Monday, September 9, 2019

Knowing When

I’m switching gears as I transition from one season to the next, and this always put me a little at sea. I’m not the kind of guy who ever plans too far in the future. I have always thought that people and situations come into your life for a reason, and so I have figured it was good to have some flexibility. But knowing when to wrap something up and when to seek change needs to be part of that flexibility as well. Sometimes I can visualize what I want next, but this time I think I just need to meditate and let things simmer. I’ve been reading a lot about following our inner-guidance system. I haven’t quite learned how to do that well, but I’ll let you know what I figure out. Life is certainly interesting and engaging, and I cherish every moment. Thank you for coming along for the ride!


What have I been up to?

Monday was the last day of the season at the Royal Gorge Bridge, and it was a doozy. I shared the stage and swapped songs with Daniel Market, doing mostly folk tunes and originals. It was a blast!

Thursday was the season-closing party at the Yellow Pine, and it was wonderful. There were lots of good folks dancing, eating, drinking, and sharing friendship. It was a night to remember.

Friday was a busy night at Bistoro with new and old friends enjoying the vibe. It was a very nice night.

Sunday was the first service of the winter season at Cuchara Chapel, and we talked about change and did a little tribute to my friend Oleta who passed 3 weeks go. I love these Cuchara folks, and they love me right back.


What am I up to this week?

Thursday is a fall chili cook-off at one of my nursing facilities, and it will be great fun because I get to play with my old friends Dennis Heid and Rich Clark.

Friday is a family party for good friends in La Veta that will most likely turn into an old-fashioned sing-along or maybe even a hootenanny. I can’t wait!

On the weekend I hope to get to the mountains for a little R&R.


Down the Road

I have several things coming up I want to mention. I’m going to have to move my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert next month because I’m playing a special concert at the La Veta Mercantile from 7-9 on Sunday, October 6th. I’m uniting with the duo Close N Counter for an evening of instrumental and vocal music that should be really interesting and fun. Gordon Close and Richard Blanchard of Close N Counter play instrumental guitar versions of a lot of classic guitar tunes and old favorites. They played a concert at the Merc in the summer of 2018 that folks really enjoyed, and when they asked me if I’d like to do a show with them I said “Yes!” We plan to split the first set with me doing more of jazz and folk songs I do, and then we’ll get together after intermission to share some cool arrangements of both of our songs. You can get tickets from the La Veta Mercantile or on their Facebook page shortly.

As a result of having the Close N Counter show on the first Sunday of October I’m going to move my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert to the second Sunday of October. We’ll be doing this as a Facebook Live event also since Concert Window has closed down. I’ll probably do a test this month to make sure Facebook will work well for these shows.

That first weekend of October on Saturday the 5th I’ll also be playing at Swallow Hill Daniels Hall in Denver for the Chuck Pyle Tribute Concert once again. I have really enjoyed being a part of these shows the past three years since Chuck's passing in 2015, and I highly recommend them if you’re in the Denver area. Chuck’s music is really special, and the performers come together at this show to really put on a whiz-bang concert in his honor.

Then I’m back in Littleton that next Saturday the 12th to play the Littleton Museum Harvest Festival from 11:30-1:30. I have loved playing at the museum the past couple Christmas seasons, and this should be great fun as well. Come on out if you’re in the area.

On the 19th of October I’m trekking over to Del Norte to play at the Windsor Hotel from 6-9 on their beautiful patio. The Windsor is a classic hotel with beautiful amenities, and it would make a wonderful weekend getaway for anyone.

Lastly the 26th of October 7-9 I’m playing a concert with my friend Daniel Market in Del Norte at Wildwood Sounds. This is a top-notch concert venue where I’ve wanted to play for many years.


I’d better close. This is one of the longest updates I’ve put out in years. If you made it all the way to the end I thank you. Be good to each other, and let me know your thoughts on how you know when to make changes.

Best always,



No details this week. My gigs are both private.

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