Monday, September 24, 2018

Heart Soaring

I spent the weekend in the mountains by Crested Butte, Colorado, for my niece’s wedding, and I have to say that the wild places still make my heart soar just like a kid. It was almost too much! So many beautiful peaks in every direction with such rugged embattlements. It’s hard to pin down exactly why they affect me so much. Without a doubt a childhood spent exploring those wild places had a lot to do with it. I used to explore every summer at our grandparents’ cabins in the mountains. But even though I don’t explore as much nowadays, I still get an ancient thrill when I’m washed over by the beauty and timeless power of such majesty. It’s the same thrill I get when I contemplate the stars and the limitless worlds in the universe. I am part of all of this, and it is my home. Amazing!

What have I been up to?

Senior Safari a couple weeks ago on Wednesday was so much fun. I saw folks from almost every nursing and senior place I sing for, and although it was a very warm day, it was a beautiful time of friendship, food, music, and zoo animals.

The Good Sam’s fall event concert was a blast that Friday in Greeley, and I saw so many old friends and familiar faces.

Then Saturday was great friends and music at the Philmont Philtoberfest in Colorado Springs. I got to pick with some current staffers and share some great food.

Finally, last weekend in Crested Butte for my niece Laura and her beau Josh was beautiful. Big congrats to them! I played for their Saturday night rehearsal dinner and party to a fine group of friends and family. Then Sunday was a gorgeous chair lift to the top of the mountain and a golden hike among the aspens before a wonderful wedding with spectacular views and a few tears and lots of smiles.

What’s up this week?

Friday 6-9 I get to be part of the grand opening of a brand new brewery in Walsenburg called the Crafty Canary. This is a very cool event with some great folks, and I’d be honored to have you there if you like fine beer and my music.

Then my first-Sunday online concert will be moving this month again to the first Monday of October which happens to be next week on the 1st. I’m giving you a heads-up a week ahead in case you miss my reminder next week. Just point your screen to at 7:00 MDT to listen, and you can log in there to comment if you like.

What’s on the horizon?

October 5th 6-9 I get to play for my friends Joette and Pellumb Dhamo at their new restaurant, Bistoro. You’ll recall that they used to have the Neon Alley Bistro in Pueblo, and now they’re ready to start having music at their new location in Central Plaza.

October 6 and 7 I get to play at 2 concerts honoring the late great Chuck Pyle. The 6th is at Swallow Hill in Denver, and the 7th is at Avogadro’s in Fort Collins. These will be beyond fun.

That’s it for this week. Bask in the fall, my friends, and enjoy the changing if the seasons.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for a grand opening
Where:  Crafty Canary Brewery, 105 E. 5th Street, Walsenburg, 719-890-1112
When:  Friday, September 28, 6-9

Monday, September 10, 2018


Well, we missed a weekend of fun and relaxation due to the crud. It amazes me how quickly our plans have to be changed when illness steps into our path. I had a cold come and go pretty quickly, but I passed it on and it hit my wife Jen a bit harder, and so we needed to stay at home instead of going to the mountains. I seldom take time off, and it really bothered us to miss this fun weekend. So we binge-watched Matt Groening's “Enchanted” instead, and I did a bunch of yard work that needed to be done. I know that having flexibility and the willingness to do something completely different at the drop of a hat can be very fulfilling. I find that some of my best experiences have come about as a result of spontaneous changes and the way creativity allowed me to enjoy the ride. It’s just too bad it had to come about this time through the crud. 

What have I been up to?

Monday's online concert was one of the best-attended ever. I had such a great group of folks out for Labor Day, and I did a little more mellow show than usual. 
It was very, very nice. 

Thursday was the party at the Yellow Pine, and we had some wonderful folks come out to wind up the season. It’s a good thing we rescheduled for the end of September because it was definitely chilly by the time I packed up around 9:00. I forget how short the season is in the mountains. 

What’s up this week?

Wednesday 10:30-2:00 is the annual Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo. I’ve been playing for this for many, many years now, and I always look forward to what's grown into a huge event. It’s a free day at the zoo for all seniors with my music, pizza, salad, bingo, great camaraderie, and the wonderful animals and folks at the zoo. I play from 10:30-1:00, and then bingo commences to the end. 

Friday I’m playing at a big Good Samaritan’s RV evening in Greeley for folks who I’ve played for many times before. I always love playing for these folks. 

Saturday is the annual Philmont Oktoberfest (Philtoberfest) Party at my good Philmont friends' place in Colorado Springs. This isn’t a public party, but I enjoy it so much that I have to mention it.  It’s great to see old friends, celebrate our friendship, and maybe even share a few songs and stories. 

That’s it for this week. Next week I’m helping to celebrate my niece's wedding in 
Crested Butte, so I won’t have a blog or mailer. Be good to each other, and stay away from the crud. I wish I would have. 

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where:  at the Pueblo Zoo for Senior Safari
When:  Wednesday, Sept 12, 10:30-1

Monday, September 3, 2018


I played a wonderful concert and a wedding reception this past weekend, and the one thing I brought away from both events was giving. I felt myself and others giving without abandon or expectation. It was and is a magical thing. When we open the natural impetus within ourselves to give we become part of the creative flow of all life and existence that makes grass grow and winds blow. It is engaging and fulfilling. Giving makes us a part of each other and a part of the flow. I felt this as I was attempting to take a nap over the weekend, and in between waking and sleeping I fell into a meditative state where I felt myself rising as a ball of light - burning with a sense of purpose and undying energy for this life. That flow of energy makes me want to give and give and give. It’s a wonderful thing.

What have I been up to?

Monday and Tuesday were the last two days of the Royal Gorge Bridge for the season for me, and they were both very good. The crowds are dwindling as the summer ends, but they were such nice people, and the weather was perfect other than a bit of wind on Monday.

Saturday the concert with Ken Saydak was simply a blast. The Merc was packed to the gills, and Ken and I delivered some surprises and some old favorites as well. There was so much love and goodwill in the room.

Sunday evening I played a wedding reception in a Pueblo back yard for a sweet couple and their friends and family. The dancing was beautiful, and the feeling was real and genuine. Congrats, Randall and Savanna!

What am I up to this week?

Monday 7-8ish MDT I'm doing my monthly online living-room concert. (I know, I usually do these on Sunday.) I really love doing these, and I’d love it if you can tune in. Just point your screen to It’s free, although you can tip if you feel so moved. If you log in you can make comments with everyone else, or if you can’t or don’t want to log in you can send me a message or email with any comments you have.

Thursday 6:30-8:30 is the party I mentioned before for the end of the summer at the Yellow Pine. They decided to move it to the beginning of the month so more folks could be there who will be gone later. Bring your own beverage and an appetizer to share. I’ll be playing music for dancing and enjoyment, and I have a feeling it will turn into a wonderful evening!

What’s up down the road?

I just made an agreement to play first-Fridays at Bistoro restaurant in Pueblo. These are the folks who had the Neon Alley Bistro when I played there, and I’m thrilled to get to play for them again in their new location at 109 Central Plaza.

I’m playing two Chuck Pyle tribute concerts at the beginning of October - the 6th and 7th.

I’ll be playing Christmas concerts at the Bell Tower in Florence December 1st and the Merc in La Veta December 15th.

More details as we get nearer to those dates. My calendar is always up to date on my website too -

I’d better run for now. It’s a rainy day, and I have much to do. Give all you can, folks. It’s the stuff of life.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, Sept 3, 7-8:15ish pm MDT

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing for a community party
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, Sept 6, 6:30-8:30 pm