Monday, November 28, 2016

We Need Each Other

I’ve been reading a lot lately, and I’m again reminded of many things I already knew, but it ’s good to get the reinforcement, especially in light of the political angst we feel now.  The biggest thing I realize is that we all need each other.  This is reflected in many ideas - from the spiritual belief that we are all one to the realization that on the quantum level we are all interconnected to the rational thought that we all depend on each other to make our society work.  We like to think that we can be rugged individuals who depend only on ourselves and don’t need anyone else, but in the end we realize that only people and friendships in this life matter - possessions and achievements don’t.  Let us try to remember this as we go about our days interacting with each other and figuring out how to make our time on earth and our world work.  Competition is invigorating, and we all want to have our opinions, but in the end we need each other, especially in the holiday season.

What have I been up to?

The private party last Monday for my dear friend was wonderful. Just a bunch of friends and family sitting around the living room sharing songs and stories. Just perfect!

Thanksgiving was quiet but very special as well. It's always great to spend time with family. I even got to pick a few tunes with my nephew, Eric, on clawhammer banjo Friday night. What fun!

What am I up to this week?

Friday night I'm back at Magpies to start the Christmas season. I'm not saying that I'll sing a bunch of Christmas songs, but I'm game for whatever everyone else is, as always. I'm thinking that we may do a Christmas sing-along at Magpies on the 16th if everyone's up for it. What do you think?

Saturday night I'm playing for the Council of State Governments Western Legislative Academy final night as I have done for the past several years. This is always an exciting group to play for. The Academy is a course that western elected officials take to learn to govern better. It's a very nice bipartisan atmosphere of congeniality and goodwill, which is a pleasant respite from the political rancor we've been experiencing this year. It's always a cowboy theme where I get to play great cowboy songs and then lead a sing-along and invite people up to sing with me. I've always enjoyed it. It's great to meet people who make a difference in their state and community.

That's it for this week. Enjoy this beautiful holiday season, and don't forget my online concert on the 18th.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, Dec 2, 7-10 pm

Monday, November 21, 2016

Holidays, Waypoints

It’s Thanksgiving Day week - Happy Thanksgiving!  I often use the holidays to mark where I’ve been and and where I am.  It’s kind of like the waypoint I mentioned in my title - dropping a pin to remember a point along the way.  I look back along the timeline of my life and see where I was on past holidays - who I was with, where I was staying, and what was going on in the world.  This Thanksgiving finds me in fairly good spirits.  I released a new album this year.  I have enough money to take a day or two off now and then.  My health is pretty good for a 55-year-old - I'm exercising daily and eating healthy with a few treats along the way.  My marriage with Jen is happy, and we have a new dog, Beau, who brings us joy daily.  I’m missing some old friends and family members who’ve passed on in the last year or so, and I’m enjoying new friendships and opportunities.  I’m enjoying more peace and mindfulness - notwithstanding the election season we just went through.  My music is flowing as well as ever, and probably coming to me more easily and naturally.  I’m still learning and exploring - reading new books and listening to podcasts that stretch my mind with science, history, fiction, philosophy, and spirituality.  I’m thankful for such a good life as I approach the holiday where we express our thankfulness.  I hope you are too.  I think of those around me who are less fortunate, and I try to keep giving from my gifts as I walk the path of life.

Happy Thanksgiving!

What have I been up to?

Last Friday was so much fun at Magpies.  Most of the regulars were there with a few new faces as well, and once again we did music from all over the map - even singing songs in tribute to Leonard Cohen, Leon Russell, and Mentor Williams.

What am I up to this week?

I don’t have any weekend gigs with the holiday other than nursing facilities, but I am playing a party tonight for a very good friend that I wanted to mention.  I live for these kind of events - playing in a living room for music lovers and friends.  I feel like family, and I get to sing my favorite songs for some of my favorite people.  It’s pretty much musical heaven.

I also wanted to remind everyone to put my online living room concert on your schedule if you’re available.  It’s Sunday, December 18, 7:00 pm mountain standard time (9:00 eastern) at  Just tune in on your computer, tablet, phone, or whatever for an hour or so of Christmas tunes and memories.  You can make requests and comment as we go, and it’s free.

That’s all for now.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Best always,


Monday, November 14, 2016

Finding Peace

I’m not sure what to write about this week.  The last week has been trying for everyone - just too much angst about a change.  I try not to wrap myself up in the goings on of the world, but it’s hard to not be affected.  So I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and a lot of talking to friends on all sides.  I’ve also been listening to music and walking in nature - both things that absolutely enrich my soul and bring joy.  I don’t have final answers, but I do find peace for myself.  I will always believe and say that we choose our own reality - making each day what we want it to be.  I will always say that love is the most important thing - loving ourselves and loving others.  I will always believe in the big picture - living this life to the fullest in joy and laughter regardless of my situation.  I will always find wonder in this world - seeing the beauty of nature around me and the infinite possibilities in the universe.

What have I been up to?

Last time out at Magpies 2 weekends ago was really nice. So many friends were out, and we did songs from all over the board.

What's up this week?

I'm back at Magpies 7-10 Friday again. It's such a special time whenever we all get together downstairs at Magpies, and I'm sure this will be another night to remember. Please come down if you're in the area.

Also I'm planning an online Christmas concert for Sunday, December 18, at 7:00 Mountain Standard Time (9:00 Eastern) at I always really enjoy these, and it's so easy to join in and make requests that it really is an interactive and fun time. Please mark your calendars and tune in.

That's it for this week. Take care of yourself, do something fun, and keep spreading the love.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, Nov 18, 7-10 pm