Monday, July 18, 2016

So Simple - You Reap What You Sow

I had a very simple epiphany this morning.  In life as in gardening you get what you plant - you reap what you sow.  This didn’t come to me as I was gardening (bad year for a garden here with hoppers), but it came to me nonetheless.  When I look at how to approach my day and my life, I realize how important it is to put love and joy out into the world if I want them to be part of my life.  This is something I have to work at - I still get out of kilter like everyone else, but I see such beauty and so much reason to be joyful and loving.  I look at some of the problem areas in the world, and they are usually a result of putting discord and bad feelings out into the world.  Will Rogers once said, “When you find yourself in a hole, quit digging.”  That’s good advice and directly in line with reaping what you sow.  So put out what you want to get back, my friends, and remember to look back at what you planted if you don’t get what you were hoping for.

What happened last week?

Thursday the Yellow Pine was one of the best nights ever - lots of good folks and good energy flowing.

Friday was alternately a hot and windy day at the Royal Gorge Bridge playing with the Atomic Fireballs, but we had great fun.

Saturday was as crazy as ever playing for the Westcliffe Stampede Rodeo dance with the Atomic Fireballs, or Midnight Rain as we’ve always gone by for that gig.

The week also saw the wrap-up of the shows for the rafting scouts for the season.  I met some mighty fine boys and adult leaders this year.

What am I up to this week?

Thursday is the Yellow Pine Barbecue 6:30-8:30 once again, and I know it’ll be as sweet a group as ever.  I’d love to have you there if you’d like to come.  Call 719-742-3528 for reservations by Tuesday evening.  It fills up fast!

Saturday 12-2 I’m playing for Francisco Fort Day in La Veta.  I haven’t played this event in a couple years, and I love getting a chance to play some more historical songs mixed in with my regular fare, so this promises to be a special event.  It’s in the patio next to the big cottonwood planted in 1878, so I’m in good company!

Saturday evening I’m playing a wedding in Cuchara for old and new friends.  Congrats, you two!  It’s going to go great.

That’s all for now.  I hope you’re enjoying your summer and that you have much joy and love in your life.

Best always,


Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing & singing at the Barbeque
Where:  Yellow Pine Guest Ranch, Cuchara.  719-742-3528
When:  Thursday, July 21, 6:30-8:30 pm

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing for Fort Francisco Day
Where:  Fort Francisco, 306 S. Main, La Veta.  719-742-5501
When:  Saturday, July 23, 12-2 pm

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