Monday, November 19, 2018

Season for Caring

Well, the holiday season is upon us.  I’m taking stock of my feelings today as I approach the season.  I usually have to pace myself and not get into the spirit too soon.  I’m still a sucker for all things Christmas even after all these years.  It probably suits me well since I love Christmas songs and love getting to sing them for people every day and watch the songs work their magic on hearts all around.  It really is a chance to show caring for others in an even bigger way than we do all year long.  This can be tough financially, but it doesn’t cost anything to let go of some meanness that may creep into your life and replace it with a caring spirit.  It really helps us all when we care for even just one more person out there.  So give it a try and see if it doesn’t help your holiday spirit and the greater world.  We all need each other, and this season is a great excuse for caring for others.

What have I been up to?

I haven’t been playing out as much as during the summer.  This gives me a chance to catch up on all that stuff I said I’d do when things slow down.  It also gives me time to spend with family which is always good.

My monthly online concert was great fun as always.  I did some very different songs, I think, and it felt good to branch out a little from my usual fare.

I didn’t play at Cuchara Chapel that week on Sunday because we had a pretty big snow storm blow through, and the roads in that direction turned to ice and packed snow in a hurry.  I did get out in it a little to have a rehearsal for a Veterans Day show in Walsenburg on Monday that went really well.  We stuck to patriotic songs this year which was a little heavy but honorable.

What am I up to this week?

Wednesday 5:30-6:30 I’m playing for the Tree Lighting Ceremony and Gingerbread House Contest at the Pueblo Zoo.  I did this for the first time last year, and it was a blast!  The zoo folks are such good people, and it’s really gratifying to be involved in such a happy event.  There’ll be hot cocoa, adult beverages, and more.  Come on out if you can.  Tickets are $10 which also gets you 2 tickets to see the ElectriCritters lighting display.  There’s more info on the evening here -

Thursday is family and Thanksgiving.  I’m taking the day off.  Hope you can too.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday I’m playing at Cuchara Chapel service 10-11 in Cuchara.  I’m looking forward to it.  Cuchara is beautiful with the recent snowfall, and nothing will put you in the holiday spirit more than a beautiful morning in the mountains with mountain views and inspiration.

That’s it for this week.  I have a bunch of holiday gigs coming up, and I’ve created Facebook events for many of them if you’re a Facebook person.  If not, check out my calendar -  Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and start to the holiday season.  Spread the caring!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for the Tree Lighting Ceremony
Where:  Pueblo Zoo
When:  Wednesday, November 21, 5:30-6:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for chapel service
Where:  Cuchara Chapel, 16400 CO Hwy 12, Cuchara, CO
When:  Sunday, Nov 25, 10:00 am

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