I've been writing about pretty heady subjects of late. I guess I’m trying to be wise and learn from all the reading and living I’ve been doing. Funny thing is, my cat seems to have more wisdom than I do sometimes - especially in the morning. She waits until she knows I’m rushing to get something done, and then she comes to me for affection. I usually try to pick her up and cuddle her for a while, and of course this has a wonderful calming and loving effect on both of us. It also reminds me that there are more important things in life - giving and receiving love and caring. The most interesting thing she shows me is when I’m not totally present there for her. She gets annoyed and will bite me. At first I thought she was wanting to play or was being mean, but I more realize that she is actually teaching me to be in the moment and to let other things go. When I do that and talk to her, then she doesn’t bite or get annoyed by me. Now I suppose I could see this as a cat being selfish, but I don’t think so. I think that she is more in touch with the meaning of living here on earth - wanting to enjoy each moment and putting the passion in everything that life is really about. So I say, “Thank you.” to her, and I hope you get these moments, however brief, in your life to enjoy.
What were the highlights from last week?
I had a wonderful night Thursday at the Yellow Pine barbecue - again seeing old friends and making new ones. It’s always so magical there. I only have one week left unless we decide to add one more, so each week is more precious as the season ends. Then Saturday and Sunday I played Gold Rush Days in Buena Vista to some of the best audiences I’ve ever had. It’s always beautiful there in the park by the lake and the waterfall, and the days couldn’t have been more perfect!
So what’s up this week?
Thursday 6:30-8:30 is the last barbecue of the season for the Yellow Pine (unless we decide to add just one more next week stay tuned.) I’ve had a great summer at the Yellow Pine, and every week is a gift of great memories. If you’d like to come, then call before noon Tuesday - 719-742-3528.
Friday I'm at the La Veta Inn 6-9 - hopefully on the patio. The season is winding down for the summer at the Inn as well, but I hope to have at least one or two more great Fridays there, and I’d love to have you in my audience if you can make it.
Saturday I have a wedding in Pueblo West. It’s funny, I hadn’t played a wedding in several years until this summer, and now I’ve played almost a half dozen. This one is at a house and looks to be a beautiful event. I’m looking forward to it!
So that’s it for this week. Be good to each other, and I hope to see you out and about.
Details for the week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing at the Barbecue
Where: Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528
When: Thursday, August 14, 6:30-8:30 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: La Veta Inn, 103 W. Ryus Ave, La Veta. 719-742-3700
When: Friday, August 15, 6-9 pm
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