Monday, October 14, 2024


I was looking at my schedule this week, and I started to feel a little overwhelmed. I never thought I’d be this busy again when everything slowed down during the pandemic. I figured that there were some things that would never really happen again. Many of my musician friends got back to work as fast as they could, but I held back because I had liked more time at home. I love to play, and I know I will never completely stop, but something inside me changed as those months wore on in 2020. Though I played online and recorded and played over the Internet for as many of my senior facilities as I could, I just never thought I’d be back with a vengeance to those early times of playing several nights a week. But now I’m suddenly very lucky with requests from all corners to have me play at several venues and many events. It’s a blessing to be sure, but I’m finding that I lack the drive I once had for some of the tunes, and I’m not sure why. Some of it is because I can’t hit the notes I used to reach with my voice and pick the fingerings I used to flow through on the guitar. There are moments when I break through the limitations and have a blast, but I have to work harder to find these. I realize too that I have to make more time for joy and relaxation so that I have the balance that keeps the enthusiasm up. I’ll find my way like always, but it’s worth reflecting for a moment and taking stock. I know we all go through these thoughts, and voicing them lets us share the realization and move forward. I’m just turning the stone over to see different facets.


What have I been up to?

I had 9 senior facilities last week, and I enjoyed them all. One of them has a lot of Covid cases now and I’m really hoping they can get through this infection without much pain and suffering. It’s tough watching them go through it.

My Wednesday online show was doing the music of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen, and it was great sharing his music and remembering his life. He wrote some really good songs.

Saturday I played at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival, and it was so much fun seeing all the kids and parents in the pumpkin patch playing and picking out pumpkins and listening to my music. I love playing this event.

Saturday evening I played a 1969-1972 high school reunion for Pueblo Central High, and it was fun doing a lot of the tunes I have recently played for some of my online 1970s shows. They really had a good time.

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests as always, and I had a great group of friends come out to support me and each other and enjoy some special tunes. I love this group.


What am I up to this week?

I have 11 senior facilities this week, and I know they will all be loads of fun. I’m doing mostly Halloween songs now, and it’s a goofy, spooky time.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be what I call “never done” songs - songs I haven’t ever played for these online shows. This is always a good time playing songs that people don’t know that I have learned and performed. Come on out if you’d like to hear some real gems!

Friday 6-9 I’m playing instrumental tunes at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant again. I have really been enjoying these nights, and I do different songs every time. Come on out if you’d like to hear some first-class noodling!

Saturday night 7-9 I’m playing an online show for Philmont alumni as I do 3 times a year. This is a chance to reminisce with good friends I worked with or who shared the same experiences I did when I was in high school and college at Philmont. Come on out if you’re a Philmont alum!

Sunday 11-2 I’m playing instrumental tunes at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant for brunch. This is such a great venue with very beautiful views. It’s open to the public, and I really recommend calling ahead for a reservation if you’d like to come out!


That’s it for another week. It’s great to be so busy. I just need to take time to breathe occasionally. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of “Never Done” songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, October 16, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Restaurant. 888-994-3156
When:  Friday, October 18, 6-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Philmont songs
Where: and
When:  Saturday, October 19, 7-9 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Garden of the Gods Resort and Club in the Grand View Restaurant. 888-994-3156
When:  Sunday, October 20, 11 am - 2 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, October 20, 7-8:45 pm mountain time 

Monday, October 7, 2024


I’m doing a tribute to Kris Kristofferson Wednesday online, and that has me thinking of all the tributes I’ve done and all the musicians who have contributed so much to the lives we all live. I’m always amazed at how a song can affect a person’s life and outlook, and when I think that a song started as just an idea in a songwriter’s head I’m even more amazed. Some songs are contrived to sell, and some songs are a labor of love that has to be expressed. Either way when we hear them they have an impact on us in an almost unexplainable way. And the people who choose to go into music will do it for all kinds of reasons - fame, fortune, love, or just because they are internally compelled to. The ones who are able to make a lifetime career are the ones I usually do tributes to. I respect the effort and resilience they have to keep going even when the business isn’t great for them and they only see the smiles on their audience’s faces. And unfortunately some of the tributes I’ve done have been in remembrance as some musicians have passed. I believe in keeping their music alive even if that music seems irrelevant. A lot of understanding can come from the heart that someone put into a song - even if that song is 20 or 200 years old. So I’ll pay tribute to Kris Kristofferson on Wednesday and many who played with him and celebrated him.


What have I been up to?

I had 7 senior facilities last week, and it was fun starting to play Halloween songs or them. I love these folks.

My Wednesday online show was doing songs about wildlife, and it was creative and fun. I love doing shows where there is some leeway for some surprises. I think the audience really liked it too.

Friday I was at the Garden of the Gods Club in the Grand View Restaurant in Colorado Springs, and I had a good group of folks to play for. I played the guitar that I have tuned down to a lower pitch, and it makes the instrumental songs I play there have a really interesting quality to them. Several people noticed and gave me compliments. 

My Sunday online show was favorites and requests, and there were some good ones. We always have a Zoom call before the show, and these are really fun too. You’re always welcome to join in.


What am I up to this week?

I have 9 senior facilities this week, and I’m looking forward to all of them. It’s always an interesting dynamic. They all know that I love and respect them, and that makes it all worthwhile.

My Wednesday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be the music of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen as I wrote above. Kris was a wonderful songwriter with a touch of heart that belied his gruff persona. So many of his songs speak right to me, and I will do a few songs from the Highwaymen as well to round out the show. Come on out!

Saturday 11-1 I’m playing at the Littleton Museum outside in the pumpkin patch for their Harvest Festival. This is a really fun event that I’ve played for several years now. I’ll be in the tent by the pumpkin patch where families will be picking out their Halloween pumpkins and going for a wagon ride. It’s really cool and a good time. Come on out if you’re in the Denver area!

Saturday evening I’m playing a high school reunion in Pueblo that should be great fun too with all the songs I know from 1967 to 1972. I was made for these kinds of parties.

My Sunday online show 7-8:45 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always, and I know it will be a good night with good requests and great friends. I never have a bad time at these shows. Tune in if you can!


That’s it for this week. The Fall is really coming on now. Jen, Beau and I went for a drive to see the leaves changing in the mountains of southern Colorado last Saturday, and it was beautiful. I can’t say enough how much I love this time of year even as my morning walks with Beau get chillier. I hope you are healthy and happy.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of Kris Kristofferson and the Highwaymen songs
Where: and  
When:  Wednesday, October 9, 7-8:45 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing at the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival
Where:  Littleton Museum, 6028 S Gallup St, Littleton, CO, 303-795-3950
When:  Saturday, October 12, 11 am -1 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch 
What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 
Where: and  
When:  Sunday, October 13, 7-8:45 pm mountain time