Monday, June 1, 2020

Are We Awakening?

I am at a loss of what to write today. Even after an enjoyable show last night on Facebook I am left with a gnawing in my heart over all the angst in our society and the violence in our country. The virus is taking a heavy toll on our spirits and our livelihoods, and the added stress of our lashing out at each other shows how close we are to breaking. I know the dark night can’t last forever. I witness and share it in the sunrise every day. And I have taken to listening to nature sounds and doing quiet meditation to try to bring more peace and meaning into my own life. My hope is that we are awakening to something better. We need each other, and yet we are forced to be apart by an invisible virus tornado that destroys things without our consciousness of its presence. I say it over and over to myself and to you: we are all part of each other in so many ways - from the tiniest particle to the broad swath of our existence on this planet to the spirit that infuses our bodies. We just can’t see it. I have dedicated myself to trying to spread peace and understanding, and I hope you know your purpose too.


What have I been up to?

Last Monday was an unbelievable day - 8 hours straight of music to benefit Feeding America. I can’t believe I made it through and was even stronger towards the end. To top it off there were no breaks. It felt so good to know I was connecting with so many friends and contributing to a swell of love and giving to help so many. I can’t know for sure how much was raised because the money that came in from my website concert feed wasn’t tracked, but on Facebook we raised just under $3000. I put in 8 hours of time which at my standard concert rate would be $900, and I estimate that on my website we must have raised at least another $500+. So I’m going to say we raised $4500 to help those who are going hungry across this country. I hope it was much, much more. I’m tempted to do it again just for the sheer joy of giving and playing so much, but I was so exhausted after the show and the next morning that I don’t know if I could for a time. Maybe the next holiday?

During the week I recorded several more shows of many genres to share with my senior facilities. I don’t know if they’re getting a lot of play, but at least I’m putting them out there, and its keeping my chops up a bit.

Sunday night was my Facebook Live concert, and it was a blast as always! I had a bunch of friends tune in, and the variety of requests was pretty broad and included a few healing songs as well to help ease the angst we all felt as a result of the dark week with the injustices, protests, and riots we all saw and some participated in. It is so gratifying to know that the music that comes through me can help others feel better, and many are so gracious with their thanks and sharing.


What am I up to this week?

I am going to try to play for several senior facilities either outside on the lawn or in a parking lot while they gather with masks and social distancing outside or from their room windows. I’m not ready to go back to any regular venues I play in the summer, but I think it’s safe enough to play for my seniors if they can listen in a way that is safe for them. It’s not too extreme to say that some folks are dying of loneliness during this virus, and if I can help in any way then I will.

Friday I won’t be doing a First-Friday Facebook Live show for Bistoro. They are closed to reconfigure and do some construction with a well-deserved grant they’ve been working on getting for some time.  I’m very happy for them and look froward to celebrating when they reopen!

Sunday is my Facebook Live concert again 7-8:15 mountain time. I always say how much I look forward to this, and this Sunday will be a special one as it will be the release of my new album, “Back to the Old Country”. I’ll tell stories about the songs on the album, and I’ll share some tidbits about the songs themselves. I’m proud of this album as it makes its way into the world with its simple songs of love and loss. I hope it makes a good impact on people. It was a labor of love. Please tune in if you can. I’m sure I’ll have some time for some requests as well after I do the songs on the album. If you want to get the album now it is available on all the download and streaming sites, and I have 1000 of the CDs to peddle as well. You can order them from my site -


That’s it for this week. Please be safe and send out prayers and positive energy to all those who help and heal and try to make the world a better place. Also send out to those who hate and fear. We’re all part of each other.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert from my home
Where: and
When:  Sunday, June 7, 7-8:15 pm mountain time

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