Monday, May 25, 2015

What is Important in Life?

I'm thinking about life again and what is important to do with this limited time we have on earth. As I was working on our property (weeds and bushes and stuff) I started questioning whether that was really what I wanted to do with my time. I don't mind hard work, and if I'm not messing up my hands or fingers for playing the guitar, I will do whatever work needs to be done, but I realize that we only have so much time here on earth, and I sometimes wonder if it's more important to have fresh experiences or spend time with loved ones instead of always doing what could be considered busywork. We all know that there is always work to be done somewhere in our lives, but I do think that having a balance of work, play, family, and alone time is very important. So how do you determine what that balance should be? We only have so much time here, and living it with passion and joy, I know, is the key. 

What happened last week?

I had a bit of setback Friday when I found out I have to have a few more treatments for my leg-vein problems. I guess my body is just stubborn. It's amazing how our bodies wear out and break down. It's not too bad, it just reminds me that I'm getting older. Oh, well, keep on working. Then Sunday was the fabulous Summer in the Park concert in Westcliffe which went great even though it was cold and rainy with a bit of a breeze so that we all had to squeeze in under the amphitheater for most of the show until the sun came out. I had a wonderful group of folks who stayed with me for most of the time. It was an afternoon to remember. I posted a picture to Facebook and Twitter if you want to see what it was like - 

What's up this week?

I'm back at the Royal Gorge Bridge with the Atomic Fireballs Sunday 12:30-4:30 (They'll be playing without me with the famous blues player, Buddy Whittington, on Saturday). I haven't played at the Gorge since before the fire two years ago, and I'm anxious to see all the changes and play on the new stage on the south side of the bridge. If you'd like to hear or us or haven't seen the changes since the fire, then come on out!

I'd better run. The storm has passed and I have more outside work to get done. 



Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch and the Atomic Fireballs
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the new stage just off the bridge
When: Sunday, May 31, 12:30-4:30 pm

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Going with the Flow

It’s been a while!  Sorry to be so out of touch for the last month.  I didn’t have any weekend gigs to tell you about, but I could have written just to check in.  I’m preparing for the summer season, and getting myself aligned for one of my favorite topics - going with the flow (never mind the rain that is flowing down outside as I write this...)  What do I mean by "going with the flow"?  Well, to me that means letting go and letting the moment take me wherever I’m needing to be.  I had a good conversation with my good friend, Don Richmond, about this yesterday in the studio.  In this life we work so hard on planning for where we’re headed today and this week and further out, and we keep past mistakes and missteps in mind so we don’t repeat them, and meanwhile we’re reminded by wise folks that the present moment is the most important thing in life.  So we play at this dance of trying to be mindful while our mind shifts back and forth between past and future.  I really felt this yesterday in the studio as I played take after take of a couple songs I was recording.  You see, in the studio the only way to make a good take for me is to completely let go of my concentration on the mechanics of playing and put my thoughts instead on the mood of the song and the emotion I’m trying to convey or the story I’m trying to tell.  When I think about what my fingers are doing it’s like concentrating on each step we take while walking - that can make us stumble and sometimes fall.  But when the moment is being enjoyed and we are going with the flow of the overall activity then the playing or walking just happens effortlessly.  We can even be aware of it and enjoy each movement and note without really concentrating on it.  And as this summer gets busy I can only be successful and joyful if I go with the flow of the summer - enjoying each face and song and opportunity (and step) as it comes along.

So what have I been up to since my last blog?

The last time out at Magpies for the Spring was a lot of fun!  Lots of folks were out and about, and we had a bittersweet time knowing we won’t be back there for music until next October.  Then the rest of the month was spent doing my regular Alzheimer and nursing gigs, celebrating my birthday on the 25th, planning and rehearsing for the summer Song of Pueblo season, and working on instrumental guitar songs for my next album.  Speaking of Song of Pueblo, we will have four shows this summer and fall at Pueblo Community College’s Hoag Hall - June 12, July 24, August 21, and September 12.  I’m not sure of the price yet or where tickets will be sold, but I’ll let you know as soon as I can.  And speaking of the instrumental guitar songs, I am following my guitar’s lead on creating a bunch of what I hope folks will find engaging and meaningful songs for my next album.  I say "following my guitar’s lead” because I had thought I would write these songs mostly in my head and then find the melodies on the guitar after the fact, but my fingers wanted in on the action, and so the songs have mostly flowed out of my fingers when I have sat down to write.  I’m willing to write however the moment takes me, so I’m fine with letting my fingers find the melodies, and I think they have found some wonderful tunes so far.  I’m anxious for you to hear them!  More on that soon.

What’s up this week?

I have a wonderful gig this Sunday 2-5 that I have done for the past few summers that happens to be this weekend - the Summer in the Park concert at the Feed Store in Westcliffe.  This is a beautiful outdoor amphitheater with pretty much perfect ambience for music in the shadow of the Sangre de Cristo mountains at the west end of Westcliffe.  I have had wonderful experiences each time I have played this concert, and this year should shine as well.  It’s a free concert, but you do need to bring a lawn chair to sit in the shade of the big canopy (they have a few there in case you forget).  They have refreshments for sale, and if the weather is a little sloppy they usually bring the action into the restaurant, so don’t stay away if there are clouds that day.  The restaurant and park is on 2nd Street just one block west of the main intersection at the west end of town and then one block north on the west side of the street.  Please come out if you can. This a s wonderful concert venue for me, and I give it may all!

I’m also planning on doing an online concert soon, so stay tuned for that!

I’d better close up for now.  The rain is going to make for a slow and cautious day.  It’s good to be back in touch!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a concert in the mountains
Where:  the Feed Store, 116 North 2nd Street, Westcliffe.  719-783-2771
When:  Sunday, May 24, 2:00-5:00 pm