Monday, January 1, 2018

Getting That New Year Frame of Mind

I’m feeling like this year the new year has snuck up on me. I’m usually thinking of plans for the new year during the week between Christmas and New Years or even before, but this year I’ve put them off for some reason. I’ve even had to-do items to contact yearly gigs that I’ve put off. I can’t explain it. Maybe it’s just old-brain syndrome. Either way it’s time to get into the new year with my frame of mind. My friend, Don Richmond, posted on Facebook that it’s nice to have these lines in time that spur us to shift our brains into renewal. I’d have to agree. We get to put the old year to bed and start the new year with a clean slate, and that’s very refreshing. I usually take stock of my abilities and my position in life, and then I look at possibilities and commitments to make my plans. This year I’m feeling good about my health, and I’m feeling good about my guitar and vocal abilities. I’m in contact with a new agent, and I’m confident that she will help me mold my direction this year in a way that will be great for us both. I’m still not ready to travel a bunch or tour, but I’d like to do some higher profile gigs. I don’t think I was ready for them before, but I’ve matured on stage in the last couple years and am finally really comfortable in my own skin in front of an audience. You’d think I’d have gotten there before my 56th year, but there you have it - I’m a late bloomer. I’d like to write more songs this year. I usually do that more as they relate to a new project or album, but I’d like to get in the habit of writing more regularly - just like I do with these blog posts and mailers. I’m not sure what the best way is to release them. It seems that we’re getting to the point where people aren’t buying CD's much anymore, and they’re also not downloading tracks as much. That means I have to figure out what makes people listen on streaming services to a certain artist, and I need to get on more playlists. That’s a new paradigm for an older musician, but I think I’m up to it. Things are a little tighter financially, but I’m not going to let that worry me. I had thought about signing up for a patron site like Patreon, but I’m not comfortable asking for folks' money unless I’m churning out something of value to them. Maybe if I start a podcast or something I’ll think of doing a patron situation. Just had a brainstorm - maybe I could do a songwriting podcast where I actually write a song on the podcast. I wouldn’t necessarily finish a song on each podcast, but I could share a peek into the process. I’d enjoy that if there was a podcast I could listen to like that. Of course it would be listening to me talk aloud which might be a little weird. Hmmm, I’m going to think on this more. I’m rambling now, and this session of writing to you has really led to something exciting! Let me know what you think of this.

What have I been up to?

The show at the Pueblo Zoo the Wednesday before Christmas was great fun, and not as cold as I thought it would be. We had lots of families come out and see the lights and sing Christmas songs. Both indoors and outdoors it was really a blast! Several folks tuned in online on Concert Window and shared in the festivities. I’ll think we’ll do it again.

Friday night at Neon Alley Bistro was a little more subdued with folks not going out so much so close to Christmas, but we still had a nice crowd of friends and Christmas revelers. The food was to-die-for.

What’s up this week?

Sunday night at 7:00 MST starts the new year of public performing for me with my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert. We have our new flooring in, so I think it’ll sound a little different with hard floors instead of carpet. I haven’t chosen what songs I’ll be doing, but I’m sure there’ll be some winter songs in there. It’s been cold here, and I’m in the mood for some winter reflecting a bit. Tune in on whatever screen you’re in front of at 7:00 mountain time to

That’s it for this week. I have two concerts in different places in addition to my regular gigs this month. The 13th I’ll be playing a concert at Deerprint Wine in La Veta 6-8ish. It sounds like a great place. There’s a $10 cover charge, and you can get tickets at I’m also playing a concert on the 20th at 7:00 at the Bell Tower Cultural Center in Florence. I always enjoy playing in this beautiful venue and seeing the marvelous artwork on display.



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, January 7, 7-8ish pm MST

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