I really love this season. I’ve said before how it is just about the perfect time for a musician since most everyone appreciates the Christmas and seasonal music. I also know how tough a time it is for many - emotionally. We put so much emphasis on enjoying the season, and yet our troubles don’t stop, and it is a known fact that there is often more stress financially and in families as well as loss at this time. I have personally felt that stress and have lost several pets and family members around this time of year. When I perform around this season, especially at care facilities, I often say that sometimes we have to convince ourselves to enjoy the season. I believe that to be true. It is such a short time that can be so magical with all the songs, goodies, traditions, and religious overtones for many, and if we let it go by without joining in we end up in the doldrums of winter in January with less hope and joy. I believe we make each day what we want it to be just by our outlook when we start each day. At this time of year it is important to let the joy of the season and the love it includes wash over us and immerse us. This world is what we make it. I concentrate on the love and the possibility.
What happened since I last wrote?
Magpies was a blast two weeks ago. We had a packed house with everyone getting in the Christmas spirit and just generally in high spirits. I loved it! Then Saturday the tree lighting in Avondale was a cold, but memorable affair - listening to great music, eating fine and hearty posole, and being part of a proud community that knows how to celebrate Christmas. My fingers were frozen, but my heart was aflame! On a sadder note, our collie I wrote about finally told us it was time to go that week. We'll miss him, but we had so many good years together - romping and enjoying life.
What's up for this week?
Thursday I have a fun event in Penrose singing for their Down Home Country Christmas. It starts at 5:00 with homemade Indian tacos, beans, dessert, and hot drinks, and then I'm leading a community Christmas sing-along at 7:00. It will be at the Penrose Community Center at 4th and Illinois, and they're accepting gifts for area Veterans in need such as toiletries, clothing, and non-perishable food. It sounds like a great time.
Friday I'm at Magpies 7-10 for a little Christmas cheer. I'll bring the Christmas sing-along sheets down, and we can sing Christmas songs and other favorites to put is in the holiday spirit and brotherly love. Come on out!
Saturday I'm doing an online Christmas concert from my living room at concertwindow.com/tommunch from 7-8ish. I love getting to sing for friends all over the country and sometimes the world, and this site is custom-built for this - offering a chat window so you can make requests and comments with others listening. It's a lot of fun, and I so look forward to getting to hear from friends in realtime that I haven't seen in too long.
That's it for this week. I'm taking off next weekend for Christmas and the next weekend for New Year's (unless I get a last-minute New Year's Eve gig). We won't do Magpies on the first Friday of January since that's New Year's Day, but will be back on for the third Friday - the 15th. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! I hope Santa brings you lots of peace and joy.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing for the Down-Home Country Christmas
Where: Penrose Community Center at 4th and Illinois (in Penrose Park)
When: Thursday, December 17, 7-8 pm (dinner 5-7)
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo. 719-542-5522
When: Friday, December 18, 7-10 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing Christmas favorites
Where: online at https://www.concertwindow.com/tommunch
When: Saturday, December 19, 7-8 pm
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