I was playing at the Florence Veterans home Friday morning when a couple of the staff members asked my why I looked sad. This hit me out of the blue because I was having a fairly good morning and was enjoying the songs we were sharing. I thought about it for a minute, and the only reason I could think of for looking sad was that I had bit my lip a day or two before and was maybe reflecting the pain from the sore on my lip that I was feeling as I sang. I don’t think very often about how what I am feeling is reflected in my face or demeanor. A friend of mine is very aware of what people are showing on their face, and he has a funny line he likes to use - “If you’re having a good time then tell your face.” I don’t like to think of myself as unaware, but evidently I show pain in unconscious ways. So spread your joy with your face. Smile and show that flicker of love in your eyes that lights up the world.
What have I been up to?
Friday at the Crafty Canary Brewery Grand Opening was crazy fun. It seemed that everyone in Walsenburg came out to celebrate. I can’t wait to go back in the future.
I didn’t have gigs Saturday and Sunday so I could join my siblings in closing up our mountain cabins for the winter. I’m feeling sore today from all the work, but it was wonderful to feel the Fall and spend some time together.
What’s up this week?
Monday 7-8ish is my first-Sunday online concert that I’m playing Monday instead of Sunday as I am playing in Fort Collins on Sunday - more on that in a minute. Please tune in if you can, and log in to comment or send me a text, Facebook message, or email. concertwindow.com/tommunch I love these online concerts.
Friday 6-9 I’m playing the grand open and ribbon cutting for my good friends at Bistoro restaurant in Pueblo. I have a feeling this will be a very special night. They will be having a special menu, and I’m happy to support them and be a part of their wonderful venue. Make a reservation and come on out if you can. 719–696-9672
Saturday 7-9 I’m playing for the Chuck Pyle tribute at Swallow Hill Daniels Hall in Denver. I got to play this last year with many fine musicians and friends, and I’m so happy to be asked to play it once again. If you didn’t know Chuck's music while he was alive, you owe it to yourself to check it out and come down to the concert if you can.
Sunday 3-6 I’m playing a second Chuck Pyle tribute and song swap at Avogadro's Number in Fort Collins. This concert will give several musicians a chance to play our own material in addition to some of Chuck's tunes. I didn’t get to play this last year, and I think it will be a blast. Come on out if you’re in the Fort Collins area on Sunday.
That’s it for this week. Hope you have a pain-free week full of smiles.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: online at https://concertwindow.com/tommunch
When: Monday, Oct 1, 7-8:15ish pm MDT
Link: concertwindow.com/tommunch
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing for the grand open and ribbon cutting
Where: Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When: Friday, Oct 5, 6-9 pm
Link: https://www.facebook.com/BistoroPueblo/
Who: Tom Munch and a dozen other fine musicians
What: playing a tribute concert to Chuck Pyle
Where: Swallow Hill Daniels Hall, 71 E Yale, Denver. 303-777-1003
When: Saturday, Oct 6, 7-9 pm
Link: https://connect.swallowhillmusic.org/EventTicket/EventDetail/3664/id0/an-evening-of-the-music-of-chuck-pyle-denver-2018
Who: Tom Munch and half dozen other fine performers
What: playing a tribute concert to Chuck Pyle and son swap
Where: Avogadro's Number, 605 S Mason, Fort Collins. 970-493-5555
When: Sunday, Oct 7, 3-6 pm
Link: http://www.avogadros.com/
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