Monday, August 24, 2020

Numbness Joy Waiting

The past few days I have been feeling kind of brain dead. I know we all go through this. You get worn down and seem to lack focus. It reminds me of numbness in my body. I don’t know if you have this, but I have areas in my legs that are numb to the touch - either from procedures for bad circulation or for no apparent reason at all. My hands also go numb when I sleep so that often I’ll wake up unable to pick up my phone or feel my hands for a few seconds until they wake up. If you have ever had surgery you know that numbness is common around an incision. The waiting during this COVID-19 time has created a numbness too. We’re waiting for it to be over - hopefully with each of us coming through relatively unscathed with maybe a new perspective on life. It has had its opportunities - from catching up on reading to doing house projects to reconnecting with those we live with. But it does include this numbness and need for stimulation in a meaningful way. And there is joy in small moments. It’s important to find that. I’ve been trying to provide that with my photos and music. It’s a small thing, but it seems to help - at least I know it helps me to experience and share it. And the connection with you all helps. I know it’s tough to be social without being able to see each other or give a hug, but we’ll make it through. Just keep up your patience looking for joy through the numbness and the waiting. The waiting really is the hardest part.


What have I been up to?

Last week I had several senior facilities outside which was a bit of a heat challenge with the temps measuring around 100° every day. But with shade and a little breeze it was bearable. It was great to see my friends.

My John Prine show on Thursday went very well. His music just seems to speak to me and to others in a deep and meaningful way. I’m thankful he got to do one more really good album before he passed. If you missed my show you can hear it on my website and on Facebook. and

My Philmont show on Saturday was a blast as well. I didn’t know if a reunion like that would work very well. My experience in spoken online reunions hasn’t been that great. Everyone is waiting for someone else to speak, and there almost needs to be a moderator to suggest topics. But with music everyone has something more in common, and it spurs memories of where people were when they heard the music. On top of that you can have a small conversation in the comments while the music is going that doesn’t distract like it would in person. It’s actually very cool! We will do it again!

My Sunday Facebook show went very well too. We ended up doing more popular oldies this week, and I really enjoyed it.


What’s up this week?

I have several online and outside senior facilities this week while the weather is still nice. Hopefully we can continue these into October. They are good for the folks and good for me!

Thursday my online concert will feature the music of Michael Martin Murphey. I’ve been playing his music since he first hit the scene, and I’ve run into him many times over the years - even running sound for him for a show many years ago on one of my systems. He’s had a great career through 50 years of being a singer/songwriter, country singer, and cowboy singer. I’m going to mostly do songs from his early career through the ‘80s, and I think you’ll find a lot of great songs. I’ve learned a lot of music from him over the years, and he is a favorite of many musicians throughout the southwest.

Sunday is my weekly online show that I’m calling my Favorites show. I have a bunch of requests that I’m working on as always for folks, and I have really come to love the musical family that we have created at these shows. Please tune in if you can.


That’s it for this week. I hope you’re doing okay with the numbness and can find joy through the waiting. Just reach out if you need some encouragement.

Best always,



Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of Michael Martin Murphey songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, August 27, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of requests and favorites
Where: and
When:  Sunday, August 30, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

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