Monday, November 13, 2017


We’ve been ripping up our house to put in new flooring - a consequence of our little kitty and her problems related to her illnesses. That means we have a lot of bare floors and everyday things that are put away as we pack them into rooms to clear the floors of the rooms we’re reflooring in phase one. The funny thing is how quickly we adapt to the changes. I’ve found this repeatedly in my life, and I’ve grown to like change although it comes harder with age. I used to purposely change things regularly just to experience something different. I did this with guitar techniques, software programs, and how I arranged my stuff. Of course, you don’t do this when you’re under the gun to finish a project and need everything in its place, but the brain’s ability to adapt to changes amazes me and delights me. And I think it keeps us young to some extent - encouraging our brain to use its plasticity to create new pathways and connections. They say our brain can continue to grow and expand into our old age if we stimulate it. I think this is true - even with new ideas and philosophies to ponder. I find that my life is a continuous balance of habit and discovery, and I love it!

What have I been up to?

Last Friday was an absolute blast at Neon Alley Bistro. We had a packed house for my first time there, and I really enjoyed the people, the food, and the vibe of the place. We’re talking about doing a couple times a month there, so stay tuned!

Last Saturday was a really cool show at the Veterans home in Walsenburg. The TV themes and commercials were so much fun to reminisce on, and the audience contributed mightily to the trivia and memories.

What’s up this week?

Friday 6-9 I’m back at PDub Brewing Company in Pueblo West. I’m really enjoying my nights at PDubs, and I’m loving the beer and sandwiches. Hopefully I’ll have Brad sit in this week. Please come out and join in the fun if you can!

That’s it for this week. I hope you have wonderful plans for Thanksgiving. I’m playing for the tree lighting at the Pueblo Zoo the night before Thanksgiving, and then I’m on a float at the Parade of Lights that Saturday, so I’m going to make the most of Thanksgiving myself.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch
What: singing and playing
Where: PDub Brewing Company Taproom, 181 S Purcell Blvd, Pueblo West, 719-647-8864
When: Friday, November 17, 6-9 pm

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