Monday, September 30, 2019


I’ve been wanting to write about love for years, and I think I’m in the right frame of mind tonight to do it. What really is love? Is it just a feeling between two people? I believe it’s much more. It is a feeling, but it’s also a force that permeates everything from religion to music to all the world. We often hear that God is  love. Does it go around the other way as well? Maybe love is God. Maybe the drive for good and peaceful existence and respect is love and God at the same time. What if the force that keeps the stars in place and our hearts beating that science and religion explains is love? Somewhere down deep I feel that everything is really quite simple, and when we truly understand it will all become clear. In my quietest moments enjoying a sunrise or caressing our cat Tuzi I feel this simple truth that is all encompassing. Love is all there is - just love.


What have I been up to?

Last Thursday I played a reception at the Sangre de Cristo Arts Center that was a lot of fun. It was the closing of their exhibit of hyper-realistic paintings of cars and motorcycles, so I did a bunch of car and motorcycle songs. Very cool.

The weekend I took off to close mountain cabins for the winter. It was great to get a couple more days in the mountains with family before the snow flies.


What am I up to this week?

Friday 6-9 I’m back at Bistoro for our first-Friday monthly outing of good food, good friends, and good music. I always look forward to this! Make reservations now if you’d like to be a part of it - 719-696-9672.

Saturday 7-9 I’m playing the last tribute concert to the late, great Chuck Pyle at Swallow Hill in Denver.  It has been a thrill and an honor to celebrate my old friend for these last three annual tributes, and I’m sure this show will be especially wonderful. Chuck’s music had a rare touch that I’d love for you to hear. Tickets are still available.

Sunday 7-9 after La Veta Oktoberfest I’m playing a really cool concert at the La Veta Mercantile with Gordon Close and Richard Blanchard and their duo “Close N Counter” which promises to be really special. Gordon and Richard play very cool instrumental guitar arrangements of songs in the tradition of Chet Atkins and other great fingerstyle guitarists. I’ll be doing some of my standards and folk songs for my part of the concert, they’ll do their thing, and then we’ll come together for several compelling collaborations to wrap up the show. I’d love to have you there if you’re up for a beautiful night of music. 719-742-3387

Sunday I won’t be doing my First-Sunday Online Living Room Concert since I’m doing the concert in La Veta. I’ll be doing that on the second Sunday of October on the 13th from 7-8ish MDT, and it’ll be on Facebook at


That’s it for this week. I’m still mulling over what love really is. I know it sounds a little wacky, but I do believe it’s the force that permeates our lives and moves the universe.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing
Where:  Bistoro, 109 Central Plaza, Pueblo. 719-696-9672
When:  Friday, October 4, 6-9 pm

Who:  Tom Munch and a host of great players
What:  playing the final tribute concert to Chuck Pyle
Where:  Swallow Hill, 71 E. Yale Ave., Denver, CO
When:  Saturday, October 5, 7:00 pm

Who:  Tom Munch and Close N Counter
What:  playing a concert
Where:  La Veta Mercantile (The Merc), 300 South Main Street, La Veta 719-742-3387
When:  Sunday, October 6, 7-9 pm

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