Monday, July 11, 2022

Hot and Cold

I’m doing my online show about hot and cold on Wednesday, and it has me thinking of how I’ve dealt with hot days and cold days in my life. I loved the heat as a kid. In the summer I liked to sit outside in front of the air conditioner when it was blowing hot air. I liked sitting in the hot sun too as long as I wasn’t getting sunburnt. Nowadays I don’t mind the heat, but it does wear me out quickly. I seem to be okay as long as I have a breeze moving past me outside or from a fan indoors. I used to not mind the winter cold that much either, but now I live in wool long underwear all winter long and get chilled easily. Strangely it doesn’t bother me to do my early morning walks with Beau in the cold, but I think it’s because I know how to dress warmly. And we all know what hot and cold weather does to our psyche. Some get depressed, and some revel in it. So Wednesday I’ll do songs about hot and cold. It should be fun! 


What have I been up to? 

My senior facilities last week all went very well. Some had extra COVID precautions. I love playing for these folks! 

My Wednesday online show doing songs by Canadian musicians went very well. Canada has a wealth of great writers and performers, and it was so much fun doing their songs. Everyone seemed to enjoy it. 

The Yellow Pine barbecue on Tuesday was a packed house. The barbecue was tasty (I love the beans especially), and Steve told me his technique for barbecue which is steeped in his family traditions and uses aspen for smoking because it’s less carcinogenic. Fascinating and yummy! 

The chapel service Sunday in Cuchara was a little different than we expected. The minister tested positive for COVID that morning, so we had a short online service where I sang three songs, and they awarded scholarships to four worthy students. 

My Sunday online show that night was wonderful - with lots of great friends and music. 


What am I up to this week? 

Monday (tonight) 7-9 I’ll be playing a dance at the Cuchara Community Center with my friend Dennis Mills on bass for whoever would like to come and do some dancing in the mountains. These evenings are usually a great time. The admission is free, but donations are accepted. Come on out! 

Wednesday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will feature songs about hot and cold as I wrote above. This should be a fun exploration of hot and cold with a few surprises. 

Thursday 6:30-8 I’ll be back at the Yellow Pine barbecue. I always say how much fun this is and how good the food is, and I ain’t lyin’! I’d love to have you in the audience. Call for reservations ASAP at 719-742-3528.  

Sunday 11-12 I’ll be playing for the Cuchara Chapel again to fill in for my friend Peggy Hoobler. I’m pretty sure we’re doing a virtual show on Facebook again, but the details aren’t nailed down yet. Go to the Cuchara Chapel Facebook page or the website for details as they decide. 

Sunday my online show 7-8:30 mountain time will be favorites and requests as always. I love these evening even when I can’t keep up with the requests. We have such a giving and caring group! Please join us! 


That’s all for this week. I hope you are staying healthy. COVID is rising in some places, and I’m sure at least I’m not being as careful as I could. 

Best always, 



Who:  Tom Munch and Dennis Mills 

What:  playing for a free dance put on by the Cuchara Valley Recreation Program 

Where:  Cuchara Community Center, Cuchara 

When:  Monday, July 11, 7-9 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch  

What:  playing and singing an online concert of hot and cold songs 

Where: and   

When:  Wednesday, July 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time  

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing & singing at the barbeque 

Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara. 719-742-3528 

When:  Thursday, July 14, 6:30-8:00 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch  

What:  playing and singing for the Cuchara Chapel virtual service 

Where:  Cuchara Chapel, Cuchara 

When:  Sunday, July 17, 11 am - 12 pm 

Who:  Tom Munch  

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and   

When:  Sunday, July 17, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

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