Monday, March 16, 2020

Conflicting Thoughts

I’ve been in deep contemplation as most us have been about all the things surrounding COVID-19. Every upheaval in our world opens possibility for all kinds of reactions - anger, sorrow, reflection, giving, sacrifice, love, loss, and so much more. Things can fall apart quickly if we let them, but we can also come together in strength and love. We can seize this time and decide we can do this. I know this situation is different because we’re isolated physically, but we have ways of communicating that are very powerful. We have become divisive and quarrelsome in the last few years, but if we follow our better angels and look for our common needs and oneness we can come out of this crisis better than when we entered it. Look for ways to encourage and help each other - especially those who are different than us. Give of yourself and try to leave each day and each interaction better than you found it. Be open and ready to encourage and contribute. We can do all of this even when isolated by communicating with each other in the many ways we have available today. Finally, we can use this opportunity to better ourselves - read, spend time in thought, learn a new skill, do a project, take a walk, write a journal, call or write a friend or family member, volunteer your time, reach out to those who lead with encouragement. We can make our world a better place. Every challenge comes with opportunity. Look for it and embrace it.


What have I been up to?

Last Monday I was in the studio finishing the tracks for my old country album. All that’s left is mixing, mastering, and laying out the artwork.

During the week many of my senior facilities were canceled, but I was still able to do a couple, and I also set up my office so I can do online shows easily for my seniors, and I did the first one on Friday. It was very well received, and it brought a lot of joy to folks who have been cooped up and in need of some encouragement.

Saturday I did my last concert in person in Florence at the Bell Tower to an appreciative crowd. They limited the audience and suggested people maintain social distancing and use good hygiene. The step dancers did a wonderful job, and I enjoyed my part immensely as well.

Sunday I did an impromptu Irish concert on Facebook Live to forget our troubles and celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. It was really fun, and so many people tuned in. I’ve decided to do Sunday night concerts each week until the virus is over.


What am I up to this week?

I’ll be trying to do as many online shows for my facilities as I can. Where they are confining the residents to their rooms I’ll work with the staff to sing from room to room on a phone or tablet. This is important work to let these folks know they are loved and not forgotten.

Sunday night I’ll do another Facebook Live Concert at 7:00 mountain time. Please time in if you can.


That’s it for this week. I hope you are doing okay and staying positive as much as you can. I know my ideas above are simple and may seem idealistic to some, but I believe we are really all one in the end, and I will do what I can to encourage and spread love wherever I can.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a concert from my living room
Where:  online at
When:  Sunday, March 22, 7-8:15 pm MST

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