Monday, February 13, 2017

What Is My Role?

I’ve been thinking today along the lines of an idea I expressed a couple years ago. I often think of what purpose or role I feel I should play in this life. I'm not sure how most folks determine this for themselves. I'm sure many look at what gifts and skills they have, and then they tailor their life towards how they can best use those to make money, help people, or build a life with a mind to some sort of legacy. My gifts and skills are fairly obvious to me - music, philosophy, organization, and writing. I've been blessed with probably more directional leaning than most folks have, although many would not consider pursuing music or writing as a career. They don't make much money, but they offer a lot of opportunity to help people by encouragement and inspiration. They also give the chance to leave something behind in recordings and writings. So my role is to offer encouragement and inspiration. I do this by finding things to sing about that provoke thought and emotion that hopefully make others' lives and the world a better place, and then interpret and perform them in a way that hopefully is mighty fine and inspirational. What's your role?

What have I been up to?

The last outing at Magpies was really fun! I brought out 11 different guitars (I know - overkill) that I cycled through every couple songs. It was quite the assortment of sounds - from banjo-like travel guitars to full-bodied bass monsters. The majority of the night was spent on 1960's favorites, and there was a great bunch of friends all around.

What's up this week?

Friday I'm back at Magpies again 7-10. I'm sure I won't be bringing as many guitars this time, but we will have a great time! Come on out if you can.

What's coming up?

I recently asked if folks would like more online concerts. The overwhelming response was "Yes!", and the day folks asked for was Sunday with the frequency of once a month. So I'm leaning towards the first Sunday of each month. I'd like to do themes for these shows once they're up and running. I have friends from all over the country with different favorites, so there'll be e some flexibility, but in general I'd like to stick to themes as much as possible. I could see themes like cowboy, folk, different artists, mountain songs, songs for specific places and folks I know like Philmont Scout Ranch or the Don K Guest Ranch, old standards, historical songs, and more. It sounds like I could do some special shows for some of these themes in between more general shows. It just depends on how it develops.

I guess that's it for this week. Take care of yourself, and I hope to see you soon!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, Feb 17, 7-10 pm

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