Monday, November 28, 2016

We Need Each Other

I’ve been reading a lot lately, and I’m again reminded of many things I already knew, but it ’s good to get the reinforcement, especially in light of the political angst we feel now.  The biggest thing I realize is that we all need each other.  This is reflected in many ideas - from the spiritual belief that we are all one to the realization that on the quantum level we are all interconnected to the rational thought that we all depend on each other to make our society work.  We like to think that we can be rugged individuals who depend only on ourselves and don’t need anyone else, but in the end we realize that only people and friendships in this life matter - possessions and achievements don’t.  Let us try to remember this as we go about our days interacting with each other and figuring out how to make our time on earth and our world work.  Competition is invigorating, and we all want to have our opinions, but in the end we need each other, especially in the holiday season.

What have I been up to?

The private party last Monday for my dear friend was wonderful. Just a bunch of friends and family sitting around the living room sharing songs and stories. Just perfect!

Thanksgiving was quiet but very special as well. It's always great to spend time with family. I even got to pick a few tunes with my nephew, Eric, on clawhammer banjo Friday night. What fun!

What am I up to this week?

Friday night I'm back at Magpies to start the Christmas season. I'm not saying that I'll sing a bunch of Christmas songs, but I'm game for whatever everyone else is, as always. I'm thinking that we may do a Christmas sing-along at Magpies on the 16th if everyone's up for it. What do you think?

Saturday night I'm playing for the Council of State Governments Western Legislative Academy final night as I have done for the past several years. This is always an exciting group to play for. The Academy is a course that western elected officials take to learn to govern better. It's a very nice bipartisan atmosphere of congeniality and goodwill, which is a pleasant respite from the political rancor we've been experiencing this year. It's always a cowboy theme where I get to play great cowboy songs and then lead a sing-along and invite people up to sing with me. I've always enjoyed it. It's great to meet people who make a difference in their state and community.

That's it for this week. Enjoy this beautiful holiday season, and don't forget my online concert on the 18th.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, Dec 2, 7-10 pm

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