Monday, September 7, 2015

The Wonder and Value of History

I’ve been thinking about some of the historical things I’ve found at my mom’s house, the historical projects I’ve been involved with, and the effect these have had on me.  As we’ve been going through my mother and dad’s things at the house, we’ve often come across old letters and remembrances of some of the experiences my ancestors went through - from illnesses and heartaches to unfortunate hardships and deaths that are far beyond anything I have gone through and probably ever will.  I marvel at how they seemed to take it in stride and continue on with life unabated.  I also see this in the history projects I have been involved with and relayed - from the explorers to the pioneers to the people who forged our cities and institutions.  They had an iron constitution that seemed to be full of rigor and spunk.  There are times I feel the weight of the world with all the tasks I’ve taken on, and sometimes this leads to some whiny self pity.  It is these times I remember those who came before me who didn’t seem to be so affected by such small inconveniences.  I seek to live my life from joy and love, and when I see how our ancestors bore up under these hardships, I realize that their endurance afforded me this space to have my life, and I hope that they also lived with joy and love.

How did last week go?

The weekend playing with the Atomic Fireballs was a blast!  (I say this before I play with them today, Monday, but I’m sure today will be great fun as well.  Come on out if you’re looking for something to do on Labor Day 12:30-4:30.)  I forget how much fun I have playing with a team of seasoned veteran players.  The wedding on Sunday was also a great occasion with a beautiful couple and caring family in a wonderful setting.

What’s up this week?

Wednesday I’m playing the Senior Safari at the Pueblo Zoo again 10:30-1:00.  This is one of those wonderful annual events I get to enjoy with so many of the people I get to play for on a regular basis at the different facilities I visit each week.  It’s like a great pizza party that also happens to have wild animals and devoted staff.  All seniors are welcome, and admission is Free for them to the zoo all day.

Saturday we’re performing the Song of Pueblo at Pueblo Community College Hoag Theater at 7:00.  We’ve really enjoyed this grand venue, and I think the show has never been better.  This is one of those history projects I wrote of above that are so rewarding personally.  Please come out if you can.  Tickets are $15 and are available at the Visitor Information Center, 301 North Union, 719-543-2430.  You can call to reserve tickets and they’ll be waiting for you at the show.

That’s it for now.  Have a wonderful Labor Day!



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing at the Senior Safari - FREE to all senior citizens
Where:  Pueblo Zoo
When:  Wednesday, September 9, 10:30-1:00 (event runs 10:00-2:00)

Who:  Tom Munch with Johnny Watson, David Enke, & Alan Polivka
What:  playing, singing, & telling the history of Pueblo at the Song of Pueblo oratorio
Where:  Hoag Theater, Pueblo Community College, Orman and Arthur, Pueblo.  719-543-2430 for tickets
When:  Saturday, September 12, 7:00 pm (doors open at 6:00)

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's Going to Take Some Time

The line from Carole King, “it’s going to take some time this time” keeps going through my mind this morning.  I just feel like I’m drifting through space and time this week without any direction.  I’m not grieving as much as I’m just trying to understand when (and if) life will ever be back to some sort of normalcy.  Part of it is the lingering feeling that I’m not sure where I belong in the grand scheme of things - relating to the feeling of the hierarchy of my life changing without a matriarch at the head of our family.  The other part is that I’m beginning to realize the full extent of what it will take to move, organize, and disperse everything my mom had accumulated over the years.  My sisters are helping with this tremendously, and so it’s not as big as when I was contemplating doing most of this myself when I agreed to it a dozen years ago.  At the time I was the only one without children, with a flexible job (being self-employed), and close enough to my parents’ home to travel there frequently.  So I feel like I’m drifting a bit.  This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it has even inspired a couple of songs for my instrumental guitar album - one that sounds like drifting, and one that is a comfort song.  And as I said before, performing music keeps me grounded in a very real way - it is solid and reassuring.  So I’ll take this time to drift a while, knowing that life has these moments, and setting my sails for the warm breezes to come.

What’s up this week?

I’m playing at the Royal Gorge Bridge with the Atomic Fireballs Saturday 10:30 to 2:30 and Monday 12:30 to 4:30 for the Labor Day weekend.  It should be a blast!  Please come up if you can.  We’re playing on the south side of the bridge on the new stage. Why am I not there on Sunday, you might ask. because I’m playing a wedding for a good friend’s daughter.  That will be a joyous occasion, I know.  The band will be at the bridge without me that day, so go on up and cheer them on!

That’s it for this week.  I hope to see you soon.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch and the Atomic Fireballs
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge at the Royal Gorge Bridge on the new stage just off the bridge
When: Saturday, September 5, 10:30 am-2:30 pm, and Monday, September 7, 12:30-4:30 pm