Monday, August 22, 2011

Still trying to figure out what 50 means

Well, I haven't been very good about figuring out what having a blog means - just like I haven't figured out what being 50 means. I still feel young, and after losing weight and getting in the best shape of my life I feel spry enough to do anything I set my mind to.

My songwriting is a little bit in a lull, but the muse is still there whenever I turn it on - it just takes the time put aside to do it. I think exercising has brought my mind to life just like it has brought my muscles to more vitality. I'm not saying I'm not still forgetful, because I still am, but at least I feel less groggy-headed (if that's a word.) Being able to create means all the world to me. It's the one thing that always puts me in the game. I love words and melody, and the interplay is sometimes very hard to get where I want, but the process and the result are very gratifying.

I'm not any more organized than I was before 50. I know this just takes time - just like songwriting. If we didn't have to make money it seems there'd be more time. I've been trying to practice GTD for the last couple years. That's a method for getting things done better. It's mostly just about getting ideas out of your head and onto paper so you don't forget them, and also so you can lay them out in front of you and make some sense of where you are and where you want to go. It sounds goofy, but it really does make common sense. I think some folks see it as cultish, and I did too before I read about it a little more. If you do GTD or are interested in it I'd be happy to explain it better. GTD doesn't have that much to do with my organization though. I just need to take time to clean my office, redo my website, and clean up my file system.

Speaking if time, I'd better get on with the day. 50 isn't retirement age for me. But then I don't think I'll ever retire. :-)

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