Monday, December 27, 2021
In-Between Time
Monday, December 20, 2021
Christmas Engulfs Me
I was talking at my concert last night at La Veta Mercantile about how much there is about Christmas that is intertwined through us. It is a time of so many memories, sights, smells, sounds, and tastes that are overwhelming in their intensity and abundance. All of us have memories of favorite foods, cookies, and treats that are part of the season. We also have memories of the smell of pine and fireplaces and peppermint and so much more. Think of the many sights of twinkling lights and snowfall and red, green, and gold decorations and clothing. Add to that the memories, good and bad, of hugs and kisses, seeing relatives, losing relatives, and special moments and smiles. For me, of course, the sounds are so much of it from the jingling sleigh bells to the choirs and the crunch of snow or the familiar melodies of Christmas songs that are absolutely engrained in us all. Every year we add more to this list of memories and delights as we come around full circle with the seasons and introduce new family members, friends, and even pets to the traditions and joy of the season. It fills me to the brim to think of all these things and to be wrapped up, and yes, engulfed in them. I hope you feel all of this as we head into this final week of Christmas. Merry Christmas, one and all!
What have I been up to?
It was a very busy week of Christmas shows for my senior facilities, and it was so good to share some cheer and encouragement with these folks.
My Christmas show on Thursday was just a blast with good friends and loads of songs. I didn’t get to do all the requests, but we sure sang some great songs! There just isn’t enough time!
My concert on Saturday at La Veta Mercantile was so rewarding. I won’t lie, I was a little concerned about being in a group with 50+ folks, but everyone was very respectful with mask-wearing and kindness, and I think we were safe enough for the most part. We are fortunate that the omicron variant isn’t more prevalent in Colorado yet.
My Sunday cancer event at the Green Spot in Alamosa was very memorable. There were cancer survivors including very young children as well as many who were grieving a loss this year. Christmas is a tough time to deal with health issues, and it was very special to be part of this event. I especially want to give a shout out to Peyton Sanchez. His smile made the whole evening worthwhile.
What am I up to this week?
It turns out that I have even more senior facilities to play this week than last - 11. Some are even doing rapid testing which I am happy to do to keep these folks safe. This season is just so important to the health and well-being of everyone.
Monday I’m playing a Christmas luncheon at a local church in Pueblo that should be wonderful. Again I will endeavor to be safe and responsible as I offer some holiday cheer.
Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will be a Christmas show from my brother and sister-in-law’s house with many of my family in attendance and decorations galore! It will be very nice, and you’re all welcome to tune in and be part of the party.
Saturday I hope we all have a meaningful and special Christmas Day.
Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will be favorites and requests and a couple of Christmas leftovers. It should be a party as well with all the good feelings of the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Come on out!
That’s it for this week. Don’t forget that next week I will be doing Friday night instead of Thursday as a New Year’s Eve show that anyone can tune in and enjoy in lieu of going out. We’ll bring the party to your house! Have a wonderful Christmas Day, and I hope to see you soon.
All the best,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs from my brother’s house
Where: and
When: Thursday, December 23, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, December 26, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, December 13, 2021
Taking Stock with Love
I’m taking stock of all that’s going on less than two weeks before Christmas. I’m carrying a little magic for Christmas in my heart and for my senior gigs and my concerts this week. That’s very important since I need to inspire others to feel joy and to embrace the magic for themselves. But there were two musician deaths that I’ve been thinking about - Bill Staines and Mike Nesmith. Both of them wrote songs that affected me, and they made an impact on our world each in his own way. I’m also thinking about the devastation in Kentucky and other places from the tornados. Since I went through a tornado I can relate to the fear, wonder, and uncertainty that comes with this kind of natural force - and even worse when it’s close to a holiday like this. On top of that, there are a myriad of things we all have on our minds from health to family to finances and COVID. It’s important to take stock and accept the place where life finds us, but it’s also important to have a more timeless view of our lives and our arc in our time here. Christmas magic reminds us of what’s truly important though all of our troubles - love and being there for each other and ourselves. There should always be a pulling back for a moment to remember that love is what we’re here for. This realization helps me, and I hope it helps you too.
What have I been up to?
I had six senior facilities last week including one that I haven’t been to but once since COVID began. It was so good to see these folks and catch up!
Tuesday I played for the Pueblo Newcomers luncheon which was very nice. They are a great group of folks that really enjoy each other. Tuesday I also played for the legislators at the Legislative Academy of the Council of State Governments at the Broadmoor. It’s such a great group of people, and I really enjoyed getting to know some of them and seeing the beautiful holiday decorations at the Broadmoor.
Thursday my online show was doing howling songs - songs about wolves and coyotes that we could howl to. It was so much fun. We’ve been collecting these howling songs for almost two years to sing at 8:00 mountain time for the healthcare workers.
My Sunday online show was very nice as always with such good friends doing requests, a few songs for Mike Nesmith, a few songs for Kentucky, and a couple Christmas songs to get us in the mood for the next two Thursday shows of Christmas music.
What am I up to this week?
This is the big week for the most holiday music since it’s the last full week before Christmas. It starts with doing nine senior facilities. Many of these will be their Christmas party for the season. I’m honored to get to play these with appearances from Santa and all the elves spreading good cheer among the residents.
Thursday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing Christmas music. I’ve had a lot of requests for new songs which I can hopefully learn in time. I’ll mix a lot of old favorites in with them. This and also the next Thursday will be very sweet Christmas fun.
Saturday 7-9 I’m playing a holiday show at the La Veta Mercantile in La Veta. This is always a special time in La Veta with such good friends and at such a perfect venue for music. I’d love to have you there if you’re in the area. There’ll be some surprises and holiday energy from me along with some sing-alongs that everyone can join in on. I plan to really pump up the Christmas spirit, so if that sounds good to you then come on out! Tickets are $16 in advance and $18 at the door. You could read more about the event on the La Veta Mercantile Facebook page.
Sunday 5:30-8:30 I’m playing at the Green Spot in Alamosa, Colo., for the San Luis Cancer Relief Fund’s 9th Annual Memories & Reflections. It is a time of remembrance and friendship for those who have had cancer in their lives. Donations of $10.00 (or any amount) are accepted with all monies donated to the San Luis Valley Cancer Relief Fund, and there will be brisket and beer and my music. They also ask that you bring a dish to share if you have time as well. There’s more info on the Facebook event page. Please come if you’re in the Alamosa area.
That’s it for this week. Next week on Thursday I’m doing a special Christmas show from my brother and sister-in-law’s house with lots of Christmas decorations and a live audience of my family after we exchange gifts and have some dinner. It should be full of Christmas cheer and warm holiday friendship. More next week!
Be good and be safe,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs
Where: and
When: Thursday, December 16, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing a holiday concert
Where: La Veta Mercantile, 300 South Main Street, La Veta 719-742-3387
When: Saturday, December 18, 7-9 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing for Memories and Reflections for San Luis Cancer Relief
Where: Green Spot, 711 State Street, Alamosa
When: Sunday, December 19, 5:30-8:30 pm
Monday, December 6, 2021
Every Year
In early December every year I take stock of my frame of mind and Christmas spirit. This year is not as worrisome as last year before we had vaccines for COVID, but of course we’re still not out of the woods with that. We haven’t had any snow and little cold weather here in southern Colorado to put us in the mood for Christmas. We’ve done our decorating, and I’m doing Christmas shows for my senior facilities now. Still I find that I’m having to push myself a little to get into the sparkling magic that always overtakes me for Christmas. Traditions and their emotions are amazing things that we have created to move us through seasons and times of plenty and want. It’s easier for me than it is for many who struggle through this time of year with expectations of joy and letdowns of sorrow. We should always know that we are loved and that nothing can ultimately separate us from the joy of life and being. Dwelling in those thoughts can bring the spark that lights each celebration of tradition with wonder and excitement. I hope this season finds you with fullness in your heart for your loved ones and those you meet in your day.
What have I been up to?
I had 6 senior facilities last week, but one had to be cancelled for COVID again. This is certainly a tough time for folks to not have visitors and entertainment. The one I had on Saturday I hadn’t been to since September, so it was so great to see them again.
My Thursday online show doing Bing Crosby tunes was a lot of fun. The time I spent preparing and studying his songs was almost as cool as playing the songs for the audience. I can get lost in that era pretty quickly.
My online show on Sunday was also very nice with so many good friends and good requests. I love playing for these folks.
What am I up to this week?
Tuesday will be a busy day with shows for the Newcomers group in Pueblo and also for the Legislative Academy of the Council of State Governments that I haven’t played for in two years at the Broadmoor. These are both wonderful groups of folks that I’m honored to play for.
Thursday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be a howling theme. I’ll feature songs about coyotes and wolves and howling dogs that we’ve used for our 8:00 howling for healthcare workers that we’ve done since COVID started. It should be a fun night. I’m not saying that we’ll howl in every song, but it’ll be fun to do all these neat songs I’ve learned over the past two years.
Sunday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the favorites and requests I continuously work on for folks. I’ve picked up a lot of Christmas requests lately, and I’ll be mixing in some of these even though I’ll be doing holiday songs for the next couple Thursdays after this one. This season is so short and there’s no way I can get in all the great Christmas songs that I know and have been requested.
That’s it for this week. I put the wrong date for my La Veta Mercantile concert next week in my last blog. It’s actually 7:00 Saturday, the 18th and not the 16th as I had written. I hope you’ll come out if you’re in the area. Stay safe and enjoy this holiday spirit - even if you have to open your own heart to the magic.
Best always,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of howling songs
Where: and
When: Tuesday, December 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, December 12, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, November 29, 2021
Into the Past
I’m diving into the past this week to do research for my Thursday online show about Bing Crosby. I like to know a little bit about the times and situations that brought about people's careers and the songs they sang. It helps so I can get an authentic sense for the music and the delivery. Bing had a different path than you might guess. Would you think that he grew up in Spokane, Washington? That’s just one of the interesting facts about Bing’s life. I often think about what people were like in this country and what the world was like in different periods. Part of that is because I wonder what my ancestors were doing and thinking. Not all of it is pleasant, of course. One of the more enlightening things when we were going though family books and notes after my mother's death was seeing some of the prejudices and biases that were prevalent 100 years ago and more. I do think that we are improving as a species although it goes in fits and starts. So I don’t have anything bold or profound to say this week in relation to the past other than there is value in studying and learning from it. The music really helps to relate to it in a personal way, and that’s what this Thursday's show featuring Bing Crosby will be all about.
What have I been up to?
My senior facilities went well last week. Luckily none of them had to be cancelled for COVID. Music and interaction means so much to these wonderful folks.
My online show Tuesday with songs about planes, trains, and automobiles was great fun. There were some surprises, and I think everyone had a good time. I love my audience.
Thanksgiving went well for us. We enjoyed a quiet day at home with the pets and some good family food. I think this is the first year we didn’t watch hardly any parades or football.
My online show Sunday was well-attended with lots of good friends and good music. There such a great depth of music and friendship we can share, and each week seems to top the one before.
What am I up to this week?
Wednesday I won’t be at the Gold Dust Saloon. They have staff now, but licensing costs are making this gig more difficult for the venue. We’re going to take off the whole month of December, so there won’t be a gig on December 15th either. It’s probably for the best with COVID numbers increasing and the new variant coming. I don’t mind staying safer for my seniors.
Thursday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing the afore-mentioned music of Bing Crosby. Bing was very prolific, and there is so much material to choose from. Of course, we'll do at least a couple of his Christmas songs to start the holiday season, but there will be other songs from musicals and movies and so much more. For instance, did you know that Bing made a cowboy album and an Irish album? It will be a memorable evening. Come on by if you can.
Sunday my online show 7-8:30 will be doing favorites and requests as always. I spend most of my day Sunday as well as several hours during the week preparing music and listening to songs to get ready for these shows. It’s a labor of love learning songs that mean so much to my audience. I do a lot of songs in the spur of the moment as well. Please come by if you can.
That’s it for this week. Don’t forget that I have a holiday concert on December 16th at the La Veta Mercantile as well as many appearances around the area even with COVID. My calendar is always up to date on my website - Stay safe and enjoy the holiday season.
Best always,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Bing Crosby songs
Where: and
When: Tuesday, December 2, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, December 5, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, November 22, 2021
With a Song in Your Heart
Monday, November 15, 2021
I wanted to write about obsession today. I tend to be a little obsessive about things I’m working on or exploring. That’s not a bad thing when it comes to music because it lends to being a little more meticulous when it comes to learning complicated guitar and vocal parts. When I was a kid a had some obsessions that weren’t as healthy like having to repeat things I did with one hand the same with the other hand. I also got obsessed with not stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. I think that’s just the kind of things that kids get hooked on while their brain is still developing the pathways and habits that will serve them in adulthood. But as an adult I do go down rabbit holes that are not that uncommon - collecting different items like hats or guitars. My latest obsession has been with ceramic safety knives. I cut myself with my little multitool knife while setting up for a party this Fall and trying to open a pre-packaged shrimp container. This led me to looking for safer knives or openers where it wasn’t so easy to cut myself. I have now bought more ceramic safety cutters than anyone needs in my quest to find the perfect one for me. Of course this thing is encouraged through internet advertising and Amazon prompts! Anyway, it’s just another example of the obsessions that are so easy to adopt. So what’s your obsession? How do you deal with the feverish desire to collect a bunch of things? I could name a dozen I’ve been through in the last decade. 😀
What have I been up to?
Unfortunately I did have one senior facility have to cancel for a COVID case again last week. It looks like I’ll have to go back to some virtual shows again for some of them.
My Thursday online show doing historical songs was a lot of fun. I have learned so many historical songs for so many different events and places I’ve played over the years, and it was a pleasure to get to share them with the folks. I think many people were surprised at how many songs they knew and remembered the words to.
My Sunday online show had several new songs to me and several old favorites. I love playing for the wonderful group that has assembled for these online concerts so much.
What am I up to this week?
I have eight senior facilities to play for this week including some that have reopened after COVID cases. They are so eager to have people come in and give them cheer and hope, and I’m happy to provide it.
My scheduled Wednesday show at the Gold Dust Saloon has been cancelled because they are closing on weekday nights due to short staffing. I’m sorry I won’t get to see my local friends as we have been able to see each other this Fall so much. With elevated COVID cases it may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. We’ll determine if we can have December gigs at Gold Dust after Thanksgiving.
My Thursday online show 7-8:30 will be doing ‘50s songs. We did ‘50s songs a year ago, and it was so much fun bopping along to so many great tunes. I’ll get out a couple ‘50s guitars and do this up right! I hope you’ll tune in and sing along.
My Sunday online show 7-8:30 will be favorites and requests as usual. I’ve had some really good requests of late, and I’ve really enjoyed learning the new songs that my great audience is acquainting me with. I’ll hope you’ll tune in to that as well.
That’s it for this week. Next week I’ll do my theme show on Tuesday since Thanksgiving is the following Thursday. The theme will be “Planes, Trains, and Automobiles” following the Thanksgiving-themed movie from several years ago with Steve Martin and John Candy. I’ll sing songs about, what else, planes, trains, and automobiles. Hope you are well and happy and are preparing for the holiday season.
Best always,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of ‘50s songs
Where: and
When: Thursday, November 18, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, November 21, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, November 8, 2021
Historical Music
Monday, November 1, 2021
Wind in the Sails
I’m thinking about motivation today. I’m wondering where the gumption comes from that allows us to go out every day and accomplish meaningful things. I’ve usually been a pretty driven person. Until COVID hit I was always going from one place to another - racking up 30,000 miles or more on my car annually, and working seven days a week for many weeks out of the year. Sometimes the impetuous to go out was made by the need to pay the mortgage or purchase a piece of gear I needed or wanted. Sometimes the drive was to accomplish a new milestone. Sometimes it was a feeling of obligation or a desire to serve people. Sometimes I really have to frame the situation so that my approach is centered and coming from a good place. It’s interesting how much that makes a difference. It reminds me of an athlete who visualizes the movements and emotions of their sport before they actually perform it. And then there is also the need to be physically and mentally ready to take on new challenges. That makes the motivation flow much more easily. So what will motivate me today and this week? Hmmm…
What have I been up to?
Last week was a good one, but I had two more senior facilities have to cancel because of COVID cases in their facility - mostly from unvaccinated staff. This puts a lot of strain on the residents with isolation and uncertainty. Although vaccinations are mandatory in nursing facilities, many people are claiming a religious exemption. I wish they would see what it’s doing to those around them.
My online Halloween show on Thursday was a blast! I did many different songs than people expected, and it was just plain fun to get a little dark and creepy!
My online Sunday show included several more Halloween songs and a bunch of new requests that were quite good. I don’t mention it often enough that my great audience has exposed me to some wonderful new songs with their requests. My cup runneth over!
What am I up to this week?
Wednesday 6-9 I’ll be back at Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo for what is turning out to be a wonderful gig. The upstairs balcony is a very cozy place to play music, and everyone is really enjoying it. There is only seating for 22 people upstairs, so get there early if you want to make sure you have a good seat. The music does spill over to the downstairs nicely though, so there really isn’t a bad seat for listening.
Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will be doing my own original songs. We haven’t done an evening of my own tunes for a while, so this will be a fun night. I need to brush up on some of my tunes that I don’t play very often, and I’m always a little self-conscious of playing my own material. People are so supportive, and I’m honored to play my own music.
Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will be favorites and requests as always. Some of these nights turn into a real happening that surprises me with old friends and acquaintances from distant places and times. It’s turning out to be many evenings that I’m honored just to be a part of.
That’s it for this week. I hope my thoughts on motivation help you trim your sails to pick up the wind of your life..
Best always
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: Gold Dust Saloon, 217 S Union Ave, Pueblo, 719-545-0741
When: Wednesday, November 3, 6-9 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of original songs
Where: and
When: Thursday, November 4, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, November 7, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, October 25, 2021
Halloween and Frights
When I was a kid Halloween was a fun night to dress up and get lots of candy. We had a ton of kids in our neighborhood, so it was always a very lively night with friends and neighbors up and down the block. Some would even ask us to come inside their houses to make us show them a “trick” like doing a somersault or standing on our heads before we got our “treat” of whatever candy they were giving out. Halloween night didn’t really scare me, but I was afraid of so many other things then. Anytime it was dark I was afraid of the closet or the basement or under the bed. When we’d go to the mountains in the summer we would always make sure we used the outhouse before it was dark - otherwise we’d have to make the run from the back porch to the outhouse in the dark with a flashlight, and we were so scared that there was no way in the outhouse that we could accomplish any “relief”. As I grew a little older I liked scary shows and movies, but they would always really bother me and give me nightmares. I found the worst ones were the supernatural movies. They would really get under my skin. As I became a teenager I started spending much more time outdoors - especially in scouts with camping. I got rid of some of my fear then, but I can still remember one week with my troop when we came back a day or two early from a week of camping because we were convinced there was a Bigfoot in the woods where we were camping. One of the kids had claimed that he saw one outside our tents in the middle of the night, and another one said that a Bigfoot had pushed in the roof of his tent until it touched his head. We had told other supernatural stories earlier in the week, so we were primed for anything to scare us. By the time I worked in the mountains at Philmont Scout Ranch in high school I was over most of my darkness jitters, and I would enjoy walking back from the evening campfires in the dark without a lantern or flashlight under the stars. Even at Philmont I think I did hear a ghost one night, but I’ll save that story for another time. Halloween has become a fun holiday with loads of decorations. We are in a pretty rural area, so we don’t get trick-or treaters. We still enjoy watching some of the classic Halloween movies though - especially in black and white. I hope you have a Happy Halloween with no frights!
What have I been up to?
I was so busy last week. Thankfully none of my senior facilities had to be cancelled because of COVID outbreaks.
My Wednesday show indoors at the Gold Rush Saloon in Pueblo turned out to be one of the most enjoyable nights ever. The upstairs balcony is a very cozy place to play with seating for just 22 people. The sound is good on the main floor too though, so people down there also enjoyed the show. I was having so much fun that I didn’t even think to take a break for 3 hours.
My Thursday online show doing songs about the wind was also a blast. There are so many good songs about the wind from “Mariah” to “Summer Wind” to “Windy” and we played them all! It was great to see so many friends.
My Friday online show doing Philmont songs was also well-attended and fun. It was pretty much an all-request show, and it felt so good to revisit such good times with good friends and music.
The Saturday retirement party I played was also wonderful outside with beautiful weather and good folks with great musical taste. Congratulations on your retirement, Mike!
My Sunday online show was also good although I’ll admit I was a little flustered in the beginning with a couple songs, but I eventually hit my stride and cruised through a bunch of favorites. We have such a great group of friends.
What am I up to this week?
This week will be a little less busy with 7 senior facilities and only two evening shows. Unfortunately I did have another facility have to cancel this week because of a COVID outbreak. It’s usually happening because of staff who aren’t vaccinated. I wish this hadn’t become a political issue.
My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing Halloween songs. I know that Halloween will fall on Sunday when I’m doing another show, but I thought that a lot of folks might be busy on Halloween with possible parties and trick-or-treaters coming to the door, so I’ll do my show on Thursday with I’m sure a few more leftover songs on Halloween.
My Sunday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing favorites and requests as always, and I’m sure we’ll do some Halloween songs too as I mentioned above. I look forward to interacting with my wonderful online friends who are so supportive and engaging.
That’s it for this week. I’m putting together a list of my favorite songs I’ve learned during the pandemic for an end-of-year show that should be great fun. More on that later. Be good to each other, and I hope to see you soon.
Best always,
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Halloween songs
Where: and
When: Thursday, October 28, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, October 31, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, October 18, 2021
Creativity During COVID
Monday, October 11, 2021
Comfort Zone
Monday, October 4, 2021
Passing It On
Two of my siblings and I spent the weekend closing our rustic mountain cabins, and this time we had some of the nieces and nephews with us to learn all the ins and outs of draining plumbing, shuttering, and buttoning down things for the winter. It was a teaching and sharing process that was really refreshing, and it was great to spend time with nieces and nephews getting to know them better. We also looked at pictures of the building of the simple cabins two generations ago, and tried to pass along some of the stories and lore of the family. It’s something I don’t think of very often since Jen and I don’t have kids, but spreading insights and continuity as we go along with others is such a valuable and worthwhile thing to do. Our relative ages as we go through this life have so much to do with our thoughts and our approach to life. It’s something I forget as I go through my day. It’s just one of the curious facets of our existence here. I love it!
What have I been up to?
Last week was a good one. I had six senior facilities. They were very fulfilling.
My Thursday online show doing songs about food was just crazy fun. There are so many interesting songs about food, and it was really enjoyable having a night of frivolous music and friendship.
My Sunday online show of favorites and requests was also a great time. Our group really embraces each other and the music, and we had requests from all over the spectrum.
What am I up to this week?
This is a super busy week. I guess I’m not a very good planner. That’s okay. I enjoy the wild ride still.
Tuesday evening I have a private party near La Veta for some very nice folks. It has been such a great time playing for all the folks I have met in the Cuchara Valley. I have many cherished friendships.
Wednesday 6-9 I’ll be playing at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo. Hopefully it will be warm enough to be on the patio. It will be fun evening regardless of where we set up. Come on out!
Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will be doing the music of Jim Croce and Cat Stevens. I have wanted to feature the music of both of these musicians for some time, and I think their music will make a nice combination. Please tune in to our welcoming group and listen in.
Saturday 11:30-1:30 I’ll be in the Denver area at the Littleton Museum for their Harvest Days event. They have me playing in the pumpkin patch behind the museum by the lake. It should be beautiful, and as an added bonus I’ll have the incomparable Gordon Burt sitting in on fiddle and backup vocals. Gordon played with Chuck Pyle for most of his Colorado career, and I can’t say enough about Gordon’s beautiful and intuitive fiddle playing. He finds just the right complement to any song he plays on. It will be a treat! Please come out if you’re in the Denver area. It’s a free day at the museum.
Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be doing my weekly favorites and requests show. We have such a good time sharing songs and friendship. Come on out if you can on Facebook or my website.
That’s it for this week. I had such a good time with family over the weekend, and I hope you get to enjoy your family too as we pass it on.
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: Gold Dust Saloon, 217 S Union Ave, Pueblo, 719-545-0741
When: Wednesday, October 6, 6-9 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Jim Croce and Cat Stevens tunes
Where: and
When: Thursday, October 7, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch with Gordon Burt sitting in
What: playing and singing for the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival
Where: Littleton Museum, 6028 S Gallup St, Littleton, CO, 303-795-3950
When: Saturday, October 9, 11:30-1:30 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, October 10, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, September 27, 2021
Groups and Community
Monday, September 20, 2021
Making a Difference
One of the most important things in our lives is feeling like we’re making a difference. There are many ways to do this. Giving to others is one of the most meaningful things I have found that makes a difference. I’m lucky that I have music as an obvious gift that I can give to others, but we all have talents and abilities that we can use to make others’ lives better and thus add meaning to our lives. Making a difference can be as simple as going out of your way to help someone, open a door, welcome them, or tell them they look nice. Little things can change someone else’s attitude, and that can ripple through out an entire day or community. It doesn’t take much, and it can add meaning and make a difference to others as well as ourselves. As I look back on my life there are some very big ways that someone else did something that made a difference to me or an entire group, but there are also very small things that made a difference. It just took the presence of mind and the brief pause to think of the kind or the beneficial thing that showed care and respect in the moment. I encourage you to try to make a difference as you go through your day and your week.
What have I been up to?
Last week was a good one. It felt so good to be back to playing after my COVID isolation.
I had 8 senior facilities including one where I hadn’t been for a whole year because of COVID. It was SO good to see them. Talk about feeling like you’re making a difference! I love these folks.
My Monday night online show doing favorites was a good one. I didn’t expect as many people as usual on an off night and with Monday Night Football, but so many great folks came out and joined in.
Wednesday I played for the Pueblo Zoo at Senior Discovery Week, and it was more than fun! I also brought a PA for them to use on Tuesday and Thursday morning, so I got to see a lot of the wonderful staff. It was a pleasure!
Wednesday night I played at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo to a local crowd of good friends, and it was a rare night when everything really clicked.
Thursday night’s online show was doing Elvis Presley tunes, and it was a boppin’ good time. His ‘50s tunes especially were just a hoot!
I had a Philmont reunion on Saturday that was full of old friends and new friends and good food and conversation. I even played a few tunes at the end to round out the evening.
My Sunday online show was doing favorites and requests as always. It was rewarding and sweet with good friends and music.
What am I up to this week?
I have 8 senior facilities this week, and I always look forward to these. It will be a bit cooler, so I don’t think I’ll be doing any of them outdoors. That may present some challenges.
My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing Fall songs. I have so many great songs about this season, and I’d hate to miss the opportunity to sing them, so come on out Thursday night to celebrate the Fall equinox and the cooler weather.
Saturday I have a private concert for a Good Sam’s RV gathering. I’ve played shows for Good Sam’s groups for a decade now, and I always enjoy their camaraderie and spirit.
My Sunday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing favorites and requests as always. We have such a giving group who I know make a difference in their lives. It’s a joy to be part of them. Come on out and join in.
That’s it for this week. I look forward to the changing season, and I hope you are staying safe and happy. Hope you can do something that will make a difference this week.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Fall songs
Where: and
When: Thursday, September 23, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, September 26, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, September 13, 2021
Monday, September 6, 2021
COVID Isolation
Well, I tested positive for COVID last Monday. Jen had been around a friend the previous week who later tested positive, so after waiting 5 days we got a Rapid test on Sunday and then a PCR test on Monday. The Rapid test was negative for both of us within minutes, and the doctor who did the test was confident that if we had no symptoms by Tuesday we were in the clear. We had already scheduled a PCR test for Monday, so we went through with that just to be sure. The PCR test came back negative for Jen and positive for me on Wednesday night. I didn’t have any symptoms still, and the recommendation from the CDC says to isolate for 10 days after a positive test, so I cleared my schedule of any outside gigs until Thursday of this week. I still don’t have any symptoms, and Jen doesn’t either. Her friend who she was with who tested positive has been sick ever since the day she got her positive test result 11 days ago. I don’t know if the vaccine for both of us is the reason that neither Jen nor I have symptoms or if the test is just so sensitive that it showed COVID particles in my nose even though I wasn’t infected, but either way we are doing the safe and responsible thing. This virus is too unpredictable to take chances with. I missed a few gigs I was looking forward to, but at least I could do my online concerts for folks. There is no doubt that we dodged a bullet. I’ve had several friends who caught the virus and had miserable experiences - with and without the vaccine. It does hit you very hard when you hear the test results. I’m pretty level-headed about life and death, but your mind still races when you stand at the precipice. I’m thankful that I’ll have more opportunities to continue playing my music and spreading whatever good it can do in the world.
What have I been up to?
You already know that I had to clear my schedule once I got my test results. When I had the negative Rapid test result I decided that I should still be cautious until I got the PCR test back so I masked up and only played one outdoor gig on Tuesday and one on Wednesday.
Tuesday I played for one senior facility outdoors at a good distance with their permission after the negative Rapid test. I thoroughly enjoy the opportunity to play for these folks.
My Tuesday online show was playing the tunes of the Everly Brothers and Buddy Holly. Their music is so much fun, and I played my Fender Strat that looks like Buddy Holly’s Strat on his rockin’ tunes. It was so enjoyable!
Wednesday I played for the Gold Dust Saloon outside on the patio with a good breeze to good friends who were distanced - wearing my mask when I was anywhere near them. We did a bunch of old rock and roll songs including a bunch of Linda Ronstadt’s tunes in anticipation of this week’s theme show with her music. That’s where I got the positive test result in between songs.
My Sunday show playing favorites and requests was great fun too. We did a lot of impromptu requests in the moment as people asked for them. I did have computer problems at the start when I found there was no sound and my streaming program was frozen, but after a reboot and a small delay we were able to proceed with gusto. This is such a wonderful group of folks to know and spend time with.
What am I up to this week?
I have three senior facilities once I am over the isolation period this week.
My Tuesday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be playing the previously-mentioned songs of Linda Ronstadt. Next to Ella Fitzgerald, Linda is my favorite female vocalist. Her music is so dynamic and heartfelt. She has done everything from rock to folk to country to Spanish tunes and even jazz standards, so there is so much music to choose from. This will be a special night with a lot of memories. Pleas tune in if you can.
Thursday night 6:30-8 I’ll be at the Yellow Pine for their AA (Appetizers and Alcohol) or Shalom and Charcuterie party that they like to close the season out with the Thursday after Labor Day each year. It’s a FREE potluck appetizers and BYOB (bring-your-own-beverage) event that is a blast to be at every year. Everyone is welcome. Please come if you can!
Saturday I have a private engagement party that I’m looking forward to.
Sunday 3-5:30 in Colorado Springs I am playing a wonderful house concert that is part of the Pink House Concerts series. It is run by two gals who love music and have a beautiful backyard setting where they have put on concerts for several years. I am honored to play for this series, and I’d love to have you come if you’re up for it. You have to make a reservation to come, and they do require that you have been vaccinated. There is a $20 suggested donation that goes to the performers. I’ll have a musician I recently met named John Spengler open the afternoon with a few songs before I go on. It should be a really nice afternoon! You can make reservations and find out details on their website -
Monday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing my weekly favorites and request show that I usually do on Sunday since I won’t get back from the house concert above on Sunday until well after 7:00.
That’s it for this week. I’m glad that my first close experience with COVID has been extremely uneventful, and I’m looking forward to playing the week. Take care and be safe.
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Linda Ronstadt songs
Where: and
When: Tuesday, September 7, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing for the AA Shalom and Charcuterie party
Where: Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528
When: Thursday, September 9, 6:30-8:00 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing at a house concert at Pink House Concerts
Where: Colorado Springs - for location and details
When: Sunday, September 12, 3-5:30 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Monday, September 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Monday, August 30, 2021
Free Won't
Monday, August 23, 2021
La Veta
I’m playing a concert in La Veta Saturday night, and I wanted to tell you a little bit of my experience with this little mountain town over the past 36 years. When I first moved to southern Colorado in the Fall of 1985 I was fresh out of college in Nebraska in the past year and had lived in Dallas for 5 months trying to put together a duo with a great guitarist there that didn’t pan out. I took a temporary job selling stereo equipment for a little shop in Pueblo while I tried to get a corporate job in computers. One of my first customers was an elderly couple who were buying a new receiver to replace an old classic Sansui 4000 receiver that I still have to this day. (It had switchable mono/stereo buttons and even reversible stereo channels!) The couple lived in La Veta, and they wanted me to deliver the new receiver and hook it up for them and take away the old Sansui. So I made a trip to La Veta to see them and discover this little gem of a town. I didn’t spend much time there, but it was the first time I had gotten so close to the Spanish Peaks (Huajatolla) that I had driven by many times over the years. I was enchanted, and when my temporary job in stereo ended after the Christmas shopping season and I hadn’t gotten hired on at the corporate job I was seeking I decided to do some live music like I had done in college. One of the places I booked to play was the Cuchara Valley ski resort and the Timbers bar at Cuchara just up the road from La Veta. I began to hear stories up there from the folks of Cuchara and La Veta of the camaraderie and specialness of the place, and I was hooked. I didn’t play in the resort that much before it unfortunately closed, but I knew I wanted to play in the area more. Over the next few years I played up and down the Front Range and into the mountains with a base in Beulah until I settled in Pueblo West at a house job playing at the Pueblo West Inn for 10 years. When that ended I just had to go back up the road to La Veta. There I became re-enchanted by the people and the creative spirit and love that they held for life and the place they lived. Over the past 20 years I have played all over La Veta and Cuchara for the wonderful folks who appreciate life, art, music and genuine living. Some of the folks are from there and some have settled there, but they all share an excitement and an authentic joy that is infectious. I love playing there! That’s where I’ll be this Saturday night at an outdoor concert at the Hoobler’s house. More below.
What have I been up to?
My senior facilities went very well last week. It is so good to be singing for folks where you know it makes a difference to their lives.
My Tuesday online show was doing the music of John Denver, and it was so rewarding. John’s music meant so much to me as I was learning guitar and trying out my musical wings. We had a great group of friends as always.
Wednesday playing at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo was a lot of fun too. I had so many local friends come out, and it was very sweet. I’ll be doing the Gold Dust on first and third Wednesdays each month for the foreseeable future.
Saturday night I played a Pueblo Arts Alliance fundraiser that was wonderful too. It was outdoors in a beautiful setting along the river with some stellar folks.
My Sunday online show was very nice too. I did a couple more John Denver tunes that I didn’t get to on Tuesday as well as songs from the Everly Brothers and Tom T. Hall who had recently passed.
What am I up to this week?
My Tuesday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing songs by Nanci Griffith. She passed last week at the age of 68, and I followed her music very closely and did a lot of her songs. She was a wonderful Texas songwriter known for songs like “Love at the Five and Dime” and her cover of Kate Wolf’s “Across the Great Divide”. I think it will be a wonderful show and I hope you’ll tune in.
Saturday 7-9 I’ll be playing the La Veta show I mentioned above at Hoobler’s outdoor concert site. Jim and Peggy Hoobler are sweet folks who have been involved in music and history for years around the area, and last year during COVID they began having outdoor socially-distanced concerts on their lawn when all the indoor venues had to close. I have played for Jim and Peggy for many private shows over the years, and I can’t wait to play at their outdoor stage. It’s the only time I’m playing in La Veta this summer, and it should be a blast. Bring a lawn chair and the beverage of your choice to their house at 707 East Virginia Street. It’s $20/person. You can call 719-989-1530 for more info. No reservations required.
My Sunday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the favorites and requests that are always so much fun. I love the folks who come out to share each other’s company and my music. Come on out if you can. I’m always learning new tunes and polishing up old ones.
That’s it for this week. I have a few other fun shows coming up including playing in Westcliffe September 4th, Yellow Pine on September 9th, and a Pink House concert in Colorado Springs on September 12th. I hope a bunch of folks from the Springs area will come out to this concert. You can find more info on that at
Take care,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of Nanci Griffith songs
Where: and
When: Tuesday, August 24, 7-8:30 pm mountain time
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing an outdoor concert at Hoobler’s in La Veta
Where: 707 East Virginia Street, La Veta
When: Saturday, August 28, 7-9 pm
Details: $20/person, bring lawn chairs, beverages, friends!
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing an online concert of favorites
Where: and
When: Sunday, August 29, 7-8:30 pm mountain time