Monday, August 31, 2020

Music Makes Us Synchronize

I'm still basking this morning in the light of my online show last night. I am so fortunate to have so many good and kind friends who are so supportive and participative in my music. And it makes me try to understand again what it is about sharing in the delivery of a song or evening of songs that is so satisfying and fulfilling. Ultimately, I think it is because we are all one, and when we share in music we are actually experiencing our oneness in a visceral way where we hear, feel, and move together. Turns out that science shows us that our brains actually show synchronization while experiencing the same music. A study published in the journal “NeuroImage” and explained in an article in “Scientific American” tells how our brains synchronize while listening to and performing a song, and that the more they synchronize the more we enjoy the music. Our neurons actually fire together. I’m always thrilled when science figures out what we somehow intuitively know. I’ll include the links to both the study and article below if you want to read more. In my Sunday shows I sense a flow between me and my listeners even though we are not together in person that I really cherish and love. Because people can comment in real time without interrupting the performance verbally we can actually express our togetherness as it happens. This is pretty unique and valuable, and it’s something that makes me not want to ever give up online performances in favor of only in-person performances when this virus and its precautions are over. If you’d like to experience this then tune in to one of my online shows. We have created a family in a unique and special place. Here are the articles.

Scientific American

The averaged inter-brain coherence between the audience and a violinist predicts the popularity of violin performance - ScienceDirect


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities last week were very gratifying. Again I’ll be so disappointed when the weather cools enough that I can’t perform outdoors for my folks. I’m hoping that the weather stays warm enough and the vaccine arrives soon enough that we won’t have a long time apart.

My Michael Murphey online show last Thursday was so much fun. His music has been with me almost as long as anyone's in my life, and it has definitely impacted me and my musical career.

The Sunday online show as I mentioned above was wonderful. I had a bunch of requests that I worked really hard on, and the whole evening just flowed back and forth.


What am I up to this week?

I only have a couple senior facilities this week. I’m working on trying to do a few other facilities if it works for them before the weather cools.

Thursday 7-8:30 for my online theme show I’ll be doing more of my own original songs. I have several older songs I haven’t done in a long time and several unrecorded songs and new songs that I’d love for folks to hear as well as other special songs I’ve written that I’d love to share. Please tune in if you’d like to hear some of my own heartfelt songs that I made up.  ;-)

Sunday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing more favorites and requests online. I’m finding it pretty challenging to work up some of the requests I’ve gotten. I really enjoy it, but my brain sometimes tells me that it can’t fit another song up there. I usually just laugh and push it some more. I know there’s always more room to store them. I’m also thrilled to see the creative ways and places that people listen and experience the evening. Some sit out on the sidewalk with other neighbors and a glass of beer or wine and share the music. Some set a laptop out by their outdoor fire pit to have an impromptu campfire musical experience. Some watch on a phone with headphones so it becomes an intimate personal evening. It’s all wonderful. I’m just thankful to have such good friends willing to take a ride with me every time. Here are the links again.


That’s it for this week. Next week we’ll either have to skip a Thursday or choose another day for a theme show as I have a private online show on Thursday. I’m fine with either one. I have so many more ideas for theme shows. I’m just loving getting to connect with friends in such a meaningful way.


Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of my own original songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, September 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of favorites and requests
Where: and
When:  Sunday, September 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 24, 2020

Numbness Joy Waiting

The past few days I have been feeling kind of brain dead. I know we all go through this. You get worn down and seem to lack focus. It reminds me of numbness in my body. I don’t know if you have this, but I have areas in my legs that are numb to the touch - either from procedures for bad circulation or for no apparent reason at all. My hands also go numb when I sleep so that often I’ll wake up unable to pick up my phone or feel my hands for a few seconds until they wake up. If you have ever had surgery you know that numbness is common around an incision. The waiting during this COVID-19 time has created a numbness too. We’re waiting for it to be over - hopefully with each of us coming through relatively unscathed with maybe a new perspective on life. It has had its opportunities - from catching up on reading to doing house projects to reconnecting with those we live with. But it does include this numbness and need for stimulation in a meaningful way. And there is joy in small moments. It’s important to find that. I’ve been trying to provide that with my photos and music. It’s a small thing, but it seems to help - at least I know it helps me to experience and share it. And the connection with you all helps. I know it’s tough to be social without being able to see each other or give a hug, but we’ll make it through. Just keep up your patience looking for joy through the numbness and the waiting. The waiting really is the hardest part.


What have I been up to?

Last week I had several senior facilities outside which was a bit of a heat challenge with the temps measuring around 100° every day. But with shade and a little breeze it was bearable. It was great to see my friends.

My John Prine show on Thursday went very well. His music just seems to speak to me and to others in a deep and meaningful way. I’m thankful he got to do one more really good album before he passed. If you missed my show you can hear it on my website and on Facebook. and

My Philmont show on Saturday was a blast as well. I didn’t know if a reunion like that would work very well. My experience in spoken online reunions hasn’t been that great. Everyone is waiting for someone else to speak, and there almost needs to be a moderator to suggest topics. But with music everyone has something more in common, and it spurs memories of where people were when they heard the music. On top of that you can have a small conversation in the comments while the music is going that doesn’t distract like it would in person. It’s actually very cool! We will do it again!

My Sunday Facebook show went very well too. We ended up doing more popular oldies this week, and I really enjoyed it.


What’s up this week?

I have several online and outside senior facilities this week while the weather is still nice. Hopefully we can continue these into October. They are good for the folks and good for me!

Thursday my online concert will feature the music of Michael Martin Murphey. I’ve been playing his music since he first hit the scene, and I’ve run into him many times over the years - even running sound for him for a show many years ago on one of my systems. He’s had a great career through 50 years of being a singer/songwriter, country singer, and cowboy singer. I’m going to mostly do songs from his early career through the ‘80s, and I think you’ll find a lot of great songs. I’ve learned a lot of music from him over the years, and he is a favorite of many musicians throughout the southwest.

Sunday is my weekly online show that I’m calling my Favorites show. I have a bunch of requests that I’m working on as always for folks, and I have really come to love the musical family that we have created at these shows. Please tune in if you can.


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re doing okay with the numbness and can find joy through the waiting. Just reach out if you need some encouragement.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Michael Martin Murphey songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 30, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 17, 2020

Fiery Beauty

I was walking with Jen during the sunrise yesterday when we were absolutely taken aback by the sun coming over the hill in the wildfire smoke from distant fires as a huge red ball. It was unbelievably beautiful, and yet we knew the beauty came at the cost of pain and suffering for the folks being affected by the wildfires raging in many places in our state and beyond. We also got to talk yesterday morning with a couple who are facing uncertainty at the cost of the tragedy of the man having had a debilitating stroke that has changed their lives seemingly irreparably. Are these two incidents related somehow? Does tragedy lead to beauty in many situations? Some people who have had cancer say they would never go back in time and undo the cancer in their lives because the cancer taught them lessons of appreciation and love. Is it possible that these lessons are part of our growth and purpose in our lives? I have not liked the painful lessons in my life, but they have made me a more caring and feeling person. Maybe these painful things are gifts from the divine to make us more human and godly at the same time. Some people are hoping that COVID-19 will be the same thing for our world. I don’t know, but I’m sure glad the red-ball sun was breathtaking and made me think and appreciate for a moment.


What have I been up to?

I had several senior facilities during the week that I really enjoyed. It’s hard to express the lift it gives me and the folks to pass smiles back and forth even though we can’t see them under our masks.

Thursday was my Facebook theme show doing Gordon Lightfoot songs. I learned several new ones, and we really reached some wonderful moments reminiscing and sharing his music. Gord is one talented guy!

Sunday was my Facebook request show with a ton of requests this week. I think I got to most of the requests although I had to leave some out and we went a little long. There was some really fun and insightful stuff. If you missed it and would like to hear, it’s on my Facebook page and on my website with all my shows except a few that have been taken down for copyright.


What am I up to this week?

I have gigs every day this week which is the first time in months I’ve had that happen. I have five senior facilities during the week either performing outdoors or online. A couple of them are for folks I haven’t seen since March or even February. It will be so good to see them!

Thursday at 7:00 mountain time is my Facebook theme show. This week I’m doing the songs of John Prine. He was a songwriter's songwriter, and he passed in April of COVID-19 - making him one of the earlier deaths of the virus. There were many tributes to him at the time, but now that we’ve had a little more reflection I think that his music is even more poignant. If you don’t know his music then you’re in for a treat. Please join me if you can.

Saturday I’m doing a special Facebook show for Philmont Scout Ranch folks online on a Facebook group I made just for this concert. If you’d like to attend you can find the group with a simple search on Facebook for my name and Philmont. Anyone is welcome, but there will be a lot of Philmont reminiscing and music, so it may not be something you’ll enjoy if you’ve never been to Philmont.

Sunday at 7:00 mountain time is my weekly Facebook request show. I have a few requests left over from last week, and I usually save requests for folks until I see they are in the audience, so there’s always plenty of songs to choose from. If you have a request please let me know durning the week and I will try to include it.


That’s it for this week. I had thought about doing a Labor Day marathon, but I think I’ll wait to do another marathon maybe at Christmastime. It just doesn’t feel right to do one at this time. I hope you are well and taking care as much as you can. I still feel that these tragedies are here to teach us - as hard as that may be to  consider.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of John Prine songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 20, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 23, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 10, 2020

Rattlesnakes and Mountain Lions, Oh, My!

We had two interesting things happen in our neighborhood since my last blog. First Beau scared up a baby rattlesnake on our walk, and then the next day a mountain lion killed a deer a few hundred feet from where we walk. We are in the prairie near some pretty good bluffs and outcroppings that look like good mountain lion habitat, and we see bull snakes and red racers on our property during the summer, so these sightings are not that out of place, but it’s still a reminder that we are in their land as much as they are in our land. It’s a privilege to see such wildness, and I cherish every opportunity I get - even when it’s dangerous. As much as anything it’s a reminder that we are all in this together - a theme I often repeat. I’m usually talking about people, but we share this world and this universe with countless other creatures and forms of life. Everything is interwoven in ways we don’t really understand. It’s a joy to think about, and is even more of a wonder to experience. And in the midst of so much consternation in our current world it’s refreshing to see that there’s a whole world around us going about its business - seemingly oblivious to whatever we are currently occupied with.


What have I been up to?

Last Thursday online playing the standards of Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald was so enjoyable. I’m normally immersed in this music weekly as I sing for my seniors, although more and more they prefer country and ‘50s tunes. The songs just dance off my fingers and off my tongue, and I love, love, love doing them.

Last Sunday online was a completely different night with all kinds of favorite songs from a wide range of genres. It was a blast, and I can’t tell you what a thrill it is to see people from every era of my life and career - from childhood to recent days.


What am I up to this week?

I have several senior facilities outdoors and online this week to play for. It seems that it’s still very hard to be essentially locked into these places although there are more outside visits and outdoor entertainment than there were at the beginning of quarantine. I pour as much love as I can into these musical visits - as I always try to do.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I’ll be playing a Facebook Live show of Gordon Lightfoot songs. I’ve always liked Gordon’s songs, and I look forward to doing a deep dive on old favorites of mine as well as some newer requests. Gordon’s writing and playing is mesmerizing, and he always had top-notch players accompanying him as well, so it’s a joy getting to play these melodies and riffs. It’ll be on my website at and on Facebook at

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time is my Facebook Live Request show. I’m calling it a Request show now, but it also becomes a chance to so some different kind of songs for me. Please tune in if you can. We always have a fun and fulfilling evening - and


I’m also working on some private shows for Philmont and the Yellow Pine Guest Ranch. I’m creating Facebook groups for both of these shows, and I’ll also broadcast these on my website. I’ll post more as we choose dates, and you can join the groups on Facebook. I have the Philmont one up now, and I’ll put up a Yellow Pine one shortly.


That’s it for this week. As this virus continues it really puts this transitional state we’re all experiencing into some interesting territory. I’ll have some more thoughts about it as we progress, but for now I’m doing okay and am contemplating the reflection it provides although I hate the cost to others it is causing.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert Gordon Lightfoot songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 13, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 16, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Monday, August 3, 2020


I’m pondering paranoia this morning.  It’s a curious trait in people that I don’t quite understand.  I have felt it at times in my life in strange ways.  When I was a teenager in love I thought that every note from a girlfriend had hints that she was seeing someone else on the side. I remember thinking that some kids in my neighborhood were plotting something against me or other kids (sometimes they were!)  When shows like the X-Files were on the air I bought into some of the paranoid theories at least far enough to enjoy the show.  I’m sure paranoia was a valuable trait in our ancestors who needed a bit of it just to survive, but it leads to stress and worry that often leads to real problems in us.  What is the Bible quote?  “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”  I think worry comes from paranoia when we think about other people and their motives.  Either way it does not come from trust, and trust is what’s necessary to have a functioning life, family, and community.  Trust comes from a reassurance that we all are looking out for each other because we understand our interdependence and oneness.  I’m not sure what it takes in people to instill this.  For some it’s religion and the fear of God.  For some it’s a desire for growth and improvement.  For others it’s just a realization that it’s necessary.  I tend to be a utopian, but I really think that love is the answer.  I’ll just keeping making it my life’s purpose.


What have I been up to?

I only had one senior facility last week, but I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I think the residents did too.  I can’t tell you how much satisfaction I get from helping to make others lives more enjoyable.

Thursday was my Facebook Original Songs Show, and it went very well.  I don’t do my own songs all that often, and it was very gratifying to have so many people turn out to watch and listen to my songs and stories.  I wish I had written more of them over my life so far.

Sunday was my Facebook Requests Show, and I worked on learning a lot of songs this week, and for the most part they came off pretty well.  I’m always a little hesitant on new songs until I’ve performed them several times, but my fingers and my brain didn’t fail me this week.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple shows at senior facilities outdoors that should be rewarding.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I have my Facebook Theme night again.  This week is titled Nat King Cole and Ella Fitzgerald Standards.  I have lived a lot of my life in these standards.  I have close to 50 Nat King Cole albums with his trio, and I have at least half that in Ella albums by herself or with collaborators like Louis Armstrong and Joe Pass.  My dad grew up learning standards off the Hit Parade radio show, and I have played them for my seniors for more than 40 years.  This will be a very enjoyable night of stories and great songs.

Sunday 7-8:30 is my Facebook Request Show again.  I’m not getting quite as many requests as I had been, but I have dozens of requests from the past weeks that I’m still working on, and I’d love to be able to do some as they are requested as well.  Please join me if you can.

That’s it for this week.  I’m having a good discussion online with a group of friends about what I wrote about above, and I think we’re close to solving it!  Just kidding!  These thoughts will be around long after we’re gone, I’m afraid.  Have a good week, and I hope to see you down the road - maybe online.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Nat and Ella standards
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 9, 7-8:30 pm mountain time