Monday, August 31, 2020

Music Makes Us Synchronize

I'm still basking this morning in the light of my online show last night. I am so fortunate to have so many good and kind friends who are so supportive and participative in my music. And it makes me try to understand again what it is about sharing in the delivery of a song or evening of songs that is so satisfying and fulfilling. Ultimately, I think it is because we are all one, and when we share in music we are actually experiencing our oneness in a visceral way where we hear, feel, and move together. Turns out that science shows us that our brains actually show synchronization while experiencing the same music. A study published in the journal “NeuroImage” and explained in an article in “Scientific American” tells how our brains synchronize while listening to and performing a song, and that the more they synchronize the more we enjoy the music. Our neurons actually fire together. I’m always thrilled when science figures out what we somehow intuitively know. I’ll include the links to both the study and article below if you want to read more. In my Sunday shows I sense a flow between me and my listeners even though we are not together in person that I really cherish and love. Because people can comment in real time without interrupting the performance verbally we can actually express our togetherness as it happens. This is pretty unique and valuable, and it’s something that makes me not want to ever give up online performances in favor of only in-person performances when this virus and its precautions are over. If you’d like to experience this then tune in to one of my online shows. We have created a family in a unique and special place. Here are the articles.

Scientific American

The averaged inter-brain coherence between the audience and a violinist predicts the popularity of violin performance - ScienceDirect


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities last week were very gratifying. Again I’ll be so disappointed when the weather cools enough that I can’t perform outdoors for my folks. I’m hoping that the weather stays warm enough and the vaccine arrives soon enough that we won’t have a long time apart.

My Michael Murphey online show last Thursday was so much fun. His music has been with me almost as long as anyone's in my life, and it has definitely impacted me and my musical career.

The Sunday online show as I mentioned above was wonderful. I had a bunch of requests that I worked really hard on, and the whole evening just flowed back and forth.


What am I up to this week?

I only have a couple senior facilities this week. I’m working on trying to do a few other facilities if it works for them before the weather cools.

Thursday 7-8:30 for my online theme show I’ll be doing more of my own original songs. I have several older songs I haven’t done in a long time and several unrecorded songs and new songs that I’d love for folks to hear as well as other special songs I’ve written that I’d love to share. Please tune in if you’d like to hear some of my own heartfelt songs that I made up.  ;-)

Sunday 7-8:30 I’ll be doing more favorites and requests online. I’m finding it pretty challenging to work up some of the requests I’ve gotten. I really enjoy it, but my brain sometimes tells me that it can’t fit another song up there. I usually just laugh and push it some more. I know there’s always more room to store them. I’m also thrilled to see the creative ways and places that people listen and experience the evening. Some sit out on the sidewalk with other neighbors and a glass of beer or wine and share the music. Some set a laptop out by their outdoor fire pit to have an impromptu campfire musical experience. Some watch on a phone with headphones so it becomes an intimate personal evening. It’s all wonderful. I’m just thankful to have such good friends willing to take a ride with me every time. Here are the links again.


That’s it for this week. Next week we’ll either have to skip a Thursday or choose another day for a theme show as I have a private online show on Thursday. I’m fine with either one. I have so many more ideas for theme shows. I’m just loving getting to connect with friends in such a meaningful way.


Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of my own original songs
Where: and
When:  Thursday, September 3, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch
What:  playing and singing a Facebook Live Concert of favorites and requests
Where: and
When:  Sunday, September 6, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

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