Monday, November 27, 2017


I have the most interesting dreams, and quite often I think they are messages from the great beyond. I know that may sound odd, but let me tell you about them. I often dream about my dad since he passed 12 years ago. He usually just happens to be in the scene off to the side. I'll notice him in my peripheral vision, and he'll smile at me - letting me know he's always there and to keep on keepin' on. I've only dreamed about my mom once since she passed a couple years ago. She just "happened" to be in the scene too - letting me know again that everything was fine and to keep living life to the fullest. You won't believe who was in my dream last night - Dan Fogelberg. I was skiing with him, or rather watching him ski with gusto and joy. He was flying along in the powder, tumbling and laughing - reminding me that life is a joyous thing to be lived and loved. What a glorious way to be reminded! And as we rush into this holiday season I'm grateful to approach it with all the love and joy I can muster. And that's just my dreams of others. I also have flying dreams and other adventures. Do you dream like this?

What have I been up to?

Wednesday at the Zoo for the tree lighting ceremony was great fun! We had a big turnout and it was beautiful.

Friday night at Neon Alley Bistro was quite nice. We had a good crowd, and it was a listening night with lots of requests and back-and-forth. I like that!

Saturday I didn't end up playing at the Parade of Lights. The facility I was to play for had to cancel because the flu had struck many of the folks and staff. Unfortunately that happens as the seasons change each year. Hopefully everyone will have only a short bout with it.

What am I up to this week?

Friday night I'm playing a Christmas party at the VFW in Pueblo West. They seem like fine folks, and I'm looking forward to it.

Saturday night I'm playing my annual show for the Council of State Governments. I enjoy meeting these public servants from all over the West and getting to share some cowboy music with them.

Sunday I'll be online from our living room for my first-Sunday monthly concert. Well, hopefully it will be from our living room. We're having our flooring redone this week, and hopefully we'll have our living room put back together by Sunday. Either way it will be a fine night of Christmas music to kick off the season. Please tune in if you can -

That's it for this week. Don't forget if you're in the Denver area that I'm playing at the Littleton Museum for their Christmas celebration December 10 from 5:30-8. Details are on their Facebook page -

Best always,


Details of public gigs this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: online at
When: Sunday, December 3, 7-8ish pm MST

Monday, November 20, 2017

How Much is Just Right?

I’m trying to balance my gigs so that folks don’t get too much of me and my music, and it has me thinking of how we figure how much we decide to do every little thing in our lives. For my gigs it’s figuring how much to play in a certain town or venue before I reach saturation, but in life it's figuring how much we do almost any hobby or habit. How’s that? When I was younger I used to pick up a hobby or favorite place that I would overdo - wanting to go hiking or kite-flying or you-name-it all the time. I’d also do it with food - for me it was chips and salsa or popcorn (I still love these!) Luckily I never got addicted to anything like alcohol or drugs or tobacco. (That a whole other ball of wax.) But “everything in moderation” is good advice for anything in our lives, and obsession can lead to ruin even when it’s not addiction to a substance. As I’ve grown older I find that I tire of things more quickly, and so moderation is easier to attain. But I still get on a “kick” every now and then that fills a lot of my time. And my idea has now seemed to stray in this paragraph from how many gigs to do in a certain town or venue. Welcome to my thought process!  But I think you get the gist of where I’m going. A path taken too often will eventually become a rut. It’s an obvious piece of wisdom.

What have I been up to?

Last Friday at PDubs was a lot of fun. I had some good neighbors and friends come out, and we even dedicated the better part of a set to Chuck Pyle songs.

What’s up this week?

For Thanksgiving week I have several fun gigs.

Wednesday evening 5:30-6:30 I’ll be playing for the very first Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Pueblo Zoo. There’ll be hot cocoa, adult beverages, and more. They’re also having a Gingerbread House Contest, and the houses will be on display before and after the ceremony. Tickets are $10 which also gets you 2 tickets to see the ElectriCritters lighting display. It should be a great evening. There’s more info here -

Friday night I’m back at Neon Alley Bistro 6-9. We had such a great time 2 weeks ago when I played there, and I’m hoping we'll build on that as we go. The food and wine were superb, and the friendship was flowing. Come on out! It’s best to make a reservation since seating is limited 719-299-4769

Saturday night I’ll be playing on a float for Brookdale El Camino Assisted Living at the Pueblo Parade of Lights. I’ve never done this before, and I expect it’ll be a blast leading the singing for everyone riding on the float. If you’re there give a cheer as we glide by!

That’s it for this week. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for the Tree Lighting Ceremony
Where:  Pueblo Zoo
When:  Wednesday, November 22, 5:30-6:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Neon Alley Bistro, 304 S Victoria Ave Ste D, Pueblo, 719-299-4769
When:  Friday, November 24, 6-9 pm

Monday, November 13, 2017


We’ve been ripping up our house to put in new flooring - a consequence of our little kitty and her problems related to her illnesses. That means we have a lot of bare floors and everyday things that are put away as we pack them into rooms to clear the floors of the rooms we’re reflooring in phase one. The funny thing is how quickly we adapt to the changes. I’ve found this repeatedly in my life, and I’ve grown to like change although it comes harder with age. I used to purposely change things regularly just to experience something different. I did this with guitar techniques, software programs, and how I arranged my stuff. Of course, you don’t do this when you’re under the gun to finish a project and need everything in its place, but the brain’s ability to adapt to changes amazes me and delights me. And I think it keeps us young to some extent - encouraging our brain to use its plasticity to create new pathways and connections. They say our brain can continue to grow and expand into our old age if we stimulate it. I think this is true - even with new ideas and philosophies to ponder. I find that my life is a continuous balance of habit and discovery, and I love it!

What have I been up to?

Last Friday was an absolute blast at Neon Alley Bistro. We had a packed house for my first time there, and I really enjoyed the people, the food, and the vibe of the place. We’re talking about doing a couple times a month there, so stay tuned!

Last Saturday was a really cool show at the Veterans home in Walsenburg. The TV themes and commercials were so much fun to reminisce on, and the audience contributed mightily to the trivia and memories.

What’s up this week?

Friday 6-9 I’m back at PDub Brewing Company in Pueblo West. I’m really enjoying my nights at PDubs, and I’m loving the beer and sandwiches. Hopefully I’ll have Brad sit in this week. Please come out and join in the fun if you can!

That’s it for this week. I hope you have wonderful plans for Thanksgiving. I’m playing for the tree lighting at the Pueblo Zoo the night before Thanksgiving, and then I’m on a float at the Parade of Lights that Saturday, so I’m going to make the most of Thanksgiving myself.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: singing and playing
Where: PDub Brewing Company Taproom, 181 S Purcell Blvd, Pueblo West, 719-647-8864
When: Friday, November 17, 6-9 pm

Monday, November 6, 2017


I wanted to write a little bit about experimentation this week. I’ve found in my life that I’ve always loved experimenting with just about every aspect of my existence - from how I walk to what computer programs and mobile apps I use. I think I’m kind of an amateur scientist in this respect. I like looking at the nth degree and tiniest detail of how something is done and then tweaking it slightly to see how it changes. It’s part of the amazement and wonder I see in this world - how there is beauty and meticulous interaction in every little part of our world. And beyond the fascination there is often a benefit to slightly adjusting things because it makes our life better. I see this experimentation in everything I do, but I particularly see it in my guitar playing. There are an infinite number of ways you can make sound with a string from different attack, different material to pluck with, and playing with the rhythm in minute ways. It’s mind boggling and so much fun! How about you? Do you like to experiment?

What have I been up to?

Last night’s first-Sunday online concert was just a blast! I had so many of you fine folks tuning in and sending me messages. I hope you liked the songs I played. Can’t wait for next month’s show. I said I might do random shows some months, and I might just do that sometime soon. I have a hankering to do some themed shows like cowboy and standards.

What’s up this week?

Saturday 2-3 I’m playing a show at the Spanish Peaks Veterans Community Living Center in Walsenburg with my friends, Ken Saydak, Sherri Kraxberger, Joe Camacho, and Sherry Pacheco. I love playing these shows for the vets, and we’ve come up with a really fun one this year - we’re doing old television show themes and commercials and a few old songs including a tribute to Fats Domino. It has been a gas putting together this show, and I hope the vets get as much fun out of the performance as we have had putting it together. Thank you for your service, veterans!

What’s beyond?

I’m talking to a few new places to play, and I’m excited about the prospects. I’ll let you know when I have concrete dates.

I have more details about my Denver gig December 10. I’m playing at the Littleton Museum 5:30-8 for their “A Holiday Evening at the Littleton Museum” event. I’ll be performing at the 1890's farm at the entrance to the barn. I’ll be in a tent with heaters, and there’ll be hot cider and goodies, so if you’re in Denver come on out for a fun evening of Christmas celebration. There should be more info at their website soon.

That’s it for this week. Time to go out and experiment!

Best always,


Update - Gig this Friday 6-9 at Neon Alley Bistro I just booked a gig Friday that I’m excited about and want to share with you all. I’m playing at a new venue called Neon Alley Bistro in Pueblo 6-9. Neon Alley is a wonderful room with great acoustics, a nice stage, wonderful folks, and very interesting and tasty food. Pellumb and Joette, the folks who are running it, love making good food and providing an inviting atmosphere. The location is where La Luna and the Songbird were previously. Check out their Facebook page - This could be the start of a beautiful friendship! Details: Who: Tom Munch What: playing and singing Where: Neon Alley Bistro, 304 S Victoria Ave Ste D, Pueblo, 719-299-4769 When: Friday, November 10, 6-9 pm