Monday, June 15, 2020


I’m trying to write a song about the protests and the state of our world. I believe that we’ve never been through a more trying time. I tend to beat the drum for love pretty regularly, but the reason is that I think that love is the defining force in our life. What else matters at the end our lives other than that we loved and had the love of family and friends in our lives? And that is what I think we’re ultimately doing with all these protests. When you have love in your heart and mind you treat others with respect. When you love others as you love yourself then you prefer them in every instance. This also carries over to our pets, to our things, and ultimately to everything in the world. Love is an attitude, a force, and a way of seeing every interaction in our lives. But it doesn’t have to mean we sacrifice ourselves. Love is for ourselves too as members of the human race and the universe. I subscribe to the idea that love is the one force in the universe that flows to all of us from whatever divine presence you believe in. Opening ourselves to this love causes it to flow more freely to all we encounter. It doesn’t deplete us, it just makes us overflow with love even more. Having this idea helps us to understand why we should love others of different ethnicity or gender or beliefs. We all are part of this love that flows throughout the universe, and the idea that we are separate is just the illusion that we feel as an individual in this life. If we can see and understand this then we have no reason for fear or judgement or hatred. This life is an adventure in sharing and understanding this love while we are here. If we treat it this way then we will not have all the anger and angst and pain we now know.


What have I been up to?

My senior facility gigs went well last week. One was outdoors on Tuesday which was cold and breezy while my audience was socially distanced inside with windows open. It was so good to see folks I haven’t seen in three months! The other one was a Friday Zoom call with 50 or so folks. We had some difficulty getting the muting and unmuting working right, but everyone had a good time.

Sunday was my Facebook Live show with a lot of folks tuning in. I did all requests that tended toward mellower love songs. I cherish these performances so much. I love being in the flow of a song and sharing that flow with friends. It helps everyone retune their brains to the peace in the music.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple online senior facilities this week and one in person outdoors with social distancing. I’m trying to set more of these up as facilities decide they can do them safely.

Sunday is my Facebook Live concert at 7:00 mountain time again. I mentioned at last week's concert that I didn’t know how long these would continue when I started them. I’m happy to do them as a service to myself and others. Please join in if you can whether on Facebook at or on my website at


That’s it for this week. I know my writing got a little bit woo-woo above, but I hope you’ll indulge me for the cause of love. I really do believe it is all that matters in this life. Be safe and be well.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert from my home
Where: and
When:  Sunday, June 21, 7-8:15 pm mountain time

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