Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I'm writing a day later on Tuesday this week because I got to spend yesterday visiting my good friend, Don Richmond, and part of what we did between talking shop and sharing stories was to revisit a couple songs we've been working on writing for a couple years.  Collaborating with another writer is a really fun thing to do!  I get to bounce ideas around and flesh out more thoroughly than I usually do on my own.  We sit and talk about each line and how it fits into the overall arc of the story we're trying to tell.  We think about pacing and words and how it all fits together.  There are so many variables!  One song was based on an idea I had, and Don and I had quite a discussion about the topic before we dived in a couple years ago.  We had to pick this one back up and get into the idea again and expand on it.  This was quite an exercise in memory and reconnection.  The other song was based on a melody that Don came up with and lyrics that I kicked off.  It has an old-west feel that was really fun to work in.  The first song has a free-form ending that we just sketched out a little because we know it will take on a life of its own when the real recording is done.  I'm not sure whether one of us or both will record these songs, but they sure are fun to work on - the give and take, the reliance on each other's strengths and background, the fun of creating with someone else since it's usually a personal and individual adventure.  So I just had to share!  It's one of the more fun things I get to do in my work.

So what's up this week?

Friday I'm back at Magpies 7-10.  We had a blast last time starting up again for the season! Barrett may stop working Friday nights, so things may change a little.  We'll miss her for sure.  Please come out if you can.

Have a great Halloween!

Best always,


Details for this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, November 1, 7-10 pm

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