someday will return. It’s the connection I feel in music as the harmonic vibrations of the earth or the nourishment from good food from the earth and the sun. It humbles me and also makes me feel powerful as part of this amazing flow of energy. And as you might guess from my tone it’s not tied to any set of teachings, it’s just the way I have always felt. It is a timeless knowing that is revealed to me more and more every year. It’s a great benefit of growing older. And every day I work to meld this knowing with the minutiae of life that sometimes makes me forget myself.

What have I been up to?

Last Monday and Tuesday were wonderful days at the Royal Gorge Bridge. I forgot my mixer on Monday and had to only play instrumental guitar tunes all day. That was a little challenging, but I made it through and actually enjoyed it.

Thursday was a beautiful night at the Yellow Pine. We had some really nice folks out early, and they all left earlier than usual too even though we had a good night. Strange, but fun.

Friday night was the outdoor concert at Lucy’s RV Park in La Veta. It was another beautiful night under the stars (the rain cleared off) where so many good friends gathered to share a special night. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Saturday I played at the Celebrate Aguilar Festival in the morning to some fine new faces in the park after the parade. It was nice to get to know Aguilar a little bit.

Sunday I didn’t end up playing at the Cuchara Chapel for morning services as I had sent out in an additional email, but I’ll be there this week.

Sunday was also my online concert where I did a bunch of favorite tunes I hadn’t played yet online. I had some really great folks tune in and comment.

What am I up to this week?

Monday and Tuesday 12:30-4:30 I’m back at the Royal Gorge Bridge. They’re predicting rain, so it could be a couple of interesting days. I usually really enjoy the rainy days up there as well, but the stage setup is different this year, so I may be really scrambling to stay dry. Come watch the fun!

Thursday 6:30-8:30 I’m back at the Yellow Pine Barbecue. I keep telling you how special these evenings are, and I mean it. I wish you all could experience the barbecue, music, and friendship in the old barn. If you’re interested, call 719-742-3528 by Tuesday to make a reservation for Thursday.

Sunday morning I’ll be playing music before and during the 9:30 and 11:00 services at the Cuchara Chapel in Cuchara. I really like playing gospel and spiritual songs, and I’m honored to get to play for these nice folks in Cuchara.

That’s it for this week. The summer is starting to coast to the end, and kids are starting to head back to school. Summers seem so short anymore. Enjoy it, my friends, and keep your feet in the earth.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the stage just east of the bridge
When: Monday and Tuesday, Aug 6 and 7, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, Aug 9, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for chapel services
Where:  Cuchara Chapel - on the east side of the highway just past main street in Cuchara
When:  Sunday, Aug 12, 9:30 and 11:00 am