Monday, March 30, 2015

Turning Everything Off / Magpies this Friday

I’m finding this morning that I can’t focus as easily as I usually do.  One of the things I like to do is listen to podcasts or books on a bluetooth headset paired with my phone while I’m exercising and doing my daily routine.  I try to find things that are educational or otherwise brain-stimulating so that they help me to keep sharp, but I also find that the continuous undercurrent of words can pull me under or give me a little angst when I need to slow down and dig deep.  I just turned off a podcast, and so I’m feeling this as I try to write this morning.  There’s been a lot of talk lately about shutting off devices where we get continuous notifications of updates and messages, and this is a concern for me as well (although you’d be surprised at how little of that I actually get).  I know that some people meditate or do other solitary things to gain perspective.  Music can do that for me sometimes - both listening and playing.  I think even a good run/walk or a shower can do that - there’s good physical stimulation and solitary stillness involved.  Turning off and listening to that stillness within can be very gratifying.  I just did a little and came back to writing - a bit of a stretch, a close of the eyes, and a little breathing, and I’m back to center.  Ahhh…

So what have the past two weeks been like?

St. Patrick’s Day was a blast.  I think I got the Irish out of my system for the year, but I have to say that a lot of songs are sticking with me as I move on.  There’s such passion in those songs!  Magpies was a great time again.  I did the mix I talked about doing - Jimmy Buffet, Beach Boys, John Denver.  It was actually a little weird.  We drifted onto other things as the night progressed.  Then I played a friend’s mother’s funeral last Friday which I’m always honored to do, and they requested a newer song which I really enjoyed getting to know - “Dancing in the Sky”.  It’s an honest take on loss and reflection on the afterlife that I really appreciated.

I’m also booking more for the summer.  I just found out that I’ll be back at the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch in Cuchara for the Thursday-night barbeque mid-June through mid-August.  I’m working on some dates for 8 Mile Grill by the Royal Gorge too, and I’m working on a big reunion the first weekend in October in Iowa for Philmont friends.  And there’s more - stay tuned!

What’s up this week?

Friday I’m back at Magpies.  This will probably be the next-to-last time at Magpies for the season, so come on out if you can!  I haven’t made a plan for what music to do yet, but I think I’m leaning towards some mountain music as I look forward to getting into the mountains this summer.  Is anyone up for that?  Also I’m not playing anywhere for Easter - we have family plans, but I’m playing a lot of Easter and Spring music this week.

So that’s it for this week.  Thank you for reading and corresponding and being such supportive friends!

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing
Where:  Magpies, 229 S. Union, Pueblo.  719-542-5522
When:  Friday, April 3, 7-10 pm

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