Monday, November 23, 2020


 I wanted to explore the idea of gratitude this week as part of Thanksgiving. The spirit of understanding that we should respond to a gift or a blessing from someone else seems to be inherently understood - someone does something for you and in turn you feel an emotional response towards that person for thinking of you and giving to you. That seems like a transactional thankfulness - they give and you respond with thanks. The continual attitude of gratitude is a little bit different. To live in a state of gratitude seems to be dependent on your understanding of your existence and your belief that your life is a gift. Some believe that their life is a gift from God. Some believe that their life is a gift from a universal energy. Some believe that their life is a happenstance based on the development of our planet. All of these people can live in a state of gratitude with an understanding that their life is gift or at least a miracle that is worthy of thankfulness for existence. I believe that the attitude of gratitude is also the attitude of understanding our oneness with each other and the whole of the universe. It is a peace that spills out from knowing that everything is going to be okay and that we all have value in the ocean of being and love that we are all a part of. With that in mind, I am personally thankful for my family, my friends, my opportunities, my talents and gifts, and my path. It makes me want to give even more to all - especially those in need at this time of intentional thanksgiving. How about you?


What have I been up to?

Last week was a relatively good week considering all the angst and danger in our world. I did lose a musician friend, Tim Collver, to an illness at a young age. This year has seen too many deaths of friends I have gotten to share music with. None of them were from COVID.

My senior facilities went well. I only am doing online shows with the virus being so bad in our area.

My Thursday show was doing Beatles tunes, and it was a blast! Their songs have permeated my life to the point that they are truly part of me. I will do another night of Beatles songs as I know so many of their tunes - and so many people like them.

Sunday night's show had some real high points with the great songs that folks requested. I pulled out a couple of my electric guitars to get a little different tone as well.


What am I up to this week?

I have a couple senior facilities online this week. I still haven't followed up on any national senior facilities. One of my activity directors had the idea of pre-recording a monthly show for each facility instead of doing a live show. Since they have to keep their residents isolated and can't broadcast to more than a few at a time, it is a clever idea to allow them access to a show that they can stream on-demand to smaller groups or even individuals on a laptop or iPad. I guess there are some yoga instructors and other senior facility vendors that do something like this. It's a good idea, and although I've put up some concerts on DropBox that I have offered my facilities access to, it didn't occur to me that I could give them a private folder that I could post new shows to monthly just like I would normally perform them monthly online or in person. I will follow up on that.

Thursday 7-8:30 mountain time I will do an online show even though it is Thanksgiving. I asked my audience if they would like a show since it falls on a holiday, and the majority really thought it would be something special. My show will feature Thanksgiving songs and nature songs. One of my listeners had the idea of featuring nature since it gives some of the same comfort as being with family. It's a great idea, and I hope you'll tune in if you'd like a little entertainment and community that night - especially if you're isolating as the CDC is encouraging us to do.

Sunday 7-8:30 mountain time my online show will feature favorites and requests as always. Some of these weeks the requests really show a variety of genres and songs, and there really is something for everyone's taste. Please tune in if you can. In addition I just realized that if you're tuning in on my website instead of Facebook you can make comments on the video. This is great! Please visit and try it out.


That's it for this week. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that you'll be safe and experience the spirit of gratitude.

Best always,



Details this week: 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Thanksgiving and nature songs 

Where: and  

When:  Thursday, November 26, 7-8:30 pm mountain time 

Who:  Tom Munch 

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests 

Where: and  

When:  Sunday, November 29, 7-8:30 pm mountain

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