Monday, January 31, 2022

Wonder All Around

As I was walking around my office this morning and trying to think of what to write to you about I was struck by the wonder all around me today. When I awoke I was touched by the light purring of our little cat Tuzi as I carried her to the window to look outside and wait for our big dog Beau to come in from outside. I enjoyed some news and conversation in podcasts while I was exercising - marveling in the words and intricate interplay. When we walked for sunrise there were wispy and pretty clouds in a pure blue sky. Even at my breakfast I enjoyed some buttery brown pecans in my oatmeal that delighted my taste buds. Now as I type I’m enchanted by the tactile sense of touch and the sight of cherished gewgaws on my desk and the grain of wood and play of light on objects around me. Even a deep breath feeds my sense of wonder. My point is that when I feel stress or lack or uncertainty I can always fall back on the fact that my life is part of a wonderful world of so many sensations and feelings that delight and fill me with well-being. Even bad sensations can be savored if we are in the right frame of mind. And these are not big events or happenings that would normally thrill us. They are just everyday things that we often look over while we fret about health or finances or the world. I encourage you to occasionally look around in wonder at the world around us. We are part of something special.


What have I been up to?

Unfortunately I had two senior homes cancel with COVID last week. It seems that omicron is going to be with us a while longer. The folks I got to play for were very receptive and thankful for the tunes and interaction.

My Thursday online show of favorite new-to-me songs over the past two years went so well that I decided to do a second show with more of the great songs I’ve learned. I have such an astute audience with such good taste that I have a wealth of good tunes to play. 

My Saturday online show for Philmont folks went very well too. It was so good to reconnect with several folks I haven’t seen in several years. I have over 400 people in this Facebook group now, so I have been blessed with the number of people who enjoy the music and memories that we share.

My Sunday online had me a little worried as I didn’t feel that confident performing the new tunes I had learned, but somehow I remembered them all very well. Sometimes I’m amazed at what my brain can still hold. Thanks to everyone who came out and shared their time even with a big football game being on for part of the beginning of my show.


What am I up to this week?

I have only six senior facilities this week. Several have been reluctant to schedule because COVID is so prevalent right now. I hope they can make it through without any losses. I cherish these folks.

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be part 2 of favorite new-to-me songs as I mentioned above. These are some of the best songs I’ve sung in my life. Come on out and see what I’ve picked.

My Sunday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. It takes me several hours to put together the lists and rehearse the songs for these shows, but it is always worthwhile. Hope to see you there!


That’s all for this week once again. I hope you get to appreciate some wonder in your life today.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of my favorite new-to-me songs of the past two years

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, February 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, February 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, January 24, 2022

Favorite Songs

I’m doing a show on Thursday titled “New-to-Me Songs” that will feature my favorite songs I’ve learned over the past two years. I don’t have to tell you that it has been quite a journey over the past two years with COVID and so much more. The songs we love often reflect the times we go through - good and bad. That’s the beauty of music. It can soothe and cheer and celebrate whatever situations we’re in. For the most part the songs I’ve learned, especially as requests, have been thoughtful and joyous. I have such a wonderful audience at almost every place I play, including online, so the requests I’ve had have been for such genuine and original songs. I’ve also sought out songs for different artists and themes that have been revelations almost every week. At the beginning of 2020 I had 3464 songs in my laptop. At the present date I have 4475 songs. That’s over 1000 songs I have worked on in a two-year span. Unfortunately I’m sure many are pretty hazy in my memory since I only played them once or worked on them for just a week or two, and my brain is pretty full! But I consider many of them to be some of the best songs I’ve ever played. So this week I’ll feature a big handful of some of my favorites. It will be an interesting look back over the past two years, but it will also be a celebration of some wonderful writing and some really fun songs. Music is such a big part of life for so many folks.


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities were all great last week, and I didn’t have any cancellations. It seems we may be almost over this omicron surge, so maybe things will be able to loosen up soon.

My Thursday online show was doing favorites for Matt and Deann Pujol for Matt’s birthday, and I think everyone enjoyed the choices they made for songs. I heard that they did a lot of dancing and singing along at their house, so I know they enjoyed it too!

My Sunday online show had several new songs and old favorites that were very memorable. I’ve been playing my Fender Acoustasonic Telecaster guitar plugged into a little Bose S1 Pro PA amp for the last two weeks, and it has been quite a different sound and experience for most folks.


What am I up to this week?

I have nine senior facilities this week, barring any cancellations, so everyone is coping with COVID as well as can be expected. I always tell you how much I enjoy serving others by doing these shows, and it’s no secret that I get just as much from the experience as the audience does.

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the above-mentioned favorites I’ve learned over the past two years. There are so many songs on my list that I may end up doing more than one week for this theme. I’m sure my audience is hoping that I’ve picked songs they’ve each requested, and I’m sure there’ll be some surprises. Come join in and see where it all goes!

Saturday 7-9 mountain time I’m doing a show online for Philmont staff and alumni at my Tom Munch Philmont Songs Concert Group page on Facebook I’ve created just for this purpose. If you’re a member of the group then come on out and share some songs and stories of Philmont Scout Ranch. The show is being partially sponsored by my Philmont friend Jason Mascitti who is an agent for Thrivent - Thanks, Jason!

Sunday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be doing favorites and requests as always. I usually spend a full day working on these songs, and I love that folks come out to hear my work. It’s a fun way to spend an evening!


That’s it for this week. I hope you are healthy and happy. I hope you make music part of your well-being as it helps so much.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of my favorite new-to-me songs of the past two years
Where: and  
When:  Thursday, January 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, January 30, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, January 17, 2022


 My Thursday show this week is a birthday celebration for two of my biggest supporters and friends - Matt and Deann Pujol, and so it has me thinking about friendship and all that means. I’ve had many friends over my life including folks who I have a resilient bond with regardless of how often we see each other. With these folks I can pick up right where we left off even if it has been a decade or more since we last talked. It’s as if we have a relationship beyond time, and I think we might. There are also those whom I have just met that I feel a kinship with right from the start. With friends there is an ease and a trust and a knowing that comes from mutual respect and care. So for Matt’s birthday I will do a show of favorites for two good friends. Honestly, I think friendship comes from feeling our oneness with others as we go through this shared experience of life.


What have I been up to?

I had several senior facilities last week although one had to be cancelled for COVID. I really want this omicron variant to be in the past so we can hopefully be back to more of a normal routine. It just spreads so easily. I even turned down a couple gigs happening in the next two weeks just because I don’t want to play in big gatherings until this has passed.

My Thursday online show featuring the music of Bill Staines was a wonderful experience, and I think my audience enjoyed it too. Bill was just an amazing writer with lyrics that are so eloquent and expressive and intricate guitar parts that wrap you up in a web of sound. Many of his songs will stay in my regular rotation.

My Sunday online show of favorites went very well too. The group of “Munch Bunchers”-  as they call themselves - is so supportive of me and of each other, and they make great requests. It’s a real pleasure to get play for them every week.


What am I up to this week?

I have 11 senior facilities this week which will be fun. I really hope that none will have to cancel. They are always a joy.

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be the favorites of Matt and Deann Pujol that I mentioned above to celebrate Matt’s birthday. These favorites are really some of the favorite songs of the whole group, so it will be a sort of “greatest hits” of the group as well. Please come and watch if you can.

My Sunday online show 7-8:30 will be favorites and requests as always. If you have any requests you’d like me to learn then send them right along. I have a bunch I’m working on!


That’s it for this week. I know this virus stuff continues to wear on us all, but with a little friendship and care we will make it through.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of songs for Matt’s birthday

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, January 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, January 23, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, January 10, 2022

A Songwriter's Life


I’ve been listening to the songs of Bill Staines in preparation for my Thursday online tribute to him, and it has me thinking about the life that many songwriters live - one that I had contemplated early-on in my life. Bill, like many songwriters, traveled all over the country playing for audiences of all kinds and meeting people and seeing things up-close and in a meaningful way. He had the ability to put these meetings and memories into clever words and melodies that could connect with listeners. Songs have that curious power to put ideas and reflections into a short space that can grab us and make us think or find joy. Think of your favorite Beatles song. Or think of an old standard or favorite folk or country song. Songwriters combine poetry and music into a gem that we can marvel over. Some songwriters write to get through pain. Some write to tell a story. Others write to express ecstasy or make us dance. It is an amazing art that I have always cherished and sometimes dived into. Of course, there is also a very commercial side to songwriting, and I don’t really want to go down that road of writing to a formula or to sell. I want to celebrate the art of songwriting and the purity of doing something just because one is compelled to do it. So this Thursday I’ll play the songs of Bill Staines, and I hope you can join us to experience someone who wrote just to do it and do it well.


What have I been up to?

Last week I had only one cancellation of my senior facilities due to COVID. I hope they can get over that without too much trouble. The others were wonderful experiences. I take every one as an opportunity to make someone’s day better - often mine!

My Thursday show of hopeful songs was great fun. It’s a sweet thing to get to spread a little hope and cheer to others, and our group of attendees is so receptive and supportive.

My Sunday show of requests was full of neat new songs and old favorites. I never know what my Sunday shows will turn out like, and they never seem to disappoint. Everyone is so ready for a good evening, and we all rise to the occasion.


What am I up to this week?

I have nine senior facilities this week, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the omicron variant will stay out of them so I can continue to encourage folks who really need it. More and more I cherish the chance to play for folks who want and need music in their lives.

Thursday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be featuring the songs of Bill Staines as I wrote about above. He wrote some truly wonderful songs that I think you will enjoy as much as I do. Please tune in if you can.

Sunday my online show 7-8:30 will feature favorites and requests as always. I can’t say enough about the great folks who are part of this group of friends and supporters. We always reach a warm place in the night that’s like a welcome fire in the hearth and a nod from a good friend. You’re always welcome to join in.


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re doing well with one full week of the new year behind us. This life is so worthwhile as we travel down the road together.




Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Bill Staines songs

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, January 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, January 16, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, January 3, 2022

Always Hopeful

I want to start off with a hopeful message again this year. It’s too easy to find things to make us feel down. This has been a tough time on everyone. I maintain that there is always joy and love in the world to be had and to give if we just put ourselves in the right frame of mind. Every day I look at the simple things. I love deep breaths and the feeling of being alive. I love the light and the feel of textures under my fingertips. I find joy in the sounds of the earth and of music and of voices. I delight in thinking and observing and even in quiet moments of not thinking. I love encouraging other people and telling them they are loved and cared about. I enjoy giving my dog and cat a hug and a loving caress. I love shedding a tear for both joy and sorrow. We are here to feel and to understand after all. There are so many more things in this world that bring me joy and hopefulness. I hope you can see the world like this when things seem to be crashing down around you. Even in the darkest moments there can be light to ease your mind. Overall for me there is the belief that everything will ultimately be okay in a way that I don’t see yet. I hope this may help you find hope this year.


What have I been up to?

I had seven senior facilities to play for last week. I’m wearing N95 masks when I play for them now to try to be as respectful and safe as I can. They are so grateful and enjoy music so much.

My Friday online New Year’s Eve party was so much fun! I did a bunch of upbeat tunes so people could dance and kick back in a party atmosphere to celebrate the new year. Happy New Year, everyone!

My Sunday show had a bunch of favorites that I haven’t played in a long time long with some favorite new tunes. We had some folks we haven’t seen in a while join in that made my heart soar. It’s such a caring group of folks who have gathered around my music.


What am I up to this week?

I have seven senior facilities to play for this week that should be great! I really love these folks and the opportunity to provide some music and enjoyment in their week.

I was going to play at the Gold Dust Saloon in Pueblo on Wednesday, but with COVID on the rise like it is I think I’ll avoid trying to gather folks in public for a while.

My Thursday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be hopeful songs to go along with my theme from above and with how we started the year last year. If you’d like to join in I’d love to have you, and you can send me requests for hopeful songs you love.

My Sunday online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. I’m going back and picking out songs I’ve done for folks in the past to bring some surprises and sweet memories to the evenings. It’s always a very friendly and memorable time.


That’s it again for this week. I hope you can find joy and peace in your week, and I’d love to have you join me online if you’re free for any of my shows.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of hopeful songs

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, January 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, January 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain time