Monday, May 18, 2020

Making Sense of it All by Giving

It’s hard to believe another week has gone by in this void of the virus time. Each of us tries to make sense of it in our own way, and yet there is no real answer to the pain and the frustration and the question of why this is happening. In these times we turn to each other for comfort, and we reach out and give of ourselves and our time. I guess that’s why I want to do a marathon concert on Memorial Day. Part of it is wanting to be with you and spend time in a meaningful way even though we still have to be “alone together” in our virus-safe cocoons. Part of it is wanting to feel useful and help in whatever way I can. Getting outside of ourselves and giving helps. It makes us remember that we are all part of each other in this big universe. So in that spirit I will do a marathon concert on Memorial Day from 12-8 mountain time on Facebook and on my website. Jen picked the charity Feeding America because they are doing great work all over the country with food banks making food available to all the people who have nowhere to turn right now. They just need the simple basics of what to eat at their next meal - people just like you and me who don’t know how to make sense of all of this, but who are comforted that someone cares enough to get outside themselves and give. Please join me if you can and see if it helps you get some kind of reflection on where we are. Besides it’ll be fun to see if I can actually play for 8 hours. There’ll be plenty of Advil and caffeine and humorous eating and “little cowboy room” breaks.


What have I been up to?

I recorded a bunch more public domain songs and posted them on YouTube last week. I don’t know who is really seeing these, but it’s giving me some much-needed playing time, and it’s letting me catalog a fine list of mostly-forgotten songs that I love. Give it a listen if you feel so inclined -

I'm continuing to record stock shows of different genres for my senior facilities as we try to figure out how entertainment is going to work going forward. I may end up not going back to these facilities for a year or more unless I can perform outside with distancing for them. I’ll be trying that at a couple places in the next couple weeks.

I had a wonderful evening doing my Facebook Live concert on Sunday. I can’t say how neat it is to see friends from all over the world all gathered and sharing music and spirit. I look forward to this so much.


What’s up this week?

I’m going to continue to record public domain songs until I exhaust my list of all the public domain songs I can find. I got turned on to sea shanties by my friend Dean in Virginia, so I’ll add a few of those with their fire and spirit.

I am recording music for the online Cuchara Chapel services this summer, so I have a few songs to do this week for use in June.

I have two senior facilities to play for today online, and then one outdoor distancing show on Saturday that should be a good test of whether that kind of show will work.

I’ll continue to record stock shows this week as well.

Sunday is my weekly Facebook Live show 7-8:15 mountain time from my personal page - and my website - Please tune in if you can. It’s such a joyous and relieving end (or start) to the week that is so needed at this time.

Memorial Day 12-8 mountain time will be my Feeding America Marathon on Facebook Live at my personal page and website at the above links. Please stop by to listen and give if you can. I’m doing different themes every hour to try to catch everyone’s favorites. Here’s the schedule:

12-1:  50s
1-2:  Cowboy
2-3:  My Favorites
3-4:  Standards
4-5:  Originals
5-6:  Country
6-7:  70s
7-8:  60s

Busy week ahead. Of course there is a grocery run and some other major doings as well.


That’s it for this week. I hope you are well and relatively happy - finding a way to cope with uncertainty and loss. Remember that we are all in this together in one way or another, and try to be calm and loving even when everything is falling apart around us.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert from my home
Where: and
When:  Sunday, May 24, 7-8:15 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a marathon Facebook Live Concert for Feeding America
Where: and
When:  Memorial Day, Monday, May 25, 12-8 pm mountain time

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