Monday, November 16, 2020

Music Is Meditation

 As COVID drags on I find that things are changing in new ways that I didn't anticipate during the summer. We kind of thought we had figured out what kind of outlook we needed to have psychologically to get through this. Turns out we need patience more than anything else. For me, I think, music has been my saving grace. I've written about this before. Everyone needs some sort of center to get through this, and music for me has been that meditative and spiritual space that I can get into that puts me at ease. I'm sure this is no surprise to you. I talked about this a little when I learned that new Jerry Jeff Walker song that I did at his tribute concert “That’s Why I Play". The line in the chorus that says it all says, "I like the feelin' I get lost in a song!" That’s what it feels like. It really is a mesmerizing feeling that you can completely get lost in as a player. I'm sure some folks feel it in the audience too. It's a wonderful release, and it somehow realigns your thought process too. Between the rhythm and the harmony it is all-engrossing. Add in the meaning to the lyrics and the interplay between all the elements, and you really have something! Anyway, what you would expect me to say?! I hope you get even one ounce of the joy I feel in the music.


What have I been up to?

My senior facilities had to be canceled or moved indoors with the cold weather. We are at level orange safe at home, so I don't think I'll be able to do any senior facilities except for online for quite some time now.

My Thursday show doing fun ‘50s tunes was a blast! I've always loved the music of that decade, and I even played some electric guitar to get that early rock sound. That decade had some great tunes!

My Sunday show was one of the most fun ever as I did a bunch of new requests and favorites that were upbeat and exciting.


What am I up to this week?

I just have a couple online senior facilities since we have so much COVID here now.

I'd still like to see if there are national senior facility chains that need online entertainment since our local folks don't have the equipment or have to maintain strict isolation for their residents.

Thursday 7:00-8:30 I'll be doing the first of at least two Beatles shows. I've always loved their music, and I know enough of their songs to fill three online shows. Please tune in if you'd like hear some favorites on acoustic guitar. Heck, I may pull out the electric guitar again too.

Sunday 7:00-8:30 mountain time is my favorites and requests show again. I have a bunch more of your requests I'm polishing up, and it's always a surprise with the gems that people ask for. I’ve learned some stellar tunes.


That's it for this week. I hope you're well and don't know too many people who are suffering with the virus. I continue to hope for the best, and I fill myself with music and the hope that someday we will all understand.

Best always,



Details this week:

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of Beatles songs

Where: and 

When:  Thursday, November 19, 7-8:30 pm mountain time

Who:  Tom Munch

What:  playing and singing an online concert of favorites and requests

Where: and 

When:  Sunday, November 22, 7-8:30 pm mountain

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