This morning I find myself thinking of friends, family, connections, and how we maintain these in our lives. I spent last weekend with my family at a celebration of my mother's 90th birthday, and then yesterday a friend told me he was thinking of closing his 13-year blog, and that made me think of how people drift in and out of our lives. I’ve often heard it said that in the end the only thing that mattered to people was the relationships they had created and maintained in their lives. Looking at my extended family made me think of this. Many of them I do not know as well as I’d like to. Thinking of my friend not writing his blog makes me know that I won’t be thinking of him as often. Of course this is why we join sites like FaceBook, and this is why we have so many other communication tools. It all goes by so fast, and someone who is in your life today may not be in your life in a few years simply from lack of contact. It just happens that way through no intention, time just slips away. I’m not overly-sentimental about this, I just know that we have to make an effort to keep people in our lives. As human beings we can only concentrate on so many things, and keeping our priorities on what really matters in the long run is in need of a constant reminder. This life is a relatively short ride, and the adventures we experience and the lives we touch are the reasons we came here. Cherish it, my friends, and cherish each other!
What have I been up to since my last blog?
Magpies was a lot of fun the last time out. I had lots of friends there, and we really did up the mountain songs I had talked about. Then Easter was a day filled with family, memories, and food. I hope yours was joyous as well. As I said earlier, I went to another family gathering last weekend in celebration of my mom’s 90th birthday she had back in January. I got to see relatives I haven’t seen in many years, and we had a great time catching up.
What’s up this week?
I’ll be at Magpies for the last outing of the season this Friday 7-10. I’m always a little wistful when we put this gig into hibernation for the summer, and I always miss my good friends I get to see all winter and spring. Come on out if you get wistful too, or just if you want to have a good time celebrating the spring and the upcoming summer. It will be a blast!
That’s all for this week. I sure appreciate your friendship and thoughts.
Best always,
Details this week:
Who: Tom Munch
What: playing & singing
Where: Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo. 719-542-5522
When: Friday, April 17, 7-10 pm
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