Monday, February 3, 2014


Yeah, physics.  I'm trying to understand physics in my never-ending quest for knowledge.  I really wanted to be a scientist when I was a kid.  I was fascinated by magnets and fire and natural forces, but my math skills were atrocious, and so I didn't follow that path.  But I've still maintained a healthy interest in science, and I try to understand what I can.  Lately I've been I've been reading about physics in trying to understand spirituality and the laws of the universe - weird combination, I know, but they are related somehow I'm just sure.  So I dive into quantum physics and string theory and even biocentrism and find myself overwhelmed in a big hurry.  I'm amazed at how hard these concepts are to grasp, and yet it's possible to have an intuitive understanding on some level.  I think we all have a sense of how things work, and when we're confronted by theories that don't make logical sense then we wrestle with them.  That's how I am at least.  I'm just sure there is an explanation for all of the forces, troubles, joys, and mysteries out there.  When I get it all figured out I'll let you know! ;-)

So what am I up to this week?

Friday evening I start by playing at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center 5:00-6:45 for a public gallery opening reception.  I haven't played at the Arts Center for a year or so, and I really like the ambience there.  If you want to see what's being shown at the Arts Center this winter, then come on down!

Friday night I'm back at Magpies 7-10 (or as quickly as I can make it over from the Arts Center.)  The middle hour I'm thinking of featuring something appropriate for Valentine's Day.  Who did a lot of love songs?  Maybe Bread or The Beatles, or maybe I'll just do '60's and '70's love songs.  I don't want to get too sappy, but I don't mind a good love song or three occasionally.  Either way we'll have fun, so come on downstairs and help make it a great evening!

That's it for this week.  Hope your'e well and happy.


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for the Winter/Spring Exhibition Reception
Where: Sangre de Cristo Arts Center, 210 N. Santa Fe Ave, Pueblo.  719-295-7200
When: Friday, February 7, 5-6:45 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, February 7, 7-10 pm

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