This morning’s Cuchara Chapel was about letting go. I even wrote a song for it that I would like to share sometime. The gist of it was that we are more than our thoughts and feelings, and that if we learn to view our feelings as something we can experience and let pass we will be deeper and more peaceful people. The example Reverend Eileen used was the sudden passing of her beloved cat Toby recently and how she dealt with the shock of his illness and the quick decision she had to make to put him down. And that led to several thoughts about grief after the service that I’m still thinking about. I find grief a curious thing that I’ve never learned to deal with in a way that I feel right about. As a performer I have usually not been able to take time to grieve. I’ve always had to put on a show soon afterwards where I needed to smile and be present for the audience. I’ve never felt worried about those I lost, so I have been okay with the loss, but I still feel that I should have had more grieving. Maybe the floodgates will open one day, and I’ll be inconsolable. That would be okay with me. I don’t have guilt, but I just feel that I want to cry more. If I don’t that’s okay with me too. I often say that my spiritual path has led me to feel that everything will be okay, and maybe that’s what makes me feel that the lack of grieving is okay too. So if you see me someday with tears streaming down my face you’ll know why. But if you see me with a peaceful smile you’ll know why too.
What have I been up to?
I already told you about playing for Cuchara Chapel last Sunday. It was a wonderful service that was followed by a lovely get-together afterwards with several of the folks from the chapel. Oh, my song is simply called “Letting Go,” and the chorus goes:
Letting go, letting go, let the feelings ebb and flow
I am not my thoughts and feelings, I’m letting go
What am I up to this week?
Friday 6-9 I’m back at Bistoro in Pueblo for my regular first-Friday gig. It’s such a wonderful place with so much love for friends, food, and music. I feel very fortunate to have it in my life. Please come if you can. Better make reservations if you come. We had to turn away a lot of folks last month. 719-696-9672
Sunday 7-8:15 MST is my first-Sunday online living room concert. I have enjoyed doing these for the past year. This time out I already have some special songs planned, and I’m sure I’ll do some Irish songs for St. Patrick’s Day and also some Mardi Gras songs since it’s just two days later on the 5th. Please join me if you can. I’ll make sure it’s a free concert this month.
That’s it for this month. Thank you for your friendship!
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing
Where: Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When: Friday, March 1, 6-9 pm
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing and singing a concert from my living room
Where: online at
When: Sunday, March 3, 7-8:15 MST
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