Monday, December 18, 2017

Dreams, Part Deux

I had a couple weird dreams last night, and so I thought I’d write about dreams - especially since they are so prominent in Christmas themes. Last night I didn’t have sugar plums dancing in my head, but I did have a weird hospital dream where strange things were happening. I won’t go into it because my dreams often shift so quickly from one thing to another that they’re very incoherent and hard to explain. I probably dreamt of a hospital because a friend is just wrapping up a hospital stay. But dreams seem to be where we work out concerns or envision utopian landscapes. I just finished a book over the weekend called “The Four Agreements” which poses that everything that happens in life is part of either our individual or collective waking dream of reality. That’s an interesting concept - thinking that each of us has a dream of what we think life should be, and we make it happen by our vision of the dream. It goes along with my idea that we make our own reality - choosing what we want our life to be every day. I see this in Christmas too. I carry a dream of what Christmas should be, and I celebrate it according to that dream or vision I have for it. And as a society we do this too. I just watched a documentary about Santa Claus that showed how he developed in history from Saint Nicholas. I had no idea that his concept had changed so much over history and that other cultures have such a different view of him and how they celebrate this season. (Call me the dumb American.) And he’s part of this whole cultural Christmas celebration dream every year - from the gifts to the music, food, shows, and traditions we share. And it brings up one of my favorite Christmas songs that looks like might be true for southern Colorado this year - “White Christmas”. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, and it looks like we’re going to have one! So dream big, my friends, and have a Merry Christmas and wonderful holiday season!

What happened last week?

Friday night at PDubs was a great crowd, and many Christmas songs were sung. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it so much fun.

What’s up this week?

Wednesday night is big doin's at the Pueblo Zoo. I’ve teamed with the folks at the zoo to do a live walk-around of their ElectriCritters light display and two hour's worth of music outdoors and indoors. It all starts at 5:20 before the gates open when I’ll walk through the display for 10 minutes or so singing and broadcasting on my Concert Window channel at and the zoo folks will do the same on their Facebook page at Then we’ll open the gates and plug into the sound system and pick up the online broadcast to sing carols and sing-along at 5:45 at the zoo outdoor stage (called the “Den”) where they’ll have hot drinks in addition to their Candy Cane Cafe where they have more hot drinks and goodies. We’ll wrap up the outdoor portion of the evening at 6:45 and move indoors to their classroom decorated for Christmas where we’ll do more singing and broadcasting in a warmer and more intimate setting. The whole thing will wrap up at 8:00 which will give folks another half hour to see the lights until they close the gates at 8:30. It will be a great celebration of Christmas, and I hope it sounds like something everyone will want to be part of. It’s supposed to get cold later that night, but hopefully it will be relatively nice after a predicted high of 57° that day. This is part of the zoo's nightly ElectriCritters display Dec 15-23 and 26-30.

Tickets are

Advance (bought before event hours):
Non-member adult: $6
Non-member child: $4

Member adult: $4
Member child: $3

Regular (Bought during event hours):
Non-member adult: $7
Non-member child: $5

Member adult: $5
Member child: $4

Friday night 6-9 I’m back at Neon Alley Bistro for a special night of great food, friends, and Christmas music. Being so close to Christmas it will feel extra–special being together that night, and I know the spirit and love will be flowing. Please come out for a warm night of Christmas friendship. Maybe we’ll do some sing-along there as well if folks are up to it.

That’s it for this week. I don’t know if I’ll do a mailer next week with Christmas, so I’ll wish you all the best for a wonderful Christmas Day and a Happy and safe New Year's Eve and New Year's Day (in case I miss next week too.)

Nest always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing and broadcasting
Where:  Pueblo Zoo, 3455 Nuckolls Ave, Pueblo, 719-561-1452
When:  Wednesday, 5:20, 5:45-6:45, and 7-8

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Neon Alley Bistro, 304 S Victoria Ave Ste D, Pueblo, 719-299-4769
When:  Friday, December 22, 6-9 pm

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