Monday, May 27, 2019

Memorial Day Connectedness

I’m thinking today about how we interact with each other. It’s Memorial Day as I write this, and as I think of those who have fallen and the causes for war, I think of what large forces drive disagreement and conflict. I often say that if only we people were aware of how connected we are we wouldn’t be so inconsiderate of each other. I believe this connection is down to a quantum and spiritual level, but even on the surface our actions and attitudes touch everyone around us. This comes home to me as well. For example, If I don’t maintain my awareness behind the wheel I can be a very aggressive and intolerant driver. I’m aware of those around me on the road, and I try not to be impatient, but I also have high expectations about my fellow-drivers’ awareness and courtesy. This doesn’t feel like how I’d like to be. In a connected and aware world we would give preference to each other and have understanding of what each other may be going through in our day. And it’s easy to let these intolerances bleed into many aspects of daily life. Hating is easy; loving takes work. We wouldn’t have to have Memorial Day if we knew how connected we really are. I’m mourning the fallen.


What have I been up to?

I played for the early-development dancers (young children) dance recital at Sangre de Cristo Arts and Conference Center a week ago Sunday, and it was a very sweet time. The kids are so cute as they discover movement and music in their young bodies, and it was a joy to play the music for them to dance to. I hope to do more of this next Fall.


What am I up to this week?

Sunday at 7:00 MDT is my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert again. I so look forward to these evenings connecting with friends all over the country. I haven’t picked a theme yet. I tend to lean on summer favorites as the summer expectation builds. Please tune in if you can -

Next Monday 12:30-4:30 I’ll be playing at the Royal Gorge Bridge with Dennis Mills on bass at the big stage on the south side. I’ve never played on the big stage there, and I’m looking forward to seeing and hearing how it feels, and Dennis and I will be playing a lot of different material we haven’t done together. If you’ve never heard me play with Dennis, he played with me in the trio we formed with Trudy Howard a few years back to play at parties and events in La Veta and Cuchara. He’s a great bass played and singer with roots in the Texas rock music scene going back to the Nightcaps. Come on out if you haven’t seen the Gorge in a while and would like some sunny music!


That’s it for this week. Next week really starts the busy season for me. I’m not as booked up as I have been in some summers past, but I’ll be plenty busy. I’d love to see you if you’re out and about this summer. My full schedule is on my website - I have some dates with conflicting events on there because I haven’t moved all my facilities around yet.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a concert from my living room
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, June 2 7-8:15 MDT

Who: Tom Munch and Dennis Mills
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the big stage
When: Monday, June 3, 12:30 pm-4:30 pm

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