Monday, December 9, 2019

Make Room for the Magic

Loving this Christmas season and all the opportunities to play for so many folks, but I must admit that some years it’s tougher to bring on the magic feelings that the music and the season engenders. This year has brought more and less. I’ve found new songs and details of those songs for me that have made the spirit much more deep and rich. But I’ve also found it difficult to connect to some of the joy that old favorites used to bring to me. The new songs have been “The Wexford Carol” and “I Wonder as I Wander,” They both are haunting and ancient in their beautiful and wistful melodies. Check out Moira Smiley’s or Alison Krause’s version of the former, and check out Linda Ronstadt or John Jacob Niles’ version of the latter.  “The Wexford Carol” has a melody that goes back to the 12th century or before. John Jacob Niles discovered “I Wonder as I Wander” as a folklorist in the Appalachian mountains in the 1930s and wrote new verses to it. But as I said, I have lost some of the verve for the older favorites. I think it is just a lack of paying attention on my part to the words and melodies as I perform the old favorites. Yes, it’s possible to go through the motions sometimes on songs you know so well. I’ll slow down and give these songs their due in these next couple weeks. And this all relates to my concert this Sunday with my good friend Don Richmond because we’ll be performing his song ”Make Room for the Magic.” It talks about feeling humbug about the music and the season and opening ourselves up to the joy and meaning we all share at Christmas. I hope we all make room for the Magic this season. It is here and gone before we know it, and we can all use a little wonder and joy.


What have I been up to?

Monday in the studio was very fruitful. I’m fleshing out the songs for the old country album with bass and some other lead instruments. It’s sounding good and I’m anxious for you to hear it.

Friday at Bistoro was a packed house with loads of Christmas cheer. Love those folks!

Saturday was the Christmas concert at the Bell Tower Cultural Center, and it was a really fun show. So many nice folks came out on a wonderful evening.

Sunday morning was a very nice chapel service where I got to sing a bunch of Christmas songs in Cuchara and see all the fine folks I’ve come to love up there.

Sunday evening was playing at the Littleton Museum for their Christmas evening on their beautiful and historic museum grounds. This is always a treat. There were some lovely folks out to help celebrate what turned into a beautiful evening.


What am I up to this week?

Monday I’m back in the studio continuing to add tracks to my old country album. It’s really shaping up.

Wednesday I’m going caroling with a bunch of friends in downtown Pueblo. It’s nothing official, but it should be fun.

Thursday I’m playing for a group of state legislators that I play for annually. It’s always fun and very heartening to see the drive and sincerity these folks have for what they do.

Saturday I had a cancellation, so if anyway wants to throw a party I’m open.

Sunday night at 7:00 I’m in Alamosa at Society Hall to play a Christmas concert with my good friend Don Richmond. I’ve played Christmas music with Don several times, but this will be the first concert we’ve played of Christmas music in many years. And Society Hall is not just any venue. It’s a lovingly-restored concert hall that is perfect for acoustic music. I’m so looking forward to it. Don and I have some very special music planned, so I’ll hope you’ll come see us if you’re in the Alamosa area.


That’s it for this week. I hope you are enjoying the season and feeling the magic wherever you are.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch and Don Richmond
What:  playing and singing a Christmas concert
Where:  Society Hall, 400 Ross Avenue, Alamosa. 719-937-2636
When:  Sunday, December 15, 7-9

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