Monday, July 1, 2019


I have a hard topic this morning, but it’s also joyful. I write a lot about philosophical and spiritual matters. I truly believe that we are all connected at our deepest levels - both scientifically through physics and spiritually through consciousness. I believe that love is the most important thing in the universe, and  that fear is the antithesis. I believe that our culture needs love more than ever now, and that we have divisions that are driven by fear. I was reminded of this during the past week in many ways, but two instances were more direct than ever. First, I listened to parts of the
Democratic debates. The candidate Marianne Williamson directly stated that love and fear were the two driving factors in our culture today. That jumped right up in my path. I don’t like mixing spirituality with politics, but she is talking about much of the same things as I am. The idea that spirituality could be the core of a candidate was something that didn’t occur to me somehow. Second, I had an old acquaintance who recently has been accused of wrong-doing come to me for support and music. I don’t think things happen randomly in this life, and it occurred to me that this was an opportunity for love instead of fear. We all are connected, and supporting him through music and friendship was what I chose to do. In both the debate instance and the acquaintance instance I was given demonstrations of my beliefs. That was profound for me. I am trying to live out my convictions and my truth.


What have I been up to?

Last week was a whirlwind.

Monday, Tuesday, and Friday were all fun days at the Royal Gorge Bridge. It got a little warm on Friday, but Dennis Mills and I had fun swapping tunes and interacting with the folks from all over the world.

Thursday at the Yellow Pine Barbecue was another group of fine folks and fun songs.

Saturday night the outdoor concert at Lucy’s in La Veta was a small but very intimate group. It was very enjoyable.

Sunday turned into a house concert of sorts at the Cuchara Mountain Park opener. As it rained outside lightly we shared favorite tunes in the warmth of the day lodge. Jan Davis even brought his bass and sat in. It was a lovely evening.


What am I up to this week?

Monday and Wednesday 12:30-4:30 I’m at the Royal Gorge Bridge with Dennis Mills for this Independence Day week. It should be a great time.

Thursday 6:30-8:30 I’m at the Yellow Pine Barbecue again. Since it’s July 4th and Independence Day I’ll be pulling out the patriotic spirit and doing some old and new favorites. It should be fun. If you’d like to be part of it call to make a reservation by Tuesday at 719-742-3528.

Friday 6:00-9:00 I’m at Bistoro in Pueblo for our first-Friday monthly. I really enjoy playing in this friendly place full of friends and memories. Please come out if you can.

Saturday 12:00-2:00 I’m playing for the Concerts on Top concert series in Red River, New Mexico, at the top of the ski area. I’ve done this for a few years every summer now, and you couldn’t pick a more beautiful spot to play music than on the deck of the ski area big above the town. It’s always magical.

Saturday evening I’m also playing a concert at Philmont Scout Ranch outside Cimarron, New Mexico.  I love playing for the younger folks and old friends at Philmont every summer. It’s a highlight of my summer.

Sunday 11:00-1:00 I’m at the park in La Veta for Art in the Park.  This is always a great time on July 4th weekend in La Veta, and I look forward to it!

Sunday 7:00-8:15 I’ll be back at home for my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert. After a stellar week like I’m about to have I will be in fine form for an eclectic evening in my living room sharing tunes. This is my opportunity to play for those of you who are too far away or unable to come to one of my outings. Please tune in if you can on whatever screen device you have handy at


That’s it for this week. I can’t believe all the opportunities I have to play in the summertime. I hope you are enjoying your summer, and Happy Independence Day!

Best always,



Details this week:

Who: Tom Munch and Dennis Mills
What: playing and singing
Where: South side of the Royal Gorge Bridge on the big stage
When: Monday and Wednesday, July 1 and 3, 12:30-4:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, July 4, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When:  Friday, July 5, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Concerts on Top at Red River Ski Area
When:  Saturday, July 6, 12 pm - 2 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for Space Art in the Park
Where:  Ryus Ave as you enter on the right - just cross the tracks in La Veta
When:  Sunday, July 7, 11 am - 1 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a concert from my living room
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, July 7, 7-8:15 pm MDT

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