Monday, December 25, 2023

Merry Christmas!

It’s a bright and snowy Christmas morning here in southern Colorado as I write this. I’ve been ill with Covid since last Wednesday, but I’m not letting it dampen my Christmas spirit. I won’t write much - just wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and letting you know what’s up for the week in my world. 


What have I been up to?

I had 14 senior facilities scheduled for the week, but I only got to 5 before Covid got a hold of me on Wednesday. I still enjoyed spreading some Christmas cheer to my seniors on Monday and Tuesday. 

My Wednesday online show had to be cancelled since I wasn’t in any shape to sing and play. I really missed getting to sing to everyone. 

My Sunday online show ended up being a replay from last Christmas season with me commenting along like a director’s cut. It was fun and interesting, and I was able to be on camera for a few minutes before I started the replay and after to bid everyone a Merry Christmas. 


What am I up to this week?

I have 7 senior facilities scheduled this week, but one has already cancelled with a Covid lockdown. Whether I play will depend on when I test negative and what each facility's protocol is. It will be interesting. I may be too weak to schlep my equipment and play anyway. 

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be a theme around the “12 Days of Christmas” song. Each day is of course a different bird, animal, or other gift that I’m working with the Munch Bunch to have a clever interpretation into an existing song - Christmas or otherwise. Come on out and see what we come up with. All of this is dependent on if I feel strong enough to play that day. If I don’t feel strong enough I’ll host an older show again. I’m hopeful I’ll be good that day. 

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be a New Year’s Eve celebration of party music and fun. I really love doing these New Year's shows, and I’d love to have you celebrate in your own home and earlier than midnight if you’d like to join in. I should be doing well by then. 


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re having a lovely Christmas Day, and I’ll echo the words of Tiny Tim, “God bless us, everyone!”

All the best,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of 12 Days of Christmas songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, December 27, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of New Year’s Eve party songs 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 31, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 18, 2023

One Great Christmas

With Christmas coming next week I thought I’d share the memory of a great Christmas vacation when I was a kid. Our family home was a simple and small ranch style house in central Nebraska that we built in the early ‘60s with an addition on the back to make it big enough for 5 kids. Our garage was almost to the back of the lot with the neighbor’s house next to us with their garage at the back of the lot too. This meant that both of our driveways went from the street all the way along one side of the lot, and both driveways were next to each other with a short hedge and a small strip of grass dividing them. The long driveway meant we had a lot of concrete to skate and ride skateboards on as well as a long court for basketball. This was great until the snow came, and we used to get a lot of it in the ‘60s in Nebraska. The neighbor had planted the hedge between us for a border, but it also helped them avoid some of the snow that fell on our driveway. It had something to do with the way the wind whipped between our addition on the back of the house and our garage. The wind created swirling eddies in front of our garage, and then the hedge blocked the snow from blowing onto their driveway. As a result we could have three feet of snow dumped on our driveway when they only had four inches. The one Christmas I especially remember was when I was young enough to still enjoy building snow forts. We often had enough snow fall on our driveway that when we shoveled it from the garage all the way to the front yard it would make a pretty good-sized mound of snow. Well, on this particular Christmas we had snow that fell in a moderate amount every day for eleven days from before Christmas until sometime between Christmas and New Year during Christmas vacation. We were able to shovel so much snow into the front yard that we had two huge mounds and built two snow forts, one on each corner by the drive, with a tunnel that ran from one to the other and then across the front yard for several feet. It was the coolest thing ever, and all the kids in the neighborhood came to play with me in it. It lasted for many days until we had a warm day and someone broke through as we sledded from the top of one fort down into the yard. All these years later I still remember it vividly. That one was one great Christmas!


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities last week although another one was cancelled - again due to changing staff and situations. I need to do a better job of checking in with people. I enjoyed spreading Christmas cheer at all of them including the ones where I played for their Christmas party.

My Wednesday online show was doing Christmas songs, and I concentrated on doing older Christmas songs that I love. I even recited the old poem “The Night Before Christmas” since it is 200 years old this year. It was a very nice time!

Friday night I got to play at The Broadmoor for the Council of State Governments Western Legislative Academy graduation. It was a lot of fun, and it’s always a thrill to see The Broadmoor at Christmas with its beautiful decorations.

Saturday night I played a Christmas concert at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence, Colorado, and it was wonderful even though the crowd was a little smaller than usual with the Denver Broncos playing for a playoff bid that night. It’s hard to compete with football, but we made a fine time of it with some great Christmas songs and stories and Christmas goodies.

My Sunday online show was mostly Christmas songs to go with the season, but I snuck in some other favorites as well to round out the show. I always love playing for all the folks who come and share the music and themselves at my shows.


What am I up to this week?

I have 14 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to helping them all celebrate the season. This is the best time of the year to sing great songs and encourage folks.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Christmas songs again, and this time I’ll try to go a little farther afield with my song choices. I’m sure I’ll get a lot of great requests as well. Come on out if you can!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be a special Christmas Eve show for those who are more solitary this year or for those can steal away from family for a while or want to share my music and our group with that family. It should be a good night of memories and sharing. I’d love to have you if you’d like to watch.


That’s it for this week. I’ll probably have a special Christmas Day blog next week although I may wait until the day after so I don’t interrupt anyone’s celebration and don’t work on the holiday myself. Enjoy this special last week before Christmas, and if I don’t post a blog on Christmas Day, Merry Christmas!




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, December 20, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 24, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, December 11, 2023

Christmas Traditions

One of the things I like to talk about at my Christmas shows is different traditions that families and groups have. My family growing up was pretty traditional other than a couple family recipes for cookies and other goodies. My grandma had two German cookies - lebkuchen and pfeffernusee. The first of those had dried fruit and icing, and the second was anise and molasses. My mom had some other cookies she always made as well. We would sometimes go to church as a family on Christmas Eve, but we didn’t have any other Christmas Eve tradition that I can remember other than trying to get to sleep while we listened for Santa. Then on Christmas morning we kids would get up very early to get our Christmas stockings by the fireplace and watch the blinking Christmas tree lights and listen to music until our folks woke up and brought out orange rolls and started the gift opening. Since I moved to Colorado I’ve enjoyed the local traditions and treats like potica, a wonderful pastry, and Christmas tamales. Jen and I usually have a quiet Christmas of opening gifts to each other and our pets and having family time. I always ask the audience at my shows for family traditions they each enjoyed. I love hearing the answers and stories. How about you? Do you have any traditions to share?


What have I been up to?

I had 10 senior facilities last week although one was cancelled due to a scheduling mixup. I am doing a lot of Christmas songs now as we zoom towards the day.

My Wednesday online show was doing fun songs from the ‘50s, and it was a blast! I wanted to have a party, and that’s what it felt like. I love doing these tunes so much - reminding me of the fun I had in the ‘50s band I played in for many years.

My Sunday show was doing favorites and requests and it was so sweet as always. We ended up doing quite a few Christmas songs. These Sunday nights are just very special with good tunes and good friends.


What am I up to this week?

I have 9 senior facilities this week, and a couple of them will be having their Christmas party with me entertaining. It should be great fun!

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Christmas songs with its of variety between old traditional and new songs. I love basking in the music of the season. Come on out if to can.

Friday night I’m playing for the Council of State Governments graduation at the Broadmoor, and I mention it because it’s such an honor to get to play for all of these state legislators. 

Saturday night I’m playing a concert at 7:00 at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence, Colorado. I have played several Christmas concerts at this wonderful venue, and I look forward to seeing the folks who always come out to this great place to enjoy some Christmas cheer. I’ll be doing quite a variety of music including a sing-along. There’ll be Christmas artwork to look at and goodies to enjoy as well. Tickets are $8 for member and $10 for non-members, and you can find more information at I’d love to have you there!

Sunday night will be my online show 7-8:45 mountain time of favorites and requests as always. I love doing these shows, and people come from all over the country to enjoy each other’s company and listen to the music. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season, and I’d love to hear your traditions if you have time to reply.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Christmas songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, December 13, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who: Tom Munch

What: playing a Christmas concert

Where: Bell Tower Cultural Center, 201 East Second Street, Florence. 719-784-2038

When: Saturday, December 16, 7-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 17, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, December 4, 2023

'Tis the Season

Well, it’s December 4th and time to get in the spirit for Christmas once again. I write about this each year, and I’m surprised at how much my feelings are different each year. This year I’ve definitely already started singing Christmas songs in earnest as my senior facilities have been wanting to hear them from as soon as the day after Thanksgiving. We had a little snow which helped to get me in the spirit, but this week it will be warmer with no snow until possibly Friday afternoon, so I’ll have to manufacture some of the spirit for myself. Here’s my process for that. I think of my best memories and idealistic outlooks on Christmas over the years, and I fill my day with stories and decorations of Christmas. I’m very conscious that historically this season’s celebration was shared by many cultures and peoples as an event of the winter solstice when they were dealing with long nights and colder temperatures. They were trying to stave off the winter blues as much as anything, and as an entertainer it’s my job to help with that. Christmas music can really change our attitude, so I basically make it happen with these cheery and meaningful songs. And I really do love Christmas music, so it’s a joy to get to be a part of the spirit that is so infectious. Let yourself get into it too!


What have I been up to?

I had 7 senior facilities last week, and they were all so enjoyable and rewarding. As is said above, many were in the Christmas spirit and ready to start celebrating.

My Wednesday online show was songs about joy, and it was definitely a joyful evening of songs that were heartwarming and exciting. I had a great group of friends and fans out for it.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and many of those were already Christmas songs. We had a fantastic group of enthusiastic friends and fans that made the evening special. I played one of my older guitars that I had forgotten I enjoyed so much - a walnut Breedlove guitar I’ve had for over 30 years. I’ll have to play it more.


What am I up to this week?

I have 10 senior facilities this week including one that has a 98th birthday that should be wonderful. The Christmas spirit will definitely be flowing this week.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be something a little different this week. I wanted a party night of fun songs, so I’m doing fun songs from the ‘50s before I dive into Christmas music the last two Wednesdays before Christmas. As I write this, this theme sounds odd to me too, but I’m really looking forward to a kicking evening of tunes. I may sneak in a couple ‘50s Christmas songs to stay with the season. Come on out if you’re available.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. These nights are just so joyful and filled with people I know from all over the country, and I cherish the opportunity to play for everyone each week. Come on out if you can.


That’s it for this week. Once again I’ll remind you that if you’re in the southern Colorado area I will have a Christmas concert at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence, Colorado, on December 16th at 7:00 pm. This is a wonderful venue that I have played many times, and it always turns out to be a night to remember of Christmas cheer and singing. You can find out more at

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of fun ‘50s songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, December 6, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 10, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, November 27, 2023


Joy. It’s a fleeting concept that we strive to have every day. It often eludes us, and yet it is mentioned in this holiday season in many a song and sign. Joy seems to be beyond happiness. It is a quiet knowing that lasts longer and runs deeper in us. I only feel it when I take a deep breath, slow down, and take stock of my life. It seems to supersede the angst that I feel when I look at the world and all its troubles. I don’t know if this is what defines it for all people, but I wish it for everyone at this special season. I’ve had fun putting together a show full of songs that express this kind of all-knowing peace and satisfaction for this Wednesday’s online show. It’s just such an interesting feeling and emotion to dive into. I hope you feel it at this season and always in your life.


What have I been up to?

I neglected to write about my senior facilities last week again, and I’m sorry for that because they mean so much to me. I had 10 shows even with being off for Thanksgiving, and it was a joy to share some holiday spirit with all of them for Thanksgiving. My Friday facilities were even ready to start doing Christmas songs.

My Wednesday show was doing thankful songs, and it was a blast. There are just so many tunes that express such thankfulness that fit the holiday. I think everyone had a grand time.

My Sunday show was doing favorites and requests as always, and there were some great ones. These Sunday evenings always turn out to be something special, and I’m so thankful for them.


What am I up to this week?

I have just 7 senior facilities this week which is not rare since a couple days are the 5th repeat of a weekday for the month (most facilities I do the same repeat weekday every month) which means I have a couple empty days at the end of the month unless someone requests them. I think we’ll be starting to do Christmas songs at many of them.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the above-mentioned songs about joy which should be, what else, joyful! I look forward to an uplifting night of wonderful tunes and friends. Come on out!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests, and I’m sure there’ll be some good ones. If you’re ever wanting to hear me do a favorite song of yours, please tune in and ask for it. I’ll happily play it if I know it. And this sweet audience will welcome and support you!


That’s it for this week. If you’re planning your month of December and would like to hear me in the Southern Colorado area, then put on your calendar that I’ll be doing a Christmas concert at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence, Colorado, on December 16th at 7:00 pm. This is a very nice venue that I have played many times and many Christmases, and it always turns out to be a night to remember of Christmas cheer and singing. You can find out more at I’d love to have you there!

Be well and joyful,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Joy songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, November 29, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, December 3, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, November 20, 2023


It’s that special week when we celebrate Thanksgiving, and it always puts me in a different frame of mind. I am grateful for so many things in my life, and yet sometimes I fight the emphasis our culture puts on us to degrade ourselves to make ourselves worthy of the gifts we receive. I mean, we are worthy of receiving love and support, right? I think our culture tends to think that we have to humble ourselves to the point of prostrating in front of each other as if we didn’t deserve each other’s goodwill. It’s a very confusing thing. I think we are all truly special and valuable in the universe as individuals and as a collective, and I think that many bad things come from putting ourselves and each other down as a result of our beliefs and cultural philosophy. With that in mind, I am grateful for all the gifts I have received from so many people and from whatever force we believe in that grants us our talents and our awareness in this life. There is so much beauty and overflowing goodness that comes our way when we are open to it. I am eternally thankful for that. I think that is the true spirit of Thanksgiving.


What have I been up to?

I had 11 senior facilities last week, and although many are suffering from illness and are requiring masks, they are getting by and are thriving for the most part. I’m thankful to have a presence in the lives of the folks in these facilities, and I’m happy to be able to add some measure of comfort and love.

My Wednesday online show was another group of songs I haven’t done at my online shows before. It is so much fun to introduce people to songs they’ve never heard before - or at least haven’t heard me play before. I think everyone had a really good time. We’ll do another batch of these songs soon.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and we were missing some regulars with the holiday and so much going on, but it was still a fine turnout with many great songs requested and played. I love this group so much.


What am I up to this week?

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Thankful songs to celebrate the holiday. There are so many wonderful songs about being thankful in so many ways. I even have a new one from Jim Salestrom who has been ill with cancer for a decade . I’m sad to hear that, but I’m grateful for his touching and joyful song about gratitude. Come on out if you can!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and this is always a special evening. I’m sure we’ll be carrying some holiday energy into the show, and so I expect a sweet night. Come on by if you can spare the time!


That’s it for this week. I appreciate so many people ordering my sunrise calendars that I wrote about last week. Here’s the link if you’d like to take a look at them and order one for yourself - Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I hope to see you soon.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Thankful Songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, November 22, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, November 26, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, November 13, 2023


I’m wanting to write something uplifting today, and I’m wanting to explore the purpose of being uplifting. I know it’s probably just a different take on where I often go, but I think it’s worth discussing. I believe in being positive and putting good into the world. It’s too easy to complain and bring everyone down with a bad attitude. If I let the badness seep into me that I see around me every day, then I don’t help anyone including myself. This is such a wondrous world that we inhabit for such a short time. I could give you spiritual reasons to uplift others, but I think it’s better to just look at how it makes you feel when you prefer another person or seek to help someone. I honestly don’t understand why people don’t just do this for the good feelings they get. It’s an endorphin rush that makes your whole day better. It also lets you escape from your own cares, and who doesn’t want to do that? So I encourage you to try to be uplifting in your thoughts and actions. It’s something I tell myself every day.


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities that I neglected to write about last week. They all went very well, and I really enjoyed seeing all the folks and sharing some music and laughter. I was doing a lot of patriotic songs since Veterans Day was Saturday.

My Wednesday online show was doing songs I haven’t done for my online shows before, and I had a blast. There are so many really sweet songs that I have learned over the years that are very rewarding to sing and share. That’s some of the uplifting I can do with my online friends.

My Sunday online show was doing favorites and requests as always, and there were some fine requests and good surprises. I love these folks!


What am I up to this week?

I have 11 senior facilities this week including one I only get to play for a couple times a year, so I’m going to cherish every moment. 

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs I’ve never done yet again. I had so much fun at last week’s Wednesday show, that I decided to pick another bunch of songs that I love and never have played for the group. Come on out and hear some great tunes and get some nice surprises.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests, and I always look forward to springing some favorites on the folks and seeing what songs they want to hear. It’s usually a really good time, so come on out!


My wall calendars for 2024 are available now. These are my favorite pictures from the past year of sunrise walks I make with Beau each morning. The price is $15 each plus shipping and taxes, and they are printed on demand at Here are the links for them:


Horizon Sunrises 2024

Cloud Sunrises 2024

Sunrises with Beau 2024


That’s it for this week. The holiday season is fast approaching, and I’m thankful once again for family and friends. We’ll do some thankful songs before Thanksgiving.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Never Done Songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, November 15, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, November 19, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, November 6, 2023

Worry and Fear

I’ve been thinking a lot about worry and fear. No matter what your philosophy of life or faith, it’s easy to be consumed with these things. I go through bouts of it over finances, jobs, social situations, and health. I can psych myself out over anything if I let myself go there. When fear creeps in and starts to make me worry, it’s easy to just get stuck in place. I think looking at it from a higher perspective is the answer - whether it’s through faith and philosophy or just plain practicality. My faith and philosophy say that everything will be okay somehow, and that may be naive to some, but it keeps me going. That higher perspective eases my anxiety, and then I can move on. Practicality-wise I can’t do anything if I am pent up inside, so I try to relax. Then I start breaking things down into smaller chunks and ideas to stop scaring myself and move into some sort of action or thought I can actually do. Of course it takes time to break things down and figure out what steps I can take, but it’s worth it. I tell myself to do this every time I start to feel afraid or unsure. I take a deep breath, reassure myself, and then break it down. 


What have I been up to?

I had seven senior facilities last week, and unfortunately one of them had to be cancelled for illness, but several were wearing masks. Three of them were Halloween shows, and it was fun rounding out the holiday with spooky and fun songs. I love playing for these folks so much.

My Wednesday online show was ‘50s Standards, and it was so much more than I could have hoped for. Everyone really connected with the songs of this era, and although I think I fumbled through a couple of the songs, I really enjoyed it too - alternating between a jazz electric guitar and a nylon-string guitar.

Saturday I swapped tunes with Mike Hogan on accordion for a great event in Walsenburg sponsored by the Huajatolla Heritage Foundation with speakers and food and music. It was cool to play old cowboy and mining songs and back up Mike on some polkas and waltzes. Big thanks to Sandy Dolak for putting on such a great event.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and everyone had me hopping with really fine requests to play. I threw in a couple favorites including the new Beatles song, “Now and Then”. That’s such a good song with a super video that compresses the Beatles through the decades. These Sunday night shows are so special with my good friends and fans.


What am I up to this week?

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be another night of songs I’ve never done for my online audience. I really love digging in my songlist and finding gems that people haven’t heard me do. There are just so many great tunes out there! Come on out if you can!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. I love these nights of friends and tunes! Come on out if you can!


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re having a good start to your week.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Never Done Songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, November 8, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, November 12, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, October 30, 2023

Age Choices

I’m getting a bill today in the mail for crossing an express lane line in Denver when I was playing there earlier this month, and it has me thinking about feeling more out of touch as I grow older. In my defense I was confused about which lane I needed to be in when I went from one road to another, and I would have missed my exit if I would have stayed in the express lane, but I feared it was wrong at the time, and so I’ll pay the fine. But more and more as I age I feel less connected to the culture and world around me, and even though much of that is conscious decision to focus on the things that are important in life, it still has me feeling “at sea” sometimes. I can remember this happening to my parents, and I can remember how I didn’t understand at the time why they didn’t know how things worked in the world sometimes. It really bothered my dad when computers started to duplicate ways you could do certain things like cut, copy, and paste. My mom seemed to be pretty sharp all the time, but even she needed help with technology and other new things. I think we all are like this. There are new laws or events that happen that we miss, and then we feel dumb for not knowing about them. As I said above though, some of this is just choosing what to focus on and letting go of things that don’t seem important to us. Our friends who have kids and grandkids are more in touch with cultural and social news and events than we are. I used to pride myself for knowing current news about computers, cars, and photography, but I have let those things slip as I have aged and honed in on my music and the circle of life where I exist. I know that we do slow down as we age, and I know that things are also happening faster every year, so I think it’s okay to let things go. It’s just annoying when they end up costing us money!


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities last week, and I ended up picking up another one. The facilities that had COVID outbreaks were back in the pink so it was a good week all around. I love playing for these folks although I think I’m about Halloweened out. ;-)

My Wednesday online show was Halloween songs again, and it was really fun and spooky. I think I got to all the songs I wanted to play, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.

I did an online show of Philmont songs for my Philmont friends on Saturday, and it was really fine connecting with those friends and songs again. I love that there are these great ways to reach out and share an evening like this now across the miles and time zones.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and there were some wonderful requests. Every one of these shows is so dynamic and so full of giving and receiving. I really love how my audience is so supportive of me and of each other!


What am I up to this week?

I have 7 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to playing for every one. I wish I could tell you about every one of the wonderful people I get to see and interact with.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be ‘50s standards, and I think I need to clarify what these are. My good friend Bob suggested this theme, and I knew what he meant although you don’t hear about standards being in the 1950s very often. These are the songs that kind of pre-date the rock and roll era - the great singers and even big band and orchestra songs that were so popular at this time. Think of Nat King Cole and Jo Stafford and Perry Como. I love these songs, and I think this will be a fine night of tunes and memories. Come on out if you can!

Saturday 11-3 I’m playing at a free Huajatolla Heritage Foundation event in Walsenburg called Coal Camps and Cowboy Camps. It will be a community event that’s kind of hard to describe. There will be music for listening and dancing including me playing old mining and cowboy songs and accordionist Mike Hogan playing old polkas and waltzes, historians and speakers, historical presentations, free lunch of beans, cornbread and blueberry cobbler, and art and historical pictures. It’s all in celebration of the history and culture of southern Colorado along the Huerfano River in the shadow of the Spanish Peaks or Huajatolla. It should be a great time, so come on out! Here’s a video on Facebook explaining more about it -

Sunday my online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests, and I know it will be special as always. This is always a highlight of my week, so come on out!


That’s it for this week. I can’t believe it’s already November on Wednesday. Where does the time go? I hope you’re well and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of ’50s Standards

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, November 1, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch with Mike Hogan

What:  playing and singing at Coal Camps and Cowboy Camps

Where:   Walsenburg Community Center, 928 Russell Street, Walsenburg, CO

When:  Saturday, November 4, 11 am-3 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, November 5, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Cutting Losses

We bought a car last week because our old car was going to require really expensive repairs, and we thought it was best to cut our losses and not throw good money after bad. We got the same model of car but just a newer model, and hopefully this one will be more trouble-free. I like to drive my cars until they wear out as opposed to trading them in, but the last couple haven’t gone more than 130,000 miles or so. That has me thinking about knowing when to cut my losses about a lot of things in life. I’m not a very decisive person. I like to go with the flow, and I often follow that flow down a river that dwindles into a creek and then into a dry arroyo. I’m just not someone who likes to give up on a situation. I don’t know if that’s a good thing. It’s not very strategic at the least, but then I’m not a very strategic person. I figure that things come into my life for a reason, and I try to give them the respect I feel they deserve. I suppose it could also be a lack of ambition, but then I believe that we should bloom where we’re planted. I think some of this attitude comes from our upbringing, and some of it comes from our physical makeup like hormones and testosterone, and some of it comes from our life philosophy. It’s such an interesting thing how we proceed with our daily lives and the life choices we make. Other things in life that have to do with cutting losses could be relationships or jobs or houses or retirement decisions. I think about these things as the days go by, but for the most part I just try to live my life by contributing what I can to make life better for all of us. Hmmm…cutting losses. Do you, too?


What have I been up to?

I had 12 senior facilities last week, but two had to be cancelled with COVID outbreaks. I’m wearing masks more and more at the ones that don’t have outbreaks for caution’s sake. I know this isn’t the norm for most folks out and about, but it’s a reminder that there are still diseases to be aware of, and I’m happy to try to keep the older and more immune-compromised folks safe whom I interact with.

My Wednesday online show was Halloween songs, and there were some really good ones. I think everyone had a good time with a lot of smiles and a few shivers. I sure enjoyed it!

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and there were some really good songs there also. This is such a wonderful group of folks I get to play and sing for.


What am I up to this week?

I have 9 senior facilities this week although I’m pretty sure one will have to cancel again since they’re probably still in outbreak. I’m doing Halloween shows for the most part, and I’m having a ball doing them.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Halloween songs again this week. I will perform different songs than I did last week. These are such energetic shows, and it’s so much fun to come up with spooky backgrounds and things to wear. Come on out and join in!

Saturday 7-9 mountain I’m doing an online show of Philmont songs for my Philmont friends on my Philmont Songs Concert Facebook page that should be a fine time. I love staying connected to so many friends from my days at Philmont, and the songs I know from those days are old friends and gems that I like to play. If you’re in this group or like those songs then come on out!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will favorites and requests as always. I keep trying to learn new requests from folks as they come up, and there is always something wonderful that happens at these shows between the music and the friendship that is shared. Come on out if you can!


That’s it for this week. I hope you are healthy and happy and enjoying the Fall.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Halloween songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, October 25, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Philmont songs

Where: and

When:  Saturday, October 28, 7-9 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, October 29, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, October 16, 2023


I’ve already been doing Halloween shows for my senior facilities, and it has me thinking about what Halloween is and has been. I know just a little bit about the story of Halloween being the night before All Hallows or All Saints Day. I wasn’t raised Catholic, so I don’t have a feel for that day, and so Halloween for me has always just been the spooky and comic costumes and scary and fun movies. As humans we seem to enjoy having some sort of celebration of darkness and the unknown. It’s logical to be somewhat afraid of the dark when you can’t see what might be lurking in the shadows. Of course it’s mostly a manufacturing of monsters in our brain although sometimes there really is something to be afraid of. We do get an adrenaline rush out of being scared - especially when something jumps out at us or suddenly screams at us. But I’d like to write more about what it does to us to be in that state of fear. I played over the last weekend at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival, and much of my audience was young families with very young kids. I did a few Halloween songs during my show, and it was interesting to see how the kids reacted to different songs. I was very conscious to not sing songs that were too spooky, and sometimes the kids reacted in different ways than I anticipated. One of my favorite Halloween songs for kids is a song called simply “Boo!” by a band called Trout Fishing in America. It’s remarkable for the infrequent times when the song includes shouting “Boo!” during the song. Most kids jump when you shout this during the song, but some didn’t react much at all when I sang it during my show. Some of the other songs had concepts that were a little more nuanced that the younger kids couldn’t follow, and that’s to be understood. Overall it made me wonder if it’s okay to explore darker songs and ideas or if it’s better to be always uplifting and more a purveyor of love and light. I’m sure I’m making too much of it, but I believe there is something to the old adage that we tend to follow where our thoughts lead us. I just always feel better when I fill myself with good thoughts, and I sometimes think that I’m more encouraging when I put out uplifting and positive music and thoughts. Being in a state of fear releases all kinds of stress hormones and bad juju, I think. What do you think?


What have I been up to?

I forgot to mention my senior facility shows last weekend, and they’re important to me. I had 11 of them, and one had to be cancelled due to a COVID outbreak. That’s the first time I’ve had a cancellation for illness this Fall, and I hope it’s not a harbinger of more to come.  I know that COVID has hit harder in some places lately. Most of my senior facilities haven’t had their Fall shots this year yet.

My Wednesday online show was doing songs about birds, and it was as much fun as I thought it would be. Birds are such fascinating creatures! The audience seemed to think so too.

My Saturday show at Littleton Museum for the Harvest Festival was a little chilly, but there were a lot of folks and young families out to enjoy the crisp Fall morning and annular eclipse. It was so enjoyable! I had family members and friends come out to see me as well, so it was a great time.

My Sunday show was favorites and requests as always, and there were some nice moments with good friends. I love this group and this opportunity to share some music and encouragement.


What am I up to this week?

I have 12 senior facilities this week, and they should all be wonderful. I say it often, but I feel these are so important in supporting the community and our seniors. I get as much out of it as they do!

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time both this week and next week will be Halloween songs. I’ll definitely do a lot of fun songs as well as some of the more spooky songs although I’m conscious of what I wrote about above. I did some neat green screen effects last year, and I think I’ll do some this year as well although I don’t want to get too carried away.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I always love playing for my sweet friends and followers. Music is a gift I love giving.


That’s it for this week. The Fall is going by too quickly. Stop and smell the falling leaves if you can.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Halloween songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, October 18, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, October 22, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, October 9, 2023


I was talking with family members and the groom last weekend at our niece’s wedding, and they are avid birders and Audubon members. Their love for birds was infectious. It inspired me to think about birds a lot, so my Wednesday show this week is songs about birds. I’ve always been fascinated with birds, and I imagine many people are. Most birds can fly, and I’m sure I’m not the only person to have dreams about flying. The idea that you could be able to effortlessly lift off the ground just by spreading your wings into the wind is astounding. How many of us have put our hand out the window of a moving car and experimented with the lift of the breeze against our hand as we moved our hand through different angles? Have you ever watched a bird swooping down a hill or diving out of the sky and imagined yourself gracefully gliding over the land? And the beauty of birds doesn’t end with flight. Many have beautiful plumage and songs they sing. And consider how some migrate great distances and really see this beautiful world we live in. There are so many more worthwhile traits that birds have, from courtship dances to creative problem solving to daring acrobatics. There’s no doubt about it, they are simply amazing creatures, and we have written about them in story and song all through history. So Wednesday I’ll sing songs about birds for my theme show. It should be great fun.


What have I been up to?

I neglected to write about my senior facilities last week. I had 7 facilities to play for, and I needed to wear a mask at many of them due to COVID outbreaks and precautions. Well make it through though. The need for music and camaraderie is so strong.

My Wednesday online show last week was the music of Dan Fogelberg, and it was a good night. Dan’s music is just so impactful and beautiful, and it was a pleasure sharing it with good friends.

Sunday was the memorial for my good friend Dennis Heid who I played with many times in several bands over the years. He was a great bass player, singer and human being, and I’ll miss him so much.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and there were some great ones. This group of ”Munch Bunch” friends is so good to me.


What am I up to this week?

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be songs about birds as I wrote about above. I have some great songs planned and some wonderful requests already, and I know this will be a night to remember. Come on out!

Saturday 11:30-1:30 I’m playing at the Littleton Museum in Littleton, Colorado, for their Fall Harvest Festival. I’ve played this event several times now, and it’s always great fun. I’ll be in the pumpkin patch where many families and folks come to get a pumpkin for their home. It’s free admission that day with my music, an 1890s Carnival, a Pig Roast Demonstration, a Toddler Hay Bale Maze, and purchases available for games, refreshments, and wagon rides along with the pumpkins. I’d love to see you there if you’re in the Denver area.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests with my fine audience of friends and supporters. It’s always a very good time, and I’d love to have you there too!


That’s it for this week. The Fall is progressing quickly. I had to wear my wool base layer yesterday on my morning walk with Beau as the temperature dropped to near 35 degrees. It’s a beautiful time of year as the leaves change at our elevation, and I hope you’re enjoying it!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of bird songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, October 11, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival

Where:  Littleton Museum, 6028 S Gallup St, Littleton, CO, 303-795-3950

When:  Saturday, October 14, 11:30-1:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, October 15, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, October 2, 2023


I’m doing the music of Dan Fogelberg for my Wednesday show, and that has me thinking about songwriters. Songwriting is such an interesting art. I’ve done enough of it to really appreciate the writing of those who have done it much more than me. The idea that you can put an idea into words and then make a progression and melody that fits those words to express a story or idea is not something that is very easy - especially at a high level. When you can make clever rhymes and use interesting words and twists of melody you really have something. And it doesn’t always have to be complex. Simple ideas work too. I was very fortunate that the first song I wrote, “Moreno Valley”, was simple and just fell out of mind and through my fingers. I think it was a product of all the music I had absorbed up to that point in my life combined with the muse or the musical/spiritual wind that so many songwriters credit for their creations. I’ve never been really good at approaching songwriting as work. I usually need some inspiration. I know that some songwriters use their writing to work out problems in their life or express something they need to say. I think I’ve written about that before. Dan Fogelberg often wrote of breakups or pain in his life. The Beatles wrote about relationships for most of their early songs. The old songwriters for Broadway musicals wrote to fit the story they were telling. Whatever brings songwriters to put down their ideas in musical form, I’m always appreciative of their efforts. Music is just so powerful, and tapping into the creative force it embodies is so worthwhile. 


What have I been up to?

I had 8 senior facilities last week, and one had to be cancelled for a COVID outbreak. I’m sorry to hear that. Sounds like we’d better be extra careful this Fall and Winter. 

My Wednesday online show was doing ‘60s and ‘70s R&B tunes, and it was so much fun! The group really enjoyed it too. There’s just something so infectious about these songs with a great backbeat that move you. 

I had the weekend off as we headed over to the Western Slope of Colorado to celebrate our niece's wedding. It was a wonderful time!


What am I up to this week?

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the music of Dan Fogelberg as I wrote above. His music has meant so much to me over the years. I connected with it right away the first time I heard it back in the '70s, and I always loved his ability to be so poetic and so wise even through the angst he so often wrote about. Come on out if you can!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Favorites and Requests as always, and I know it’ll be a good time with some great friends. I’d love to have you in the audience!


That’s it for this week. Next week I have a fun event in the Denver area on Saturday from 11:30 to 1:30 at the Littleton Museum for their Harvest Festival. Please come out for this free day in the pumpkin patch at this beautiful location if you’re in the Denver area. 

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Dan Fogelberg songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, October 4, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, October 8, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, September 25, 2023

Celebrating Joy

I’m doing R&B songs on Wednesday night and then playing a wedding for my niece and her fiancée Sunday, so I’m thinking about joy. I’ve always loved songs with some drive and a strong beat, and the rhythm and spirit in R&B music has always been infectious to me. When my toe is tapping and I’m feeling the music in my body I can’t help but move. There is a syncopation and emphasis on the backbeat that has a somewhat hypnotic effect as it plays with what our brains expect and then have fulfilled by the instruments and vocals. I think that’s the best way to describe it. The beat is just slightly delayed, and this creates an expectation and then release that is so satisfying. Similarly, a wedding pushes some of the same buttons. We build up an anticipation of the beautiful moments in a wedding that are then delivered in emotional ways that bring us joy - the moment the couple enters, the moments when they say their vows, the moment when they kiss and are announced. It’s all part of what life is all about. I’m looking forward to both events so much!


What have I been up to?

I had 14 senior facilities to play last week, and they were all very special. They did have COVID precautions in place at a couple facilities, and I had received COVID, flu, and RSV shots (which went fine other than some sore shoulders). 

My Wednesday show was doing Fall songs, and it was so good to circle back around to these sweet songs. I love the Fall and this audience!

My Sunday show of favorites and requests was a nice time as always. This group of folks is so supportive of me and each other, and it is a joy to be a part of them. 


What am I up to this week?

I have 8 senior facilities this week, and they should all be a great time. There are so many friendly faces and so much music to share. 

My Wednesday show will be ‘60s and ‘70s R&B as I wrote above, and this will be a driving show full of lots of smiles. I love playing this music, and I know it will be a fun night. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. As I said above, I won’t be doing a Sunday night online show because I’ll be on the western slope of Colorado playing for and celebrating my niece's wedding. Here comes a week full of joy!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of ‘60s and ‘70s R&B songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, September 27, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Monday, September 18, 2023


Is it really Fall already? My cooler morning walks definitely say it’s so. It officially starts this coming Saturday, the 23rd. I always write about this season because it is my favorite time of the year. One thing I don’t like about it is that it’s harder to keep my fingers warm when taking pictures on my morning walks with Beau. But when the leaves start to change and life begins to slow a bit I am rejuvenated. Another thing I don’t like about it is that snow comes to the high country, and I can’t get into the mountains as easily until the next summer. But all those things are worth the beauty and relaxed feeling I get from the world around me as we head into the Fall. I think I feel connected enough to the earth that I sense the shift in the land as it seems to exhale at this time in my area. All is saying that it was an exhilarating period of growth and excitement, but now is time to rest and prepare for the winter. I like that. I’m not happy that this season is often seen as depressing, and that songs about this time tend to be more somber. My show on Wednesday will be Fall songs, and I will endeavor to pick out the songs that are more uplifting and positive. I just love this season and want to bring out the joy of the Fall. Do you feel it?


What have I been up to?

I had 8 senior facilities last week, and they were all so worthwhile. I did wear a mask at 3 facilities that are either taking precautions or have had COVID in their staff. I get my COVID shot today, so hopefully I can dodge it myself as well as keep my folks healthy. 

Senior Safari on Wednesday was a beautiful event this year with lots of folks I knew, perfect weather, and a great playful vibe. It’s so nice to get to do a great event outdoors like this. Big thanks to the Pueblo Zoo staff for pulling it all together. 

My Wednesday online show doing more Jimmy Buffett songs was so much fun too. I got to do some lesser-known songs of his that were requested and were just gems. 

My Sunday online show of favorites and requests had some great songs and folks too as always. I’m just amazed at the great moments we continue to have on these online shows. 


What am I up to his week?

I have 14 senior facilities this week, and although that’s a lot, I’m looking forward to every one. I’m also getting my COVID, flu, and RSV vaccinations this morning, so this will be an interesting experiment in endurance. Wish me well!

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be Fall songs as I wrote above. Every year I have more new songs that are so neat and fun to play. Come on out and listen to Fall!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. I love doing these shows, and the interaction online is so much more rewarding than I thought would be possible over the internet. Come on out and join in!


That’s it for this week. Next week I’ll only be doing a Wednesday online show because Jen and I are headed over the mountains to attend our niece's wedding next Sunday near Grand Junction. I’ll play some songs for them as well for the ceremony and reception. Enjoy the Fall!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Fall songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, September 20, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, September 24, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, September 11, 2023

Taking in Beauty

I traveled over the weekend to our family cabins in New Mexico to close them for the winter, and seeing the beauty on the drive and at the cabins refreshed me like I knew it would. There’s just something about seeing the land and the creatures in it that makes me remember my connection to the earth. It’s something that’s easy to forget in our coddled lives. But when you slow down and let yourself sink into the horizon and the sights, smells, and sounds of a beautiful morning or evening it helps you remember. We really are part of this old earth with every element of our being. It’s kind of a joyous thing. I hope you are able to connect in that way too.


What have I been up to?

I had 8 senior facilities last week, and at one I even had an old friend sit in, and it was such a nice time. I love playing for these folks. 

My Wednesday online show was playing Jimmy Buffett songs to honor his life and songwriting, and it was so much fun that the group asked to do his music again this week. 

Thursday I played the final event of the season for the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, and it was a wonderful evening of food and music and fundraising for the Spanish Peaks Alliance for Wildfire Protection. I’ll miss the ranch until next summer.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and we did a bunch of unexpected songs including some that I’d never played for my online shows before. It was a blast!


What am I up to this week?

I have 8 senior facilities this week, and I’m really looking forward to all of them. It’s hard to explain the satisfaction of knowing you’re giving something of value to others. And as I always say, I get just as much or more out of it than they do. 

Wednesday 10:30-1 I’m playing for the Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo once again. This is one of my favorite events of the year, and there will be friends and folks from my senior facilities out to see the zoo, eat some pizza, listen to my music, and play a little zoo bingo from 1-2. It’s part of senior week which is a free week at the zoo for all seniors. You can find out more here - Come on out!

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the music of Jimmy Buffett once again. Everyone had such a good time last week celebrating his life and music that they asked for another night. He had some great tunes, and I’m learning some more, so come on out!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as per usual, and it’s always a lovely evening of friends and music. I hope you’ll tune in too!


That’s it for this week. I hope you can take in some beauty this week. It’s so good for us!




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What: playing and singing

Where:  at the Pueblo Zoo for Senior Safari,

When:  Wednesday, September 13, 10:30-1

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Jimmy Buffett songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, September 13, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, September 17, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, September 4, 2023

Jimmy Buffett

Jimmy Buffett passed away Friday night. I always liked his music, but the reason I want to write about him is because of his lifestyle. He seemed to be the epitome of someone who just lived his best life. That’s a newer phrase in the last few years to me, but it’s one I’ve pondered many times. I don’t really worry much about making plans or having bucket lists. I’ve always gone with the flow for the most part. But I also haven’t taken huge chances. Jimmy was one who would go on grand adventures with no worries about whether they would fail. If they did fail he’d say he got a great story. In one of his adventures he flew a sea plane to Jamaica just to get some Jamaican chicken with friends, and he was almost shot out of the sky by officials who mistook his plane for a drug runner. He got a story and a song called “Jamaica Mistaica” out of that. Paul McCartney commented at Jimmy’s passing that “When we swapped tales about the past his (Jimmy’s) were so exotic and lush and involved sailing trips and surfing and so many exciting stories that it was hard for me to keep up with him.” Another friend remarked that even when Jimmy was deep into cancer treatment a couple months before his death and was told to rest he instead jetted away to play a concert. That’s a zest for life that you have to admire. And his music could be simple or complex, but he gained a following for a music that was all his own. His followers are many and diverse and have all been affected by his love and joy for life. A song I just learned that will be released on his new album in October says, “Just know that you are loved, there is light up above, and the joy is always enough, bubbles up.” This refers to the advice divers give each other when they are confused underwater on which way is up to follow the bubbles, and it applies so well to life. Bubbles, up, my friend!


What have I been up to?

I had 8 senior facilities last week, and they were all very nice. It’s always a pleasure. 

My Wednesday online show was doing work songs for Labor Day, and it was a good night of swell tunes. More folks came out for it than I expected, and we had a wonderful evening. Happy Labor Day!

Saturday I played for the KLZR Radio Block Party in Westcliffe, Colorado, and I forgot how many great folks and friends I have up there. I haven’t played there in a few years with COVID and all, but so many people came out to hear me play, and we had a sweet time!

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and it was a very fine evening as always. There were a few new songs and old songs that were new to the group including “Bubbles Up” that I mentioned above. I love this group.


What am I up to this week?

I have 8 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to every one. I’m so honored always to play for these folks.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be a tribute to Jimmy Buffett like I mentioned above. It should be a nice night of remembrances and tunes. I’d love to have you there if you love the music of Jimmy Buffett or even may be a Parrot Head, as Jimmy’s fans call themselves.

Thursday night 6:30-8 I’m playing the AA (alcohol and appetizer) party at the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch that we always have the Thursday after Labor Day. It’s a bring-your-own appetizer to share and whatever bring-your-own beverage you prefer evening that’s also a fundraiser for the local fire folks who protect the valley up there. It’s always a great time that mostly draws local folks, but everyone is welcome. I’d love to see you if you’re in the area or want to make a short trip to the mountains.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I’ll be in the mountains before the show closing cabins, so I’ll have that great mountain energy that I love to bring to a show. Come on out!


That’s it for this week. I have the Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo and the Fall Festival at the Littleton Museum coming up this Fall, so there’s always something to look forward to! Be well, and once again, Bubbles Up!




Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Jimmy Buffett songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, September 6, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Alcohol and Appetizer fundraiser
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, September 7, 6:30-8:00 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, September 10, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, August 28, 2023

Work Songs

This year I’m going to do work songs for my Wednesday show before Labor Day, so I thought it would be appropriate to say something about work and music. When I Googled work songs there were some interesting results. I was immediately thinking of rhythmic songs that people used to sing when they worked at jobs that required working together to a beat like sailors’ songs or millworkers’ songs, but what came up was more interesting. There were results of playlists that people could listen to at work, or there were songs about being at work, or there were songs about getting away from work. We have such an interesting relationship to working in our culture. Personally I’m driven to work almost all the time - feeling the pressure of things that need to get done yesterday to pay the bills or fulfill an obligation. (I actually need a little work-life balance again in my life.) I really respect people who like to work hard, but I also respect those who know how to take time off and enjoy themselves. Some cultures even encourage people to take vacations -  that sounds good to me. And as far as the songs go, there are so many tunes about working in such a large variety.  I still really like my first impetus for rhythmic work songs that were sung in different trades, and I’d like to do a bunch of those some time, but for this show we’ll do a potpourri of all different fun work songs. 


What have I been up to?

I had 10 senior facilities last week, and they were all really enjoyable. I know I say that every week, but I mean it.

My Wednesday online show was doing the music of Simon and Garfunkel, and I don’t know why we didn’t do a show of them earlier. I so love their music, and I have ever since I was a kid and listened to them with my sisters. There were memories all night long.

My Sunday online show was doing favorites and requests, and it was a great time as always. I had a couple new tunes that were really special. 


What am I up to this week?

I have 8 senior facilities this week, and it should be a great bunch of shows. These folks are the best.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be work songs as I wrote of above. I’ve put together a really nice list of songs with several requests, and I’m looking forward to a sweet night with friends. Come on out!

Saturday 11-1:30 I’m playing in Westcliffe, Colorado, for the KLZR Labor Day Block Party. This is a fun event in Westcliffe where they’ll have studio tours of the radio station and sidewalk food in addition to my music out front of the station. It’s put on by the same folks who hosted the concerts I used to do in the Feedstore Park in Westcliffe. Come on out if you’re in the area!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I expect that there’ll be a big turnout since most folks don’t have to work on Monday. It will be a good time with friends, so come on out!


That’s it for this week. I hope you have a great Labor Day weekend, and get out and enjoy some live music if you can.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of work songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, August 30, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing for the KLZR Labor Day Block Party

Where:  103 South 2nd Street, Suite A, Westcliffe, CO

When:  Saturday, September 2, 11 am - 1:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, September 3, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Simon and Garfunkel

When I was young and just developing my sense for music and who I was going to be I encountered Simon and Garfunkel’s music through my sister’s records. There was something mesmerizing in their gentle harmonies, acoustic sounds, and cleverness of lyrics that swept me up and carried me along. Some of their songs were very simple, and I know that Paul Simon doesn’t particularly care for some of his early writing, but to me they had a sophistication and forthrightness that I really respected and enjoyed. I can still listen to songs like “The Dangling Conversation”, “Cloudy”, or “Punky’s Dilemma” and get the same joy I got when I heard them almost 60 years ago. Of course their hits were even more influential, and you can’t deny that songs like “The Sound of Silence” and “Bridge Over Troubled Water” made a big impact on a lot of folks. They still do. My favorites will always be the quieter lesser-known songs like “Kathy’s Song” and “April Come She Will”. But all of their music was fairly easy for me to learn when I was starting on guitar, and so I have cherished playing and singing them for most of my life. Did you have a relationship with these songs back in the day too? I’ll enjoy singing and playing these old favorites on Wednesday this week.


What have I been up to?

I had 11 senior facilities last week, and they were all so enjoyable. I can’t say enough how much I like doing these shows for these folks.

My Wednesday online show was doing a second round of “never done” songs I haven’t done for my online shows before, and it was a fun night of tunes. There are just so many good tunes out there, and I want to do every one.

My Saturday private party was a retirement party for a good friend, and it was such a great group of folks and a nice evening. Congrats on your retirement, Lauri!

My Sunday show was doing a tribute to Chuck Pyle from my good friends Matt and Deann’s house with a live in-person audience of friends. It was a really good time even though I get overwhelmed with so much going on at once. Chuck’s music is so good, and it was a pleasure to celebrate it once again.


What am I up to this week?

I have 10 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to them all. It is a privilege to bring music to an appreciative audience.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the music of Simon and Garfunkel as I wrote about above. This will really be a night to remember with so many good songs and memories. Come on out if you can!

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be back to favorites and requests, and I will be endeavoring to get to some of the requests I’ve had on my list this summer that I haven’t had time to learn. It is always a good time. Come and join in with our wonderful group of friends.


That’s it for this week. As the summer winds down I find myself appreciating the later morning and earlier nights that lead to the blessed Fall season.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Simon and Garfunkel songs

Where: and  

When:  Wednesday, August 23, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, August 27, 7-8:45 pm mountain time