Monday, June 29, 2020

Going with the Flow

Jen and I sat in on a church service yesterday where the lesson topic was transition. We broke out in groups to discuss the lesson, particularly what kind of difficult barriers we had met in our life and how we had gotten through them and transitioned to something new and better. When it was my turn I realized that I have never really had any big barriers in my life that I have recognized because I’ve always gone with the flow.  I figured that things and people came into my life for a reason, and that I should incorporate them somehow into my life. Of course, this is easier when you’re self employed and can take opportunities as they happen. This has carried me on my own for almost forty years, but this Spring I was pretty much stopped in my tracks as many of us have been with the virus and it’s consequences. I’ve gone with the flow a little bit - doing more music online and trying to come up with clever ways of doing music. But I can’t deny that I don’t have a real path in my mind now. Maybe that’s what going with the flow is really about. Maybe we take life and turn it into joy with love in all situations. I know my purpose is to give, and maybe that can always be done with words, music, and pictures regardless of what is happening and how it provides a livelihood. It is strange to be in the middle of it though. Do you feel it too?


What have I been up to?

My private online campfire for the Don K Guest Ranch staff and guests went really well. It was so good to see familiar faces from 20+ years ago, and the music and stories were really flowing.

My senior facilities outdoors with distancing are hitting the right spot with my residents, and I’m so happy to help the few I can.

My Facebook concert went very well on Sunday although I felt a little lousy after not getting enough sleep and then working on our broken sprinkler system in the 100-degree weather. It was still a lot of fun, and I SO appreciate all the wonderful folks who give me a chance to cheer them and take away all our troubles with music.


What am I up to this week?

During the week I have several senior facilities scheduled - performing outdoors at a safe distance. It will be a fun but relatively uneventful Independence Day.

Sunday 7-8:15 mountain time I’m back to Facebook Live for another online concert. I enjoy these so much, and people really say that it means a lot to them. I’m happy to have a chance to play and give to some since of normalcy and comfort. I imagine I’ll do something patriotic with the Fourth of July holiday having just happened without fireworks.


That’s it for this week. Keep on keeping on as best you can. We’ll all get through this virus time one way or the other. Patience is a lesson we will all have to learn. Know that we all share our humanity and our love that sustains us in this world and beyond.

All the best,



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert from my home
Where: and
When:  Sunday, July 5, 7-8:15 pm mountain time

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