Monday, February 27, 2017

Justifying Things

I've been thinking about the things we tell ourselves and the things that others tell us and how we let these things affect us. What do I mean by this? Well, for me at least, I get ideas about things and other people - sometimes from what I read, sometimes from what I hear from others, and sometimes from what I think up myself. Sometimes they are just simple ideas, and sometimes they border on wild conspiracies, but how I absorb these things and how I act on them is what is important to me. It's very easy to just go along with the idea and let it affect me, but I'm better off when I ponder on it and weigh it against what I think is true and beneficial. I mean this for everything from believing a news story to justifying a purchase or big decision in my life. It seems there are a few steps in this process. 1) I read, hear, or think up the idea. 2) I decide what I think about it and how I'll act on it. 3) I justify my action. The justification step is the one which gives me pause. I'm as bad as anyone at justifying an action that there is no good justification for. Of course this takes a little bit of wisdom to work out, and you have to make some bad decisions and justifications to get this wisdom. Nonetheless, the extra time to ponder before I act is always time well spent. This avoids step 4 which tends to be remorse. Nobody likes dealing with this. And I always come back to wanting to live my life with joy and thoughtfulness, so avoiding remorse flows out of the process of pondering and thoughtfulness

What have I been up to?

Friday I picked up a gig with the Atomic Fireballs at the Steel City Eagles in Pueblo. It was great seeing some of the boys and playing our old favorites. There is always something special about locking in with a bunch of great players.

Saturday's fundraiser at First Christian Church in CaƱon City was a bundle of fun! Such kind people and good food we had! I even had some good friends sit in and sing with me, so it was a great time all around.

What am I doing this week?

Tuesday is Mardi Gras. I'm not playing anywhere that night, but I hope you do something special to celebrate. I do a lot of Cajun and New Orleans music during this season at my facilities, and it's such fun and heartfelt music to be a part of.

Friday I'm back at Magpies 7-10 for what should be a great night. Last time saw a whole different group of folks, so I'm not sure who'll be there this time. I know some of my regulars will be back in town, so it could be a wild night.

Saturday I'm in Nebraska celebrating my niece Pam's birthday.

Sunday I'll do an online concert from my sister's and niece's house in Nebraska at 8:00 Central Standard Time. I SO enjoy getting to sing for everyone around the world on these online events, and getting to do one in the room with my sister and niece will be a real treat! Please tune in if you can at

What's on the horizon?

I booked a couple dates at the Bull Moose in Guffey, Colorado, July 15, 1-4, and September 30, 6-9. I haven't played in Guffey in several years, so it'll be good to play for the folks up there again.

I've contacted the La Veta Inn and 8 Mile to work out some dates this year. I'm also trying to book a couple things in Colorado Springs.

I have decided on the first Sunday of each month at 7:00 for my online Concert Window concerts. I may do themes for these of different types of music for different groups of folks. I may also do some other concerts of more specific themes at Concert Window like Civil War songs, songs by different artists, cowboy songs, old standards, and topical songs. I may not announce these on my blog since they won't appeal to as many people. These concerts are relatively simple to do since I don't have to travel or set up much equipment, and they let me do some songs that I don't get to perform as often. It's a good outlet for me.

I guess that's it for this week. Be good to each other and enjoy some music. You can justify it any way you want.

Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, March 3, 7-10 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, March 5, 7-8ish pm MST

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