Monday, October 30, 2017

Friendship and Memory

We had dinner last night with several couples we have been friends with for many years, and I have to reflect on the warm feelings it brought up in me. You go through so many things with friends over the years - happy times and sad. Remembering those things when we're together is so enjoyable and life-affirming. It helps me remember why I’m here and what I want in life. We really are social creatures who need each other. We live individual lives where we can express ourselves and choose our path, but meanwhile we bond along the way in enriching interactions that teach us more about ourselves. It’s pretty cool and pretty special. Here’s to friendship and memory!

What have I been up to?

PDubs a couple Fridays ago was a lot of fun. I had some good friends come out for a really neat night. Thanks, everybody!

What’s up this week?

Sunday at 7:00 I’m doing another of my first-Friday Online Living Room Concerts. I’m really enjoying these concerts. I'm getting to interact with friends from all over the country in an intimate and meaningful way, and isn’t that what life’s all about? I’d love to have you in my audience as well. Just tune in to on whatever device you have in front of you and watch. If you want to log in to the site you can make comments and join in on the conversation. If you don’t want to log in you can always email or message me with a comment. It’s fun and free. I haven’t decided if I’ll have a theme this month, but it’ll be interesting either way. See you there!

More on the “Perfect Place” to play

I’ve had some really good feedback from folks about cool places to play and listen to music. I’m checking out a couple places locally, and I’ll be contacting some folks farther afield as well. Please give me more ideas as you have them. 

What’s happening up the road?

I just booked an outdoor event in Littleton, Colorado, December 10, from 5-8:30, playing outdoors for their official annual Christmas event. It sounds like a lot of fun, but I don’t have all the details yet. If you’ll be in Denver on December 10 I hope you can stop by. I’ll post more as I hear. I’m booking this with my old friend Chuck Pyle's agent, Terri Stewart, and I’m thrilled to be working with her. More to come!

That’s it for this week. Take care of yourself, and don’t eat too much candy or get too scared on Halloween. 

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at

When:  Sunday, November 5, 7-8ish pm MDT

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