Monday, February 16, 2015

Looking Ahead

I’ve been booking my summer, and I have some exciting gigs to tell you about, but looking ahead always messes with my head a little bit.  You see I subscribe to the idea that we should live for today - in the NOW - as I’ve heard it said.  I even wrote in a song called “Accept Life” many years ago:

When will we learn to slow down & look at now
  not to plan ahead or turn around, but to live now
    not to attain a goal & so lose this moment
      but this moment is my goal, the only thing I can truly know

I like the idea of living in the moment, and I don’t feel I practice it very often.  Quite often I have to shake myself, look around, and enjoy what has been laid out before me - the beauty of nature, the kindness of those around me, the blessings that life has bestowed.  Against that I have to plan ahead enough that I can strategize a little for my career and livelihood, and it makes for an interesting balancing act.  I won’t philosophize too much about it, for there are many other ideas tied up with this that I have read and studied of late.  It’s funny how these things pool in my thoughts more and more as I age, even though I first penned those words above over 30 years ago.

So what kind of gigs to I have to tell you about?  Well:

Westcliffe at the Feed Store Amphitheater "Summer in the Park” series May 24, 2-5
Royal Gorge Bridge with the Atomic Fireballs May 31, 12:30-4:30, and also Labor Day weekend Fri-Sun
Song of Pueblo with the band June 19, July 24, and August 21 at PCC, 7:00
Yellow Pine mid-June to mid-August on Thursday nights
A series of Boy Scout shows including a concert at Philmont July 11
Outdoor concert at Lucy’s in La Veta July 17
Gold Rush Days in Buena Vista August 8 and 9
At least 7 other venues and concerts I’m working on

That’s almost as many as last year, and I wouldn’t doubt that it could end up being even busier than last year.  Summer is the time to fly!

Highlights from the past couple weeks

Magpies was an absolute blast last time out!  I had so many wonderful people come out and share in the “bonfire” as I called our shared experience last time.  Also my nursing home gigs have been nothing but love songs with Valentine’s Day here and gone.  We had so much fun sharing memories and favorite songs.  My only regret is that Mardi Gras follows on so closely this year that I won’t get much chance to sing all my New Orleans favorites.

So what’s up this week?

Wednesday night I’m doing a private show for the Oddfellows Hall in CaƱon City.  I mention it because some of you may belong to that group, and also because I love doing shows for clubs like this, and I’d like you to consider my music if you ever are looking for entertainment for your club or party.  Many times these kind of shows are completely different than my public shows - doing themes or stretching out even farther than usual.

Friday I’m back at Magpies 7-10 for what I hope will be another great time!  I’m sure I’ll have some leftover Mardi Gras music lingering around me that I’ll want to share, and I have a hankering for some ’70’s singer/songwriter music if you’re in the mood for that.  Come on out!

That’s it for this week!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, February 20, 7-10 pm

Monday, February 2, 2015

Healthy Obsession?

I'm having an internal debate today about obsession.  If you know me at all you will know that I have a little bit of an obsessive streak in me.  I think there are good and bad points about my obsession.  On the good side I have no doubt that my obsessive behavior is what has allowed me to polish my music to a higher level, and it also allows me to be more meticulous in my business dealings - keeping everything ship-shape and in order.  If you've seen me perform you know I also hang onto a free-form approach that lets me have a give-and-take with each song that puts me out on a limb where I sometimes fall, but I also often find some new musical idea that can be delightful!  So what's bad about obsession?  I think I hardly need to say in general.  We all have seen OCD people that are so dysfunctional that they are a danger to themselves.  For me my obsession is bad when I am compelled to rearrange the dishwasher (even though you know it cleans better that way) or so bound to finishing a project that I go hungry or am late to a gig.  Sometimes this is just quirky behavior, but sometimes it is a real detriment, and when I am conscious of it I can control it and not let it lead me into a train-wreck.  Overall I see obsession as an interesting fact of my life that I work with every day.  I see it as a source of humor mostly, even though sometmes it frustrates me.  How about you?  Do you have an obsessive streak?

Highlights from the past couple of weeks.

I have to say what a great time I had at Magpies last time out.  Everyone was so generous with spirit and emotion, and it felt like all of us contributing to a big bonfire.  That's one of the most genuine thrills of doing music for me.  I've also been having a great time dreaming up ideas for my instrumental album that I will record later this spring into summer.  I really want to concentrate on beautiful melodies that transport the listener to new places.

What's up this week?

I'm back at Magpies Friday 7-10 for what I hope will be another wonderful experience.  There are times I pinch myself with the great friends I have who support my musical habit.  I hope you all get as much from me as I receive from you!  Come out if you can.

Better get on with my Monday.  Hope to see you soon!



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, February 6, 7-10 pm